Keeping Racism Alive


New member

"The purpose of this performance was to bring to light social injustices and the issue of inequality that impacts me and my community as a whole." - Daniel Edwards, a stupid, racist, spoiled black brat.

Inequity that impacts her?

If the races were reversed, Ms. Daniel Edwards would find herself expelled from school and facing federal hate-crime charges. But, because she's black, all she suffers is the university saying they didn't approve the display.

The Berean

Well-known member
This comment under the article caught my eye.

There's something really awry with black culture. But we're afraid to admit it for fear of being labeled racist. Political correctness sabotages any real, honest debate that could be had. The very people who pretend to care about black people are the ones whose attitude is partially to blame for black problems, since they need to always depict blacks as victims. Blacks will never make progress when society refuses to acknowledge the cause of their problems, which is black culture.

When will black people start to address this? :think: Bill Cosby talked about this in his "Pound Cake" speech and he got attacked by other black people in the media.
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[Y]es, i do[.]

[W]hen it comes to playing hide and seek, naked, in the snow, do believe that blacks are inferior to whites[.]

MSNBC Hosts Make Fun of Mitt Romney's Black Grandson

Obama: 'There's No Doubt' That Some People Really Dislike Me Because I'm Black

Projecting Again: MSNBC: Right Hates Biracial Family in Cheerios Ad



Colin Powell (Republican): “There are certain elements of the party [tea party (conservatives)] who go out of their way to demonize people who don’t look like the way they’d like them to look like [aka Racists] or came from some other place [ Xenophobes]...” ~ Barack Obama voter, Colin Powell Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Ac 17:26


Study: 10,000 Slurs Posted on Twitter Each Day
'White Boy' Most Popular

'Knock That White Boy Out!' Teen Mob Attacks Disabled Veteran in Cleveland

Crist: People Didn't Like Obama Hug Because He's Black
"I don't like you because you're gonna get me killed!" ~ Zeus Carver, Die Hard with a Vengeance Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

DNC Members: Much of Obama Opposition is Racist

College Bans 'White Folks' from 'Diversity Happy Hour'

Gallup: Racial Divide in USA Deepens
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Segregation Making a Comeback in U.S. Schools Ac 17:26

Exit: Holder blames race for criticisms

Urges young people to read Malcolm X

“It's just like when you've got some coffee that's too black, which means it's too strong. What do you do? You integrate it with cream, you make it weak. But if you pour too much cream in it, you won't even know you ever had coffee. It used to be hot, it becomes cool. It used to be strong, it becomes weak. It used to wake you up, now it puts you to sleep.” ~ Malcolm X

Obama, Sharpton meet behind closed doors in White House
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The Barbarian

Racism is dying, but not yet dead. Which is why racists so ferociously complain about any exposure of it.

The emails by police and other city officials are surprisingly foul, as are the numerous examples of police violating laws in order to arrest or attack black citizens.

The people of Ferguson have no one but themselves to blame for the scum who run the city. They need to register to vote and clean house next election.


New member
Racism is dying, but not yet dead. Which is why racists so ferociously complain about any exposure of it.

The emails by police and other city officials are surprisingly foul, as are the numerous examples of police violating laws in order to arrest or attack black citizens.

The people of Ferguson have no one but themselves to blame for the scum who run the city. They need to register to vote and clean house next election.

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

It all comes down to ferguson not paying officers competitively and african american officers leaving to other municipalities for better pay.

Then they all get up in arms when taxes are raised, or they try and raise money by fining people for minor infractions (which they say is regressive).

They are in a pickle.. they are going to have to tax the rich or pony up their own money to get the police they want.


Winner winner, chicken dinner!

It all comes down to ferguson not paying officers competitively and african american officers leaving to other municipalities for better pay.

Then they all get up in arms when taxes are raised, or they try and raise money by fining people for minor infractions (which they say is regressive).

They are in a pickle.. they are going to have to tax the rich or pony up their own money to get the police they want.

You are aware that a federal consent decree was placed on the DEEtroit Michigan Police Department several years ago aren't you? So much for your theory that more black police officers is the fix for problems that originated in many black communities because of white liberal guilt.

The Barbarian

You are aware that a federal consent decree was placed on the DEEtroit (sic) Michigan Police Department several years ago aren't you? So much for your theory that more black police officers is the fix for problems that originated in many black communities because of white liberal guilt.

It's not "more black officers and city officials"; it's "get rid of the scum", which might include some black officers/officials. When the citizens don't keep government on a short leash, government will abuse the citizens.

Institutional racism didn't start to die because of laws; it started to die when black people could vote, and did vote.

Ferguson won't really be cleaned up until the citizens of that city take control of it. Apparently, the great majority of people of voting age in Ferguson are registered to vote; they just didn't bother. Maybe that will change, now. If it doesn't, then they get the city they deserve.


It's not "more black officers and city officials";...

Take that up with your fellow liberals at MSNBC:

As the story of Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson's shooting of Michael Brown begins to look less clear-cut than we were led to believe by Brown's friend, Dorian Johnson, the "voices of oppression" on MSNBC now say the real issue is that there aren't enough blacks on the Ferguson police force.

or better yet, the federal consent decree that oversaw (bullied) the LAPD.

About a decade into a federal consent decree requiring the Los Angeles Police Department to hire more minority officers

Law enforcement isn't the problem, it's racists like B. Hussein Obama and his lapdog Eric Holder....and of course the white guilt ridden liberals that voted Hussein into office.


I never could figure out the all black tv shows, all black oscars, all black anything while the whites get the complaints for having a all white tv shows, all white oscars, all white anything. I see black labelings but the white labelings are the ones that gets in trouble. Why is that? If the white culture don't do the white labelings then they are more advanced than the black culture. Wheres white history month?