Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


If you were consistent with this position, you'd also have to say that it's wrong to think about what sickos can seduce kids into in their bedrooms.

In fact, just about any evil can be carried off quietly in a bedroom.

Again, repeated until the creation is replaced: Obergefell is not law. To enforce it is illegal.

Child molestation and sodomy aren't really comparable. The act of sodomy isn't immediately and directly a sin against justice, but only a sin against temperance (albeit an incredibly unnatural and perverted one). Child molestation is a sin, not only against temperance, but against justice as well.

To the extent that a comparison can be made, it's only insofar as orientations go (yet, and I do insist on this point, they are analogous, I can only assume...though, for some reason, the social liberals seemingly can't seem to get this through their thick skulls).


If you get that it's the law, then what do the saints have to do with it?


Are you really going to go this route? Are you really going to engage in the same kinds of misdirections, purely rhetorical flourishes and utter refusal to engage the issues as tracerbullet, Jose fly, etc?

The least that I would thought that I could have expected from you is that you would, y'know, actually talk to me based on what I am saying as opposed to twisting and contorting my words, etc., as is so popular among the social liberals.

Come on. You're better than that. :p

I've asked you a very simple question. What do you mean by "protection" in the precise sense in which you used it previously?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
[sarcasm]Alright. What sin would you like to talk about? I mean, this is a thread which is ultimately about homosexual "marriage," but hey, I'm sure that other sins would be a more appropriate topic of discussion, so why not?[/sarcasim] :plain:
I'm not talking about sin at all, except to note the problem bringing it into the consideration. We both agree it's a sin.

We're likely talking past each other in terms of what does and does not constitute a "right." By "right," I understand what the Latins meant by "ius," i.e., "the right." Thus, even a parricide has the right...i.e., to be tied up in a sack full of vipers and thrown into the river Tiber. [I draw this example from an article I read a while back, the author of whom I forget).
I got that, but I'm using the form that applies to the question and the law controlling the Kentucky dispute. I'm not trying to argue you out of your position in terms of a religious model. That's your business.

Except, you don't really believe that, at least, not simply speaking. There's all sorts of contracts that you don't have a "right" to contract. Gambling, e.g., is illegal outside of Indian reservations and and Nevada (to my understanding).
I've always held that no right is absolute. In fact, I've spent a not inconsiderable amount of time speaking to necessary, justifiable discrimination and the failure of our present consideration along the line of standard for justifying it.

So, if you'll refer back to my previous points to Jose Fly about positive vs. negative right, I think that you are in error.
If you read this: I differ. That was easier, wasn't it.

If there is a positive right (i.e., one which necessitates State intervention), then the State is endorsing the claim. To use Catholic moral terminology, there is formal cooperation on the part of the State in what you are doing.
I'm not using Catholic metrics. You might as well suggest that in endorsing free speech the state is endorsing any bigoted use of it. A positive right may simply permit. Intervention? In what sense? Any right may lead to some form of that when you or I overreach and impinge on its exercise by another who is entitled to their own use.

By "sin," I understand any thought, word or deed (or omission thereof) which violates the law of God (whether the Natural Law or the Divine positive laws).
Seems fundamentally sound.

Moving beyond that is pointlessly moving into a series of differences even more tangential to the point of consideration and ones that won't be resolved between us.

Not all violations of the Natural Law are equal in gravity. Murder is worse than fornication.
No, it isn't. Murder is worse in a secular sense, given that it denies access to every right in every discernible sense. As a moral proposition all sin is the enemy of the perfect moral good and any sin carries death with it.

That some actions are worse, more deformed, more contrary to reason, more deserving of censure, blame, punishment, etc. than others? No, I can know this by reason alone. There is such a thing as a philosophical ethics.
I don't believe you can. I believe you can rationalize and justify it, but that at its foundation it is a capitulation to empiricism as a model for every measure and not an actual and absolute truth.

Would you please briefly summarize/paraphrase what you think my initial point was?
No. And I won't ask you to do it either (either).


Originally Posted by Traditio
Child molestation and sodomy aren't really comparable.

On this, I can agree with you.

It's a familiar slippery slope for some around here.

If you two secular Catholics are going to ignore reality, at least dress for the part.



Ok. I just read ACultureWarrior's (indirect) response to what I wrote, and this, in line of what AnnaBenedetti wrote, which was directly in response to what I wrote.

And both cherry picked and took a part of what I said completely out of context with the expressed intent of making me say something completely different from what I actually said.

Le sigh. Democracy. :nono:


like marbles on glass
Ok. I just read ACultureWarrior's (indirect) response to what I wrote, and this, in line of what AnnaBenedetti wrote, which was directly in response to what I wrote.

And both cherry picked and took a part of what I said completely out of context with the expressed intent of making me say something completely different from what I actually said.

Le sigh. Democracy. :nono:

Was your statement a true statement?


Was your statement a true statement?

In the precise sense in which I intended, yes.

A man having sex with another man is different in kind from an adult actually raping a child (because, here, the object of our consideration is the kind of act in question; one offends against temperance; the other offends against justice as well).


A man having a psychological predisposition to want to have sex with another man is probably not different in kind from an adult having a psychological predisposition to want to rape a child (because here, the object of our consideration is simply the inclination as inclination).


Okay. Well... I'm not sure why it can't stand alone on its own merit then.

Either way, that's just crazy.

Two different people with two completely different political agendas.

And both cherry-picked, misquoted and misrepresented me.

That's just...

Alright. That's it. I'm done for tonight.

Good night all.


Ok. I just read ACultureWarrior's (indirect) response to what I wrote, and this, in line of what AnnaBenedetti wrote, which was directly in response to what I wrote.

And both cherry picked and took a part of what I said completely out of context with the expressed intent of making me say something completely different from what I actually said.

Le sigh. Democracy. :nono:

My point is that pedophilia/pederasty is a part of an organized movement here in the United States and in most if not all westernized nations.

My apologies to you if I took your words out of context, I most certainly didn't take anna b's out of context though.


like marbles on glass
Either way, that's just crazy.

Two different people with two completely different political agends.

And both cherry-picked, misquoted and misrepresented me.

That's just...

Alright. That's it. I'm done for tonight.

Good night all.

You weren't misquoted, I quoted you exactly. And then I asked you if you considered what you said to be a true statement. And you did.

I thought it was pretty great to have a simple statement of fact from you that was without a lot of rhetorical flourish. I'm so disappointed you don't share my joy.

Good night, Trad. :)


like marbles on glass
Are you telling me that you can't read or meaningfully interact?

Are you telling me that if a sicko is seducing kids in his bedroom, you aren't interested enough to want to know that it's happening?

See no evil, hear no evil?

Your premise is ridiculous. It doesn't deserve the time of day, but I'll humor you.

You said:

If you were consistent with this position, you'd also have to say that it's wrong to think about what sickos can seduce kids into in their bedrooms.

In fact, just about any evil can be carried off quietly in a bedroom.

If I knew a child was being molested, I would do everything that should be done to protect the child and arrest the molester.

But I don't think about what anyone does in their bedrooms. If you do, that's your problem. I mean, really, "think about what sickos can seduce kids into in their bedrooms?" Who does that?

That's the problem with some people - they're too busy worrying about what gays are doing in their bedrooms. Good grief. Some of you would be happier in Salem, ca. 1692.


New member
can you provide the chapter and verse that discusses your orientation?

You don't know the scriptures that condemn homosexuality?

Why are you divorcing this thread from reality?

Whose reality?

Orientation is an individuals enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to men, women or both sexes. Orientation also refers to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors and membership in a community of others who share those attractions. It is distinct from other components of sex and gender, including biological sex (the anatomical, physiological and genetic characteristics associated with being male or female), sexual acts, gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female), and social gender role (the cultural norms that define feminine and masculine behavior).

Orientation has MANY connotations, and in the context of this thread, it is;
a person's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.

Now you run with it. How is this any different than ANY attraction, sexual or otherwise? It's NOT imbedded in their DNA, it is a result of their personal choices, paying NO attention to social or religious norms.
God hasn't changed his view and neither should we.

You take ACultureWarrior to task when he posts false and bigoted comparisons like this.
Pedophilia necrophilia and bestiality are not orientations no matter how much hate mongers try to pretend they are. Pedophi8lia is linked to brain damage and I wouldn't be surprised to learn this is true of other phillias.
then maybe your interpretation of Paul is not accurate

That's because he does, but how exactly are my responses to YOU false or bigoted?
Do you think just because I know the difference between aberrant and non aberrant behaviour, that I am bigoted? Do you not see the distinction in scripture?
Have you ever read Lev 18?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If I knew a child was being molested, I would do everything that should be done to protect the child and arrest the molester.

because you're a bigot, right?

what if you knew a man you cared about was engaging in perverted sex with another man?


New member
Your premise is ridiculous. It doesn't deserve the time of day, but I'll humor you.

Well, at least you're returning the favor, after using a ridiculous premise against myself that was in no way supported by what I posted.

At the least, what I asked you had support in what you had posted.

If I knew a child was being molested, I would do everything that should be done to protect the child and arrest the molester.

That's good to hear, and I really hadn't presumed otherwise of you.

But I don't think about what anyone does in their bedrooms. If you do, that's your problem. I mean, really, "think about what sickos can seduce kids into in their bedrooms?" Who does that?

Newsflash: if you don't think about it at all, you can't stop it. Even to recognize what's happening, without supporting it, and without liking it at all, you have to at least know minimally what's happened... enough to judge it properly. One need not know nor think about all the details.

We are to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves regarding these things.

This level of thinking about these things does not require one to be perversely interested in them.

That's the problem with some people - they're too busy worrying about what gays are doing in their bedrooms. Good grief. Some of you would be happier in Salem, ca. 1692.

You mean where people were using unbiblical standards for evidence and sentences?


New member
You're assuming that both racism and the sense or notion that sodomy is a moral offense are both reducible to irrational prejudice (and, let's be more specific, irrational, not only in the case of the particular individual, but irrational in principle).
bigotry is bigotry and it is always irrational.

I think that this is ultimately the liberal assumption, no? Simply drawing a comparison between racism and sodomy doesn't give the liberal the case that he wants.
claiming your irrational prejudice is somehow morally and intellectually superior to another's irrational prejudice doesn't give you the case you want.

So far all you've done is toss out a couple insults with a side helping of condescension.

Once again:

Let us suppose that the racists gave natural law arguments and spoke in a similar way.
we don't have to suppose, they do and their presentation is indistinguishable from yours.

Were the arguments good? Were the arguments similar to the ones used against sodomy? Is there a similar tradition in the West of using natural law arguments to support racism?
did you mean homosexuality?

Once again, I think that the social liberals are simply blinded by their historical myopia.
insult. condescension. a couple two dollar words. But no refutation of the claim.

I've made this point once, and I'll make it again. Expressions of racism are historically conditioned anomolies. Nazi racism was an expression of that time period, of that society. U.S. racism against black people was an expression of that time period, of that society.
All you are doing is ignoring history. Racism has existed for centuries and is certainly not bound to a modern time period. Example: For the last thousand years the concept of sangre azul, blue blood, has been a representation of racial and social superiority. a nobleman demonstrated his pedigree by holding up his sword arm to display the filigree of blue-blooded veins beneath his pale skin—proof that his birth had not been contaminated by Moorish or Jewish ancestory.
Robert Bartlett did a throough history of the topic in 'The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change 950-1350'

The moral sense that there is something deeply wrong about sodomy? Not so much. I have a friend who is writing his dissertation, a big part of which is about sodomy. He's gathering quotes from various authors in the Western and near eastern tradition. Suffice to say, pretty much everybody seems to think it's messed up.
logical fallacy

Historically speaking, the sense that sodomy is a moral offense, or that sodomy is disordered, is not the historical anomoly. It's the modern idea that sodomy is, for all intents and purposes, "equal" to heterosexual union, which is the anomoly, which takes brainwashing.
more insults and condescension. :yawn: