Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


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This has probably been mentioned before but I just read that the judge actually gave a compromise to Davis which said she could continue not issuing licenses and avoid jail if she only said she wouldn't interfere in her deputy clerks from doing it. She refused. That makes her even less of a victim in my eyes. If her objection is that issuing licenses is a violation of her beliefs, what's her objection with the deputy clerks doing it? Does she think it's still attached to her in some way because it's still her office doing it? :idunno:

Her name is still on them if her clerks issue them, thats the problem.

Her attorneys put forth that she would be ok with it, if the state would allow other clerks under the officiate to sign them issued. They said no.

Does that change your mind?


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chrys is okay with our tax money being used to pay elected officials a very nice salary to break the law.

anna is ok with obama using our tax money to pay himself a very nice salary to break immigration laws. (as well as other elected officials of sanctuary cities)

Where is your battle cry for punishment for them?


New member
only a heathen would say this
keep lying to yourself, see how that goes in the End

Typically you deny what the Bible says and vilify those that accept and believe it. Thankfully, you are NOT typical of many RCs.

I already know the end, and with your beliefs, you won't be there.


New member
it all comes down to whether you approve or not

they need your approval

My best friend said this about "needing approval"

"I don't give a damn about the approval of some stranger. What I need is to be able to send the boys to school and not worry that some fundie nut job will decide he needs Jesus' approval and take my kids and put them in shallow graves."


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Nope. She refused to do the job she was elected to and being paid to do, and wouldn't let her deputy clerks do it either.

She denied citizens their civil rights and unlawfully imposed her religious values on those who don't share them.

Like Bammy and other elected officials unlawfully impose their values on those who dont share them and even pick their pockets for it. (refusal to follow immigration laws)


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Hall of Fame
Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed

Handing someone a marriage licence doesn't make them married - there must be a church and/or state ceremony to make it legal.

No it doesnt make them married, but it does imply consent and that is the issue.


New member
murderers, pedophiles, adulterers should all be executed swiftly, so let's not pretend that their having any rights is just

so should those engaging in homosexual acts

Kim Davis is an adulterer. Should the judge have skipped jail time for her and just had her killed on the courthouse lawn?


New member
Like Bammy and other elected officials unlawfully impose their values on those who dont share them and even pick their pockets for it. (refusal to follow immigration laws)

Like refusing to issue a marriage licenses is unlawfully imposing values (not good values) on people who don't share them.


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your proof?

in a just justice system, the penalty for adultery should be death

She was married mulitiple times. Only the liberal rag mags are leaving off the fact that she became a christian during the current one, not before. And she openly admits and repents of her past.