Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


New member
Not being a homosexual does not equal thinking that it is immoral (why would you say amoral?) and hideous.

If it is objective, then you should be able to present an argument for why it is immoral using reason and empirical facts.

i have; you just aren't listening...

How about this

God says in isaiah:

"My ways are not your ways. My thoughts are not your thoughts"



New member
I must have missed the part about welcoming perverts and accepting their perversions as "normal"
Can you show me where He said that?

Did He say condemn and vilify homosexuals and don't allow them ALL the freedoms any other legal citizens have, including murderers, liars, drunkards, fornicators, unbelievers, pedophiles etc...?

This issue is a secular on, NOT a religious one. Nobody is advocating we accept their sins. Read 1 Cor 5, to get Paul's perspective on this issue.


Well-known member
republicanchick said:
all human urges could be called "natural". Killing your children when angry is "natural" b/c anger is "natural"--doesn't follow that Natural is always good, much less desirable for a so called civilized society

Then why do you place so much stock on it being unnatural? Now that you have established that natural does not necessarily equal moral, it follows by necessity that unnuatral does not necessarily equate immoral as well.

it is a fact that when a man is murdered, the cops first think: Homosexual partner.. b/c homos kill ea other at a higher rate than normal people.

Guess you do not know what per se means. I asked you to argue that homosexuality per se was immoral and perverse using reason and empirical facts. Per se means "in itself". What you wrote here could have other explanations, including things like psychological issues due to ostracizing from society. Present an argument for why homosexuality and homosexual acts by themselves are immoral and perverse, you have done no such thing.

man is without excuse... The Holy Spirit tells eveyone what is right and wrong... problem is some have told the HS to take a hike...

Having some troubles with the word objective as well, are we? OBJECTIVE means that someone should be able to accept your argument regardless of specific religious commitments, it is an appeal to universal reason and empirical facts.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Did He say condemn and vilify homosexuals and don't allow them ALL the freedoms any other legal citizens have, including murderers, liars, drunkards, fornicators, unbelievers, pedophiles etc...?

This issue is a secular on, NOT a religious one. Nobody is advocating we accept their sins. Read 1 Cor 5, to get Paul's perspective on this issue.

murderers, pedophiles, adulterers should all be executed swiftly, so let's not pretend that their having any rights is just

so should those engaging in homosexual acts


New member
"Man shall not lie with man as with woman. It is an abomination before the Lord...."

I always have to laugh to myself when people quote the KJV for this verse because of the word abomination. The proper word is "detestable", which ALL sin is in God's eyes. The fact is the Levitical laws were directed at believers, the nation of Israel, NOT unbelievers. No different today.
I am amazed at how many want to condemn those who do not fall under the jurisdiction of the NT. Again, read 1 Cor 5 and see what Paul says about judging unbelievers.


New member
How are we showing our love for God by accepting perversion as normal?

Is it loving to encourage the hellbound on their perverted path?

Who is actually doing that, and what is normal? The government is NOT a theocratic one, it is a democracy and as such does NOT have a belief.

Allowing someone to be a full citizen with full right does not encourage them, as they will do what they do, REGARDLESS.


New member
If that were my job I'd have to answer that question.

It does NOT show her personal acceptance, it shows they have complied with the LEGAL requirements of the state, and as such she affirms this by putting her legally recognized signature on it, as the representative of the state, NOTHING about the licence conveys her personal acceptance of their sexual; preferences. If she thinks it does, she should get a new job, because she is incapable of separating church and state.


New member
That is a citation, not an argument

i could argue all day and you could listen or not listen (all day)

wouldn't prove a thing

In the end it comes down to CHOICE

Sorry you seem 2 find nothing wrong w/ perversity

you may want to consider that when the body is engaged in perversity, the mind and soul are as well

we should PRAY for homosexuals involved in that "lifestyle" not condone what thye are doing... not make it "legal"

but you apparently don't care about them

it's just an intellectual argument to some people



New member
murderers, pedophiles, adulterers should all be executed swiftly, so let's not pretend that their having any rights is just
so should those engaging in homosexual acts

Obviously YOU are incapable of carrying on an ADULT discussion.

Numbers 32:23


Well-known member
i could argue all day and you could listen or not listen (all day)

wouldn't prove a thing

In the end it comes down to CHOICE

Sorry you seem 2 find nothing wrong w/ perversity

you may want to consider that when the body is engaged in perversity, the mind and soul are as well

we should PRAY for homosexuals involved in that "lifestyle" not condone what thye are doing... not make it "legal"

but you apparently don't care about them

it's just an intellectual argument to some people


How do you know I won't listen? You haven't even tried to argue your point.

You made the claim that it was an objective moral truth. I asked you to present your argument for why that is so. You have not done so, and then you claim that the problem is that I do not listen? If you can't present such an argument, then you should not make the claim.