Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


New member
Well, we're on post #976 in this thread, so which would be easier? Me reading through almost 1,000 posts trying to back up your claim, or you just posting this material you claim to have to back up your own claim?
Oh well, if you can't back up your own claim, then it is by definition, without merit.

Sadly not unusual for someone who claims TRUTH as her Avatar.


New member
I believe this makes you an idiot, miss.
I'm continually pointing out that there is no difference between homophobic rhetoric and racist rhetoric. Case in point your complaint about activist judges "reinventing the definition of marriage" is equally applicable to the judges who overturned the anti miscegenation laws.

This kind of rational seems to be missing in the homophobic. If Jesus said the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, Matt 16:18, why do so many try to represent those gates?


New member
Orientation is no more under a persons control as skin color is.

Not to support ok doser or his ilk, but choice is definitely something that gays have. They ALL choose their orientation, regardless of whether they admit to it or not. Those who truly come out of the closet will admit it, other who want an external excuse for their choice, will use whatever is handy. Eventually ALL of us will have to confess ALL our sins.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, we're on post #976 in this thread, so which would be easier? Me reading through almost 1,000 posts trying to back up your claim, or you just posting this material you claim to have to back up your own claim?

Oh well, if you can't back up your own claim, then it is by definition, without merit.

I did back my claim, you are too lazy to read the thread and you wont read links when they are posted to you with the information in them, no way am i wasting my time, to redo what ive already done, because you are lazy.


New member
Hall of Fame
What Kentucky officials are saying they aren't valid?

Lots of them including the judge who ordered it :

On Friday morning, Davis woke up in jail and couples began getting marriage licenses in Rowan County for the first time since the Supreme Court ruled that Kentucky’s ban on same-sex couples’ marriages is unconstitutional. While both of those decisions might ultimately be correct, there is, as of now, no written explanation for why either of those things is happening — and at least one of them rested on shaky legal ground that could come back to hurt the couples marrying on Friday, a fact acknowledged by Bunning on Thursday.

Although five of Davis’s deputies have stated that they would issue marriage licenses, at least two — through their lawyers — questioned whether they would have the authority to do so.

Whether a license issued by the Rowan County Clerk’s Office is valid or not,” Bunning said in court, “I am not saying it is or it isn’t.

The judge ordered them to be issued without her name, in the name of the county and when questioned on its legality since the state requires the clerks name, he admits he doesnt know.

He ordered the other clerks to issue them that way, under threat of contempt to them also.

Read the freaking thread, and the links you are given. Or not, no more responses to the lazy.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Simply not true.
I suspect a lot of folks are hard wired heterosexual. Some, a sliver, likely homosexual and a middling percentage for whom sexual orientation is a matter of choice. My reasoning for it is largely anecdotal though. I've never had the near violent reaction to homosexual proposition, but it never interested me either. Not having an inkling of that interest I reasonably suspect I'm just hard wired that way. And if I can be hard wired that way it's not beyond the realm of the imaginable that some would be hardwired the other. Noting that there are and have likely always been those for whom sexual attraction was obviously a choice, it's reasonable to suspect there is that middle group.

Now none of it, ultimately, impacts any moral point, since we are born with all sorts of proclivities and many of them are immoral. Tendency doesn't relieve us of responsibility or consequence.

Jose Fly

New member
I did back my claim

No you didn't, and now you're lying.

you are too lazy to read the thread and you wont read links when they are posted to you with the information in them, no way am i wasting my time, to redo what ive already done, because you are lazy.

And you're a liar.

I actually posted the judge's full order. HERE IT IS AGAIN

Not one thing in any of the court documents showing where Judge Bunning ordered Davis' name be removed from licenses.

And notice something else, i.e., how easy it is for me to re-post links and material that backs up my claims. Huh. :think:

Lots of them including the judge who ordered it

Wow. You really do have a reading problem, don't you?

None of those people are arguing that the licenses aren't valid. The two clerks just raised the question, and Judge Bunning said he wasn't saying one way or the other.

Contrast that with what we've already seen, specifically the county attorney, the state attorney general, and the governor all saying they're legal.

Time for you cut your loses and move on like you usually do.


New member
Hall of Fame
Lots of them including the judge who ordered it :

The judge ordered them to be issued without her name, in the name of the county and when questioned on its legality since the state requires the clerks name, he admits he doesnt know.

He ordered the other clerks to issue them that way, under threat of contempt to them also.

Read the freaking thread, and the links you are given. Or not, no more responses to the lazy.

Jose Fly

New member
Um.....that's just you repeating yourself. I'm not disputing that you have said Judge Bunning ordered the licenses changed; I'm disputing the accuracy of the claim "Judge Bunning ordered the licenses changed".

So far, you've offered nothing but your say-so.


New member
Hall of Fame
Um.....that's just you repeating yourself. I'm not disputing that you have said Judge Bunning ordered the licenses changed; I'm disputing the accuracy of the claim "Judge Bunning ordered the licenses changed".

So far, you've offered nothing but your say-so.

Nope, the proof is in the thread, read it or not.

Jose Fly

New member
Nope, the proof is in the thread, read it or not.

So let's take a look.

You're claiming that 1) Judge Bunning was the one who ordered the licenses be changed to remove Kim Davis' name, and 2) you have backed up #1 by posting links/documentation to that effect.

Now obviously this could only have happened in the last day and a half. Therefore, your post with this documentation must also be from the last day and a half. That does narrow the search down quite a bit and allows us to check your claims against the record.

#874: No documentation

#877: No documentation

#878: No documentation, and amazingly, even includes a CNN article that states "Bunning's order makes no mention of revising the licenses to accommodate Davis", which directly contradicts your claims!!

#880: No documentation

#888: No documentation

#894: No documentation

#900: No documentation

#901: No documentation

#904: No documentation

#908: No documentation

#931: No documentation

#955: No documentation

#959: The first post in which you make the claim, "The judge is who said they could alter them", yet no documentation is provided and it is now directly contrary to what you posted in #878.

#964: No documentation

#968: You repeat the claim again, but with no documentation.

#970: No documentation

#973: No documentation, and you really start lying profusely.

#975: No documentation

#988: Now you're repeating your lies habitually ("I did back my claim"), and still no documentation.

#989: You once again repeat the claim, but offer no documentation.

And that brings us to now, where you've fully dug your heels in and are lying in just about every post.

So not only are you a liar, you're not even a good one. You didn't post any actual documentation that shows where Judge Bunning ordered Davis' name removed from the licenses, and you even posted and quoted a CNN article saying that he didn't.

Jose Fly

New member
As you can see, and re-see all you like, that's exactly what I did. I went back through the thread and examined every one of your posts from the last day and a half (plus a little more). And nowhere did you offer any evidence to support your claim, and you even directly contradicted your claim in one post.

If this documentation you claim to have posted is in here, which post is it in? All you have to do is click the links in my post above to see.

But then, we both know you won't. You're a liar and an unrepentant one at that.

Jose Fly

New member
:wave2: la la la la For some reason Jose thinks i care that hes too lazy to read all the given links.

You mean the links......I just linked to? Now you've gone from lying to being downright delusional.

Interacting with fundamentalists is soooooo entertaining. :D