Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


New member
Isn't amazing how God didn't destroy two cities for eating ham and using condoms, but He did destroy two cities because of the sin of same gender sex.


Eclectic Theosophist
Miss pouty............

Miss pouty............

She doesn't have to have her name on the license, she didn't have to go to jail. Vacating her position would have avoided both.

Someone else can take the position who will allow the legal granting of marriage licenses to go forward.

Sitamun wrote:

She is a civil servant. It is her job to issue marriage licenses. It is now federal law that same sex partners can be married. If she can't or won't do her job then she should have quit. It is that simple.


Amen sistas!

Frankly, I haven't even followed this story and I find it quite ridiculous, as if her little pouting party and FAILING to do her job is really going to make a 'dent' in the effort to stop equal rights to LGBT people, as we move forward in our modern age. Some things never cease to amaze.....



Amen sistas!

Frankly, I haven't even followed this story and I find it quite ridiculous, as if her little pouting party and FAILING to do her job is really going to make a 'dent' in the effort to stop equal rights to LGBT people, as we move forward in our modern age. Some things never cease to amaze.....

Rights? Make no mistake: sodomy is an unholy crime against nature itself. It cries out to heaven for vengeance. Sodomites will pay for their crimes either here, or else, there. There is no escape from Justice.


Eclectic Theosophist

Yes, this case marriage rights, or even a 'civil union' sanction.

Make no mistake: sodomy is an unholy crime against nature itself.

This isn't about 'sodomy', that's your 'presupposition'.

It cries out to heaven for vengeance. Sodomites will pay for their crimes either here, or else, there. There is no escape from Justice.

O spare us,'re ranting about 'sodomy' like a crazed religionist, when this is not about 'sodomy'. There is much more involved here.


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