Katrina Damage



PureX, if any of the things you say were true, there wouldn't be a single successful black person in America! :doh:


Gaviidae said:
Blacks make up 12% of the US population (2000). Does no one read my posts? :angel:

Original source

And for what it's worth, in 2002 blacks made up 43% of the inmate population. source

Thanks, I was deliberately trying to give them the benifit of the doubt since I couldn't get a consistent number.

So, basically blacks are about 5 times more likely to end up in prison than the rest of the population.....



Well-known member
BillyBob said:
So, basically blacks are about 5 times more likely to end up in prison than the rest of the population
Why do you think this is?

And why is this such a significant issue for you? You've repeated this several times, now.


PureX said:
Why do you think this is?

Blacks have a higher propensity to be criminals [or at least get caught]. They also have a greater propensity to be irresponsible and reliant upon the government. The reason is largely due to the liberal leadership who has enslaved this group of people and made them dependant on the government.

And why is this such a significant issue for you? You've repeated this several times, now.

It is significant because it is true.


Well-known member
BillyBob said:
It is significant because it is true.
Lots and lots of things are true, yet you aren't repeatedly posting about them. I'm just curious why this is such a significant issue for you.


Well-known member
Gaviidae said:
Why do you?
I think it's because they live in a culture that is prejudiced against them in a way that they can never overcome (their skin color) and as a result they become a somewhat anti-social sub-culture within the culture at large. The ideals and the laws of the culture at large become less and less meaningful to them as they become more and more a part of this anti-social sub-culture. And sadly, this only in turn increases the justification for discriminating against them by the culture at large, which then even further consolidates and alienates them into an anti-social sub-culture. It's a self-perpetuating cycle, which explains why it continues over many, many decades even as so many white immigrent groups have come into the U.S., been discriminated against for a time (because they are "different"), and then been assimilated into the general population. This can't happen for blacks because even though they can assimilate their behaviors, they can't ever become white. And as long as they are not white, they will always be "different", and being different (in any culture) means being discriminated against.


PureX said:
I think it's because they live in a culture that is prejudiced against them in a way that they can never overcome (their skin color) and as a result they become a somewhat anti-social sub-culture within the culture at large. .

I've said this before, but it needs repeated:

:sozo: The fact that there are successful blacks in the US completely destroys your premise.


Well-known member
BillyBob said:
I've said this before, but it needs repeated:

:sozo: The fact that there are successful blacks in the US completely destroys your premise.
Right, because even though we're a nation of 300 million people, there can never be any exceptions at any time to any observations that I make about anything. Because if there were even one single exception to any observation that I make at any time, that will disprove every observation that I've ever made about anything, ever.


No, the reason there are successful blacks in the US is because we live in a free economy. The reason there are so many poor blacks is because they aren't interested in doing what it takes to be successful.


New member
PureX said:
This can't happen for blacks because even though they can assimilate their behaviors, they can't ever become white. And as long as they are not white, they will always be "different", and being different (in any culture) means being discriminated against.

What about asians? They can never be white. Or even Jews?


New member
PureX said:
Right, because even though we're a nation of 300 million people, there can never be any exceptions at any time to any observations that I make about anything. Because if there were even one single exception to any observation that I make at any time, that will disprove every observation that I've ever made about anything, ever.

You're the one who said never. Never doesn't allow exceptions.


Well-known member
That's true. In our relatively free environment, some blacks have managed to succeed in spite of the prejudices against them. But that doesn't mean the prejudice isn't there, or that it's not playing a large role in why so many others have not been assimilated.


PureX said:
That's true. In our relatively free environment, some blacks have managed to succeed in spite of the prejudices against them.

If that is true, then it proves that this prejudice is not overwhelming and if some blacks can do it [become successful], most can do it, they just choose not to.

But that doesn't mean the prejudice isn't there, or that it's not playing a large role in why so many others have not been assimilated.

I don't think that it plays more than a very minor role, if any.