Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


New member
Hall of Fame
Luke 21:12 "But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you to the synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for My name's sake.

Matthew 10:19
But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say,

John 15:21
They will treat you this way because of My name, for they do not know the One who sent Me.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Take your pick, you're surrounded.
You've lost.
The Nation has moved on.
If you want to position Christianity against gay marriage then you'll only diminish Christianity, you'll take nothing from the Gays.
You will only strengthen them.
The GOP front runner Trump has said "It's settled Law".
You can move on from this and not die on that hill.
Find some other social issue that is more important.
Or Stand with George Wallace/Kim Davis in the doorway.
History is waiting.
Choose wisely.

gee, you're sure eager to tie a bow on this and call it delivered :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
You want to go to jail so that other people can't get married.
Have fun with that.

If you need to say it that way knock yourself out. I would go to jail to support what i believe is according to God, plain and simple.


Well-known member
Similar to the Secretary's/Treasure's signatures on our currency indicating a tacit approval of embezzlement, money laundering, fraud and general greed? :think:

Well, yes, those are the hallmarks of fractional reserve banking.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
gee, you're sure eager to tie a bow on this and call it delivered :chuckle:

It's so delivered it's already on the shelves and flying out the doors.
With a majority of the people behind it.
It's as done as Segregation.
You have an election coming up.
Do you really think trying to go backwards is a good plank to have in your platform?
You have Children Koban.
Do you really think that Gays Getting Married is the biggest problem we face?
Come join me my friend, join me and let's chart a course for our son's and daughters devoid of our old petty hangups.
A world where they can live, and our grandchildren can live and not be split over petty details like what the gays do and WORK TOGETHER on what's really important like killing Muslims and taking their oil.
Until we figure out how to stop doing that.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's so delivered it's already on the shelves and flying out the doors.
With a majority of the people behind it.

Poll: Support for Gay Marriage Has Fallen After Obergefell

According to a recent AP-GFK poll, support for gay marriage among U.S. citizens has dropped six percentage points since their last poll in April, with more Americans disapproving of the Supreme Court ruling making gay marriage the law of the land than those approving it.

The gaystopo is turning americans off.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
yes, i have children

and I have seen how they and their friends (they're in their twenties now) accept as normal all the perversity and immorality I couldn't have imagined would come to pass when I was a child.

today's children will see abortion as a birth control option, divorce as more normal than stable marriages, adultery and thinly disguised prostitution as more normal than fidelity and purity and don't even get me started on pornography - psych grad students will be writing doctoral dissertations for decades on the changes to young male brains, sexuality and behaviors from constant early exposure to filth that was unimaginable two generations ago

and now they'll see homosexual "marriage" as just another lifestyle choice

good thing we've run out of things to pervert, eh?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sorry, but you're wrong.
Despite your declaration, the demonstration has not been shown. What is clear is that both laws are the same in principle; Both are upheld by the highest court, and both are in issuance of a license by the clerk.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
yes, i have children

and I have seen how they and their friends (they're in their twenties now) accept as normal all the perversity and immorality I couldn't have imagined would come to pass when I was a child.

today's children will see abortion as a birth control option, divorce as more normal than stable marriages, adultery and thinly disguised prostitution as more normal than fidelity and purity and don't even get me started on pornography - psych grad students will be writing doctoral dissertations for decades on the changes to young male brains, sexuality and behaviors from constant early exposure to filth that was unimaginable two generations ago

and now they'll see homosexual "marriage" as just another lifestyle choice

good thing we've run out of things to pervert, eh?

It's all done now.
So we can move on to things like sustainability and National defense and health care and climate change and get away from something that has no effect on our future like gay marriage?


Literal lunatic
Government does not grant rights, it can only restrict them. We all have a right to marry who we please, except for those instances the government has deemed illegal (e.g., bigamy).

There is no explicitly-stated right for me to sit down and watch football this weekend, yet I have the right to do it, unless the government passes a law restricting that right.

And that applies in this case. By default, same sex couples have the right to marry. Some states enacted laws denying that right. Gay couples argued that those laws restricted their constitutional rights to liberty and equal protection. The Supreme Court agreed and ruled that the state laws were unconstitutional.

So now same sex couples are back to the default status of having the right to marry.

But the Loving decision changed the definition of marriage away from "between members of the same race" in those states that had laws banning interracial marriage.

I suppose you can cite dissenting opinions all you like, but they have no legal weight at all.

:deadhorse: :blabla::blabla::blabla:



Literal lunatic
Take your pick, you're surrounded.
You've lost.
The Nation has moved on.
If you want to position Christianity against gay marriage then you'll only diminish Christianity, you'll take nothing from the Gays.
You will only strengthen them.
The GOP front runner Trump has said "It's settled Law".
You can move on from this and not die on that hill.
Find some other social issue that is more important.
Or Stand with George Wallace/Kim Davis in the doorway.
History is waiting.
Choose wisely.

Sounds to me like yer runnin' scairt *****:)


Literal lunatic
I see what your are saying but it's kinda like the "title of nobility" clause. It is routinely ignored ... not unlike most of the Magna Carta. I mean, a District Judge can stop reading his script long enough to not accept a D.A's plea bargain but how often do you see that?

I know.

And I was not saying yer wrong.

The judges have not upheld the original precepts that negate their authority to do as they please.

Nobody upholds supreme court decisions these days, so why should I?

Now that that cat is out of the bag I think we can kick the hell outta the punk liberals, but should I?

These damn liberals are only about 12% of the population, so ummmm shall history repeat itself?

What did Japan say?

OOOOps we woke up a sleeping GIANT.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Despite your declaration,
A restatement. I'd given you more than declaration prior.

the demonstration has not been shown
No idea why you think that. I set out the difference clearly enough. You're confusing process with foundation. Process is how we move the foundation of law.

What is clear is that both laws are the same in principle;
No, Yor, they're the same in process. They're at odds in principle, as your hypothetical denies right and the current ruling advances it. Your hypothetical runs contrary to the principle of equality before the law and the current ruling advances equality before the law.


Literal lunatic
A restatement. I'd given you more than declaration prior.

No idea why you think that. I set out the difference clearly enough. You're confusing process with foundation. Process is how we move the foundation of law.

No, Yor, they're the same in process. They're at odds in principle, as your hypothetical denies right and the current ruling advances it. Your hypothetical runs contrary to the principle of equality before the law and the current ruling advances equality before the law.

Yer out of order. :dead: