Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You are very skilled at hitting below the belt.
It is unseemly and unnecessary.
Our disagreements may be based on the facts alone. The twisting of another poster's words doesn't add anything to the truth.
I would like it very much if you would refrain from it....

traci insists on linking race (which people can't control) and behavior (specifically, perverted behavior - which people can control)

he continually brings race into a discussion of behavior

it's not hitting below the belt to point out that his are the actions of a racist

Jose Fly

New member
One more time, her name is printed on them

Not any more. It was trivially easy to remove it.

and NO - she didnt have the authority to change the state law on it, read the links, or not.

She didn't have to change the law, as is evidenced by the events this week. They changed the licenses in coordination with the County Attorney's Office and the Governor's Office.

The judge is who said they could alter them after the governor refused a session to change the law so they could be altered, and the judge even admits its possible they are not legal now.

No, he said he wasn't sure. Those sorts of questions are for the County Attorney, who has stated quite clearly....

"However, Rowan County Attorney Cecil Watkins dismissed that argument, saying deputy clerks could issue valid marriage licenses without the clerk's approval.

On Tuesday, several other officials agreed that the licenses issued without Davis' name are valid.

[Governor] Beshear said there was no question the licenses were valid. He noted the state already is recognizing same-sex marriages for tax purposes. "These folks got a license, they got married, and that's that," Beshear said.

Rowan County Judge-Executive Walter "Doc" Blevins said he had checked with the Kentucky Association of Counties, which thought the marriage licenses without Davis' name were valid.

Blevins said an official there compared it to a clerk instructing deputies not to issue hunting licenses. If a deputy clerk did so anyway, the license still would be valid, he said."​

Read the links given.

Yet one more time where you tell people to read, when the reading material is against you. I sense a pattern. :chuckle:


New member
traci insists on linking race (which people can't control) and behavior (specifically, perverted behavior - which people can control)

he continually brings race into a discussion of behavior

it's not hitting below the belt to point out that his are the actions of a racist

Orientation is no more under a persons control as skin color is.

Racists don't have issues with anyone's skin color, blacks are fine as long as they 'know their place'. Racists are offended by the idea that blacks are in any way equal to whites...specifically they object to blacks defying the word of God and behaving as if they were social equals.

Jose Fly

New member
Read what? THIS?....

"However, Rowan County Attorney Cecil Watkins dismissed that argument, saying deputy clerks could issue valid marriage licenses without the clerk's approval.

On Tuesday, several other officials agreed that the licenses issued without Davis' name are valid.

[Governor] Beshear said there was no question the licenses were valid. He noted the state already is recognizing same-sex marriages for tax purposes. "These folks got a license, they got married, and that's that," Beshear said.

Rowan County Judge-Executive Walter "Doc" Blevins said he had checked with the Kentucky Association of Counties, which thought the marriage licenses without Davis' name were valid.

Blevins said an official there compared it to a clerk instructing deputies not to issue hunting licenses. If a deputy clerk did so anyway, the license still would be valid, he said."

Remind me again which Kentucky official is saying the licenses without Davis' name aren't valid?


New member
Hall of Fame
Read what? THIS?....

"However, Rowan County Attorney Cecil Watkins dismissed that argument, saying deputy clerks could issue valid marriage licenses without the clerk's approval.

On Tuesday, several other officials agreed that the licenses issued without Davis' name are valid.

[Governor] Beshear said there was no question the licenses were valid. He noted the state already is recognizing same-sex marriages for tax purposes. "These folks got a license, they got married, and that's that," Beshear said.

Rowan County Judge-Executive Walter "Doc" Blevins said he had checked with the Kentucky Association of Counties, which thought the marriage licenses without Davis' name were valid.

Blevins said an official there compared it to a clerk instructing deputies not to issue hunting licenses. If a deputy clerk did so anyway, the license still would be valid, he said."

Remind me again which Kentucky official is saying the licenses without Davis' name aren't valid?

You still havent read the links, of course they can issue without her approval, but her name was still on them anyway untill the judge said they could remove it, AFTER she was in jail.


Jose Fly

New member
You still havent read the links, of course they can issue without her approval, but her name was still on them anyway untill the judge said they could remove it, AFTER she was in jail.


So we both agree that the licenses without her name on them are valid?


New member
Hall of Fame
So we both agree that the licenses without her name on them are valid?

I have no idea, since the legislature is out , some people think they are, some people think they arent, because of the state law on it.

We wont know (no one will for sure) untill later, even the JUDGE said he wasnt entirely certain on it.

Read. The. Links.


So what sort of government would you like us to have?


Jose Fly

New member
I have no idea, since the legislature is out , some people think they are, some people think they arent, because of the state law on it.

What Kentucky officials are saying they aren't valid?

We wont know (no one will for sure) untill later

What are we waiting for?

even the JUDGE said he wasnt entirely certain on it.

But I thought you've been saying he was the one who ordered her name be removed? So your argument is that Judge Bunning ordered her name be taken off the licenses, and then said something like "I'm not sure if this is legal"? Seriously?

As I showed by linking to, and quoting from the actual full order, once the deputy clerks swore under oath that they would resume issuing marriage licenses, the judge was satisfied and released Davis. He didn't know they removed her name until after they filed their first status report to the court.

If you disagree, please show where Judge Bunning specifically ordered Davis' name removed.


New member
Hall of Fame
What Kentucky officials are saying they aren't valid?

What are we waiting for?

But I thought you've been saying he was the one who ordered her name be removed? So your argument is that Judge Bunning ordered her name be taken off the licenses, and then said something like "I'm not sure if this is legal"? Seriously?

As I showed by linking to, and quoting from the actual full order, once the deputy clerks swore under oath that they would resume issuing marriage licenses, the judge was satisfied and released Davis. He didn't know they removed her name until after they filed their first status report to the court.

If you disagree, please show where Judge Bunning specifically ordered Davis' name removed.

Your questions have been answered, read the thread and read the links and quotes already provided. If you dont want to read the thread or the links already given, i cant help you.

Jose Fly

New member
Your questions have been answered, read the thread and read the links and quotes already provided. If you dont want to read the thread or the links already given, i cant help you.

IOW, you have nothing to present that shows Judge Bunning ordered her name removed.

Jose Fly

New member
Sure did, if you are too lazy to read the thread and links - not my problem.

Well, we're on post #976 in this thread, so which would be easier? Me reading through almost 1,000 posts trying to back up your claim, or you just posting this material you claim to have to back up your own claim?

Oh well, if you can't back up your own claim, then it is by definition, without merit.