Keeping Racism Alive


Two white kids getting killed by a black teen thug. :nono:

Don't tell barbie.

On a positive note, B. Hussien Obama (our first "White Black" President) supporter Spike Lee has sent an apology to the elderly couple that probably came close to being murdered because he gave out the wrong address.

I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. McClain are waiting by the phone to receive a call from B. Hussein Obama, extending his support to them.

More news:

B. Hussein Obama STILL remains silent over the New Black Panther Party putting a hit out on George Zimmerman.


Obama's former pastor, the not so Reverend Wright, said: “There are people in power right now who have opinions about you based on their privilege of skin color.” link Why is he obsessed with skin color? Ac 17:26 Guess Obama didn't help our nation move beyond race. :idunno: It's still 1960 and the hippies are in charge (Eccl 10:2). :zman:

"I can be African American, I can be Multiracial, I can name it..." :Nineveh: ~ Barack Obama
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Zimmerman has set up his own website which does not contain much information about the case--how could it? If he is arrested, he will need to make his case in court--not in the media. :Nineveh: I'm sure he can now get a fair trial. :rolleyes: Isa. 3:5–8; Gal. 5:13, 14; 2 Pet. 2:10–19; Jude 8–13; Deut. 12:8; Judg. 17:6; 21:25

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards...” ~ Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States
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Do you think this president or any president should dodge such issues? You immediately conclude that the president addressed this issue for politcal purposes which says quite a bit about your personal perspective.
Obama dodging a political issue that can serve him or pervert justice? :rolleyes:


Obama: "Police acted stupidly"

Sandra Fluke Receives Call from Obama

Muslim Fort Hood Shooting "Workplace violence"

Obama taints KSM jury pool

Since race continues to be an issue in this country it is not time to move past the discussion.
:dizzy: Not now. :sam: We have an election coming up silly. :Nineveh:
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New member
:dizzy: Not now. :sam: We have an election coming up silly. :Nineveh:

How about Marilyn Davenport a tea party member sending out "chimp" emails of the first family claiming it was just satire ... then why apologize?

Another tea party failed politician actually FB’d for the assassination of “the f----- n-word and his monkey children”

Then there was Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), who called the President Obama a “tar baby”...

The Bush appointed federal judge that forwarded a racist joke directed at President Obama....

Bozell on Fox suggesting one might want to call President Obama a “skinny ghetto crackhead”.

Then there was a republican congressman who referred to Obama as “boy”, a republican from SC who compared Michelle Obama to a gorilla, a republican staffer who sent out an image of Obama as a “spook”, and on and on...

It appears that the thrust of name calling racist and otherwise of President Obama is a republican staple.. and as witnessed by many of the right winger posts on TOL.


New member
How about Marilyn Davenport a tea party member sending out "chimp" emails of the first family claiming it was just satire ... then why apologize?

Another tea party failed politician actually FB’d for the assassination of “the f----- n-word and his monkey children”

Then there was Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), who called the President Obama a “tar baby”...

The Bush appointed federal judge that forwarded a racist joke directed at President Obama....

Bozell on Fox suggesting one might want to call President Obama a “skinny ghetto crackhead”.

Then there was a republican congressman who referred to Obama as “boy”, a republican from SC who compared Michelle Obama to a gorilla, a republican staffer who sent out an image of Obama as a “spook”, and on and on...

It appears that the thrust of name calling racist and otherwise of President Obama is a republican staple.. and as witnessed by many of the right winger posts on TOL.

Why don't you get some information and examine the teachings of the Nation of Islam - Louis Farrakhan, the associate and friend of Rev. Wright. The movement of Black Identity, Afro-Centrism is racist to its core, calling white people Albino mutations of the Black man, remember Barry sat in Rev Wright's church for 20 yrs listening to things like Jesus was a Black man , Moses was a Black man, the White man is a mutation. Their hatred of the Jew is another prevalent teaching among these Black Identity preachers, to include AL Sharpton, the Black Panthers.


New member
Why don't you get some information and examine the teachings of the Nation of Islam - Louis Farrakhan, the associate and friend of Rev. Wright. The movement of Black Identity, Afro-Centrism is racist to its core, calling white people Albino mutations of the Black man, remember Barry sat in Rev Wright's church for 20 yrs listening to things like Jesus was a Black man , Moses was a Black man, the White man is a mutation. Their hatred of the Jew is another prevalent teaching among these Black Identity preachers, to include AL Sharpton, the Black Panthers.

That there exist on both extreme sides of the fence such groups as kkk, aryan brotherhood, american nazi party, council of conservative citizens, westfield baptist church, church of jesus christ, etc. ...have you examined their teachings? So how do you react to "mainstream" republicans using such rhetoric and the name calling by "christians" on TOL?


[List of supposedly racist comments]
Do you believe we came from :DK: special monkeys? Ge 1:26 :Shimei:

If you had your way, would people :Commie: be prohibited from making jokes? :shut:

"...Harry Truman sometimes used the term "kike" in private conversation, but it was he who went against the advice of his entire State Department and recognized Israel's existence as soon as Israel was declared a state..." Full text: Reid Punished by Liberal Preoccupation with Private Comments Likewise, Harry Truman sometimes used the term "kike" in private conversation
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New member
Do you believe we came from :DK: special monkeys? Ge 1:26 :Shimei:

If you had your way, would people :Commie: be prohibited from making jokes? :shut:

"...Harry Truman sometimes used the term "kike" in private conversation, but it was he who went against the advice of his entire State Department and recognized Israel's existence as soon as Israel was declared a state..." Full text: Reid Punished by Liberal Preoccupation with Private Comments Likewise, Harry Truman sometimes used the term "kike" in private conversation

Look up the term perjorative...and perhaps intent. Perhaps read a little history to gain some insight into the terminology used for our racist past.

And I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware what a stupid question you posed - "If you had your way, would people be prohibited from making jokes?" I might turn this and ask if you will listen to a "joke" where the punch line mocks, in a derogatory way, Jesus Christ? or do you consider all humor to be safe?


So what is your point? That many of these republicans will change their racist ways?


"Look up the term perjorative...[sic]"
But I should spell it correctly, right? :AMR:
"...and perhaps intent."
Ok. :scripto:
"...Perhaps read a little history to gain some insight into the terminology used for our racist past."
:readthis: I only need this 'til November, right? :Nineveh:

"And I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are aware what a stupid question you posed - ["]If you had your way, would people be prohibited from making jokes?["] I might turn this and ask if you will listen to a "joke" where the punch line mocks, in a derogatory way, Jesus Christ? or do you consider all humor to be safe?"
Who cares what I think? :idunno: What does God think? Ex 20:7; Col 3:8
"So what is your point? That many of these republicans will change their racist ways?"
If both Democrats :blabla: and Republicans :blabla: go on an on about not being racists, what's to argue about? :idunno:

Out of curiosity, how much time to spend trying to convince conservatives that they are racist? :sozo2:

Did I get an answer on :DK: the monkey question? :juggle:
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New member
But I should spell it correctly, right? ok

Sorry, pejorative....and that remains your only comment?

What does God think?

So I guess we are in agreement regarding the remarks by the selected group of republicans...good.

Perhaps you do need to look up "pejorative" as you may come to understand that the use of certain terms connotes a racist tone having nothing to do with science.


"Sorry, pejorative....and that remains your only comment?"
I said more in the post. :plain:
"I guess we are in agreement regarding the remarks by the selected group of [R]epublicans."
I did not comment :yawn: on each statement that you believe was racist.
"Perhaps you do need to look up "pejorative"..."
Again? :AMR:

:listen: He's still on this word.

Do you always run around telling people to look up vocabulary words? Do you think TOLers are stupid in general? :freak: Or just the ones that disagree with you? :Shimei:

" you may come to understand..."
"I'm not a smart man." :dunce: ~ Forrest, Forrest Gump--from the movie Forrest Gump
"...that the use of certain terms connotes a racist tone having nothing to do with science."
"I think he's talking to you." :freak: ~ Homer Simpson


The Barbarian

Why should people on the left or right be defined by the worst among them?

Serpent and Billy Bob no more represent the right than Louis Farrakhan represents the left.

Why not leave the racists on both sides out of it? Better yet, why not just isolate them and let them fester in their own hatred?


"Serpent and Billy Bob no more represent the right than Louis Farrakhan represents the left."
Conservatives are normal. You're the weird one (Eccl 10:2). :Commie:

"Why not leave the racists on both sides out of it?"
:yawn: On what basis do you call us racists? Ac 17:26 :peach: Aren't you the one that believes some monkeys are more special than other monkeys? :DK:


"...[W]hy not just isolate them and let them fester in their own hatred?"
:yawn: Why do you call us haters? :dizzy: Christians know we are on race--the human race (Ac 17:26).

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