Katrina Damage


New member
PureX said:
As of last night, there was no cop shot in the head. There was one cop with a self-inflicted accidental gunshot wound. I haven't seen the news today.

The situation has devolved into total anarchy, and looting is a minor aspect of the whole scenario. It will now take a massive show of force to restore order, I agree, and more people will die as a result. But it's all part of a whole. Everyone wants to single out looting, or the fact that the looters are mostly black, etc. But what you're seeing is the result of a whole set of causes that have been there all along. And you can even see these causes in the responses here on TOL, and in the responses of the mayor and the police.

I think we're so focussed on the looting and sniping because we really want to ignore all the other shocking realities that this situation is shoving in front of our faces.

I hadn't heard about the cop not being shot in the head but it doesn't really matter if it's fact or not. The authorities who made the decision thought it was fact.

I've read your post 109 and it's a good post. I don't agree with all of it but for the most part it is correct. However, I think what you're doing by stating that the mayor cares more about property than people is doing harm to the problem. Normally, I would be on your side of this argument but because you've made the derogatory statement about the mayor and caring about property over lives I end up discounting your ideas.

If we can't be honest in our disagreements then we end up becoming polarized. And that doesn't help anyone.

Here is a great example of a polarizing article.


New member
C'mon. This is not a white/black, lib/conservative thing. Why are we making it into that? This is a very tragic situation. It has nothing to do with color of skin. The cause of looting is not skin color, the cause of slow response is not skin color.


Gaviidae said:
Here is a great example of a polarizing article.

I predicted this exact response, not that it was hard to. :doh:

Thanks for the link G, now I can keep my eye on the toublemakers and keep track of what they are up to.


New member
wickwoman said:
C'mon. This is not a white/black, lib/conservative thing. Why are we making it into that? This is a very tragic situation. It has nothing to do with color of skin. The cause of looting is not skin color, the cause of slow response is not skin color.

You're right but unfortunately it has or at least will become one. Especially now that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have gotten involved.

It stuns me the amount of blacks that are involved in this. Not just the looting but the evacuation in general. Perhaps it's because I'm living in white America where there are almost no blacks and the few there are usually are upper income. So seeing that many blacks is foreign to me but I've tried to watch carefully and there are very few whites in the crowds.

New Orleans was 2/3 black. Which means that even if blacks are twice as likely to be poor whites should still make up 25% of the evacuees. Even if it's three times as likely it's still 17% would be white. The pictures I see do not show even 10% as white.

This isn't strictly about being poor. It has, unfortunately, something to do with race.

I don't know what that something is exactly or even if I'm just perceiving something that isn't really there. But it's what I see when I watch the news of down there.

But like you said, none of this matters at this time (or perhaps ever). It's simply a human tragedy.


Well-known member
Gaviidae said:
New Orleans was 2/3 black. Which means that even if blacks are twice as likely to be poor whites should still make up 25% of the evacuees. Even if it's three times as likely it's still 17% would be white. The pictures I see do not show even 10% as white.
Then it would appear that blacks in New Orleans must be more than three times as likely to be poor, than whites. Do you think that racism could have something to do with this strikingly high percentage?

I've been to New Orleans several times. White people do live there. According to statistics, they make up a little less that a third of the population. But they make up the top third of the economic scale. And when the evacuation order was given, they were the most able to leave. They had cars, and they had the extra cash and credit cards to help them deal with an emergency. In fact, two thirds of the population of New Orleans left before the hurricane hit. And you can bet that the two thirds that left were the welthier two thirds of the economic scale. So what you're seeing on TV are the people who were left. You're seeing the poorest third of the population, which is overwhelmingly black.

How do we explain the fact that almost every poor person in the city of New Orleans is black, unless we say that it's the effect of racism? Can you think of any other explanation for such an overwhelming correlation between poverty and skin color? Do you think people with black skin are stupid, or lazy, and just don't want to work? Or do you think most black people are just as intelligent and willing to work as anyone else, but that they can't get the jobs? Why do you think they can't get the jobs?

I think every one of us knows exactly why all the poor people in New Orleans, and is so many other cities in America, are black. We're just trying really hard not to acknowledge it.


PureX said:
How do we explain the fact that almost every poor person in the city of New Orleans is black, unless we say that it's the effect of racism?

The reason is liberalism, which is, in effect, racism.


New member
PureX said:
Then it would appear that blacks in New Orleans must be more than three times as likely to be poor, than whites. Do you think that racism could have something to do with this strikingly high percentage?

How do we explain the fact that almost every poor person in the city of New Orleans is black, unless we say that it's the effect of racism?

Is it a fact? Is almost every poor person in New Orleans black? The stats I can find show that blacks make half of what whites make per family and 1/3 per capita (meaning they have larger families).

With 2/3 of the city being black including the mayor it seems like a bit of a stretch to blame the situation all on racism.


New member
PureX said:
Then it would appear that blacks in New Orleans must be more than three times as likely to be poor, than whites. Do you think that racism could have something to do with this strikingly high percentage?

Reading some more, it would appear that 98% of the residents of the worst damaged area were blacks. That would certainly account for the lack of diversity amongst the evacuees, especially in the news footage. Certainly makes more sense than all poor people in New Orleans are black so the only people left behind were black.


Well-known member
Gaviidae said:
Is it a fact? Is almost every poor person in New Orleans black? The stats I can find show that blacks make half of what whites make per family and 1/3 per capita (meaning they have larger families).

With 2/3 of the city being black including the mayor it seems like a bit of a stretch to blame the situation all on racism.
So what are you blaming it on? Are you saying they make as much money as everyone else, but they have too many kids? Are you saying that the people we're seeing on TV that were stuck in New Orleans weren't poor, but were just too dumb to leave town? How do you explain that almost everyone who did not leave New Orleans before the storm was black, if you don't think the reason is that they were too poor to afford to get out?

The truth is right in front of your face. It was the poor that could not afford to leave. And they are overwhelmingly African American. How do we explain this except through racism? What other explanation is there for this overwhelming correlation?


Well-known member
Gaviidae said:
Reading some more, it would appear that 98% of the residents of the worst damaged area were blacks. That would certainly account for the lack of diversity amongst the evacuees, especially in the news footage. Certainly makes more sense than all poor people in New Orleans are black so the only people left behind were black.
Right. Now, how do you explain the fact that 98% of the poorest people in New Orleans were black, when black people only make up 67% of the total population?


Well-known member
PureX said:
Right. Now, how do you explain the fact that 98% of the poorest people in New Orleans were black, when black people only make up 67% of the total population?
Liberals and there misguided philosophies.


Well-known member
PureX said:
OK. Let's see you explin this idiotic comment, now .....
Liberals think nothing of spending more and more money of domestic issues – they see themselves as “providers” of the common good. Conseratives generally oppose more programs, large government and the concept of being “providers.” Its cute, and stresses this philosophic difference between the two sides. Conseratives believe in the adage, "Give a man a fish, and he has but one meal; teach him to fish, and he will eat forever." Liberals want to hand-feed people, making them slaves to the government's dole. Liberals love to pit one American against the other on issues of taxes, social security, health issues, diversity and crime. Liberals have played the class warfare card once too often, and we believe that most Americans are wising up to that divisive game.

Liberals could, if Liberals love blacks so much, move to any black ghetto today, this very minute. But they don't and they won't. Liberals talk the integration talk, but Liberals do not walk the integration walk. And, again,Liberals won't and never will.

This hypocrisy is typical of Liberal Americans whose housing patterns are almost perfectly apartheid.


Well-known member
What does any of this have to do with the fact that virtually all the poor people in New Orleans, and in many other cities, are black? I've heard all this BS about giving men fishing poles and whatnot, before, and mostly it's just stupid platitudes and excuses. So what's the conservative solution ... give them nothing and let them starve, or join a fight that's rigged against them for a piece of the economic pie?

Get real.

There is plenty of greed and stupidity on both sides. This has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives. It's about racism, and how racism translates into poverty. Let's see you address that.



Free enterprise is open to every American. The problem is that you libs perpetuate the concept that blacks are entitled to something beyond the range of freedom, free enterprise and the direct rewards of hard work.

If anybody is to blame for the looters, rioters, rapists and murdererous blacks, it's the Liberal demo-commies.

You guys are the scurge of America, freedom and all that is good.


Well-known member
Yes I addressed that. Most liberals are racist. They are the ones who came up with the idea to put them in ghettos. They are the ones who have hood winked the blacks to the lifestyle they have. They are the ones who say to the black community, "let us take care of you" These are all liberal ideas. BilltBob has a point. The blacks are different then whites. Whites, for the most part, dont need government handouts. They dont need the government to set up special places for them to live. One reason , maybe, is there are more of us then them, so its earier to round them up, just like the indians. Anyhow, you ask "What does any of this have to do with the fact that virtually all the poor people in New Orleans, and in many other cities, are black?" I just explained it.


Well-known member
There is nothing free about enterprise in America. Especially when racism stacks the deck against you.