Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


Youre an idiot, her name was on them whether she signed them or not.

The reason they are now saying those licenses being issued right now may not be legal, is because the clerks name has to be on them for them to be legal according to kentucky state law and they are just scratching it off and inserting the county name, which has already been posted for you who are brain dead.

No, she shouldnt have to quit, the constitution protects against religious discrimination too.

The cowardly supreme court and or lawmakers need to rectify this conflict in the law.
Kentucky law allows for either the clerk or a deputy to SIGN the license. It is the ministerial duty of signing that gives the piece of paper any value. That is what makes the document effective. Signing the document is not discretionary if the appropriate information is supplied, it is a ministerial duty. No different than a building department official signing a building permit. Could a Christian building official refuse to sign a permit for a mosque because it offended her religious sensibilities?


Literal lunatic
Kentucky law allows for either the clerk or a deputy to SIGN the license. It is the ministerial duty of signing that gives the piece of paper any value. That is what makes the document effective. Signing the document is not discretionary if the appropriate information is supplied, it is a ministerial duty. No different than a building department official signing a building permit. Could a Christian building official refuse to sign a permit for a mosque because it offended her religious sensibilities?

For starters, building permits as well as licenses of any kind are unconstitutional.


New member
Hall of Fame
Kentucky law allows for either the clerk or a deputy to SIGN the license. It is the ministerial duty of signing that gives the piece of paper any value. That is what makes the document effective. Signing the document is not discretionary if the appropriate information is supplied, it is a ministerial duty. No different than a building department official signing a building permit. Could a Christian building official refuse to sign a permit for a mosque because it offended her religious sensibilities?

Ive already answered you, learn how to read:

To the morons who cannot read or understand the facts (and this is from TODAY AND FROM CNN because i know some of you only want to whine about sources instead of information):

Read the judge's order

One of Davis' attorneys said Bunning hasn't resolved anything.

"We've asked for a simple solution -- get her name and authority off the certificate. The judge could order that," Staver said.

Her name is there whether she signs them or not. :duh:

THAT is the issue. She only objects to others issuing them WITH HER NAME on them.

Reasonable accomodation, would be to remove her name from them and not force it to be there or force her to issue them.

answered you here also:

The clerks name is printed on them, even when a deputy signs off on them:

Marriage licenses issued Friday in Rowan County were altered to remove Kim Davis' name

Read more here:

She does not want her name on them, period. that has been the issue this entire time.


Well-known member
I know.

And I was not saying yer wrong.

The judges have not upheld the original precepts that negate their authority to do as they please.

Nobody upholds supreme court decisions these days, so why should I?

Now that that cat is out of the bag I think we can kick the hell outta the punk liberals, but should I?

These damn liberals are only about 12% of the population, so ummmm shall history repeat itself?

What did Japan say?

OOOOps we woke up a sleeping GIANT.

I think that every so often our societal programmers stage these little shows as a test to see how things are coming along.


Well-known member
... and going unaddressed in the midst of all this is the fact that there is absolutely ZERO scriptural backing for involving the state in your marriage.

Whomsoever God hath put together?

I guess I shouldn't have said unaddressed entirely ... you did mention the spurious nature of licenses.
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Well-known member

Their little game of playing both ends against the middle. :thumb:

Precisely. Get kicked out of India, divide it between the religious contestants and then leave Kashmir a bone of contention. Divide and conquer. God alone knows how long that has been going on. The Garden maybe?


New member

were they perverted?

tell us traci, why do you think black people are perverted?

you are the one that said "an activist judicial branch that keeps discovering new and novel "understandings" such as reinventing the definition of marriage to include perverts.

Were you referring to the Lovings as perverts? after all an activist judicial branch reinventing the definition of marriage for them


Ive already answered you, learn how to read:

From someone who apparently never bothered to read the statute before pontificating.

Staver and the clerk lost. End of story. If she doesnt want her name printed then she can simply resign if it is that important for her religion and it means that much to her. But I'll bet she keeps taking that paycheck for as long as she can.