Katrina Damage


PureBS said:
Then why are the poor overwhelmingly non-white?

Is that a racist question?

Are you saying that non-whites are more lazy than whites,

You tell me!

and that's why they prefer to "hang our with their homeys"

White people don't have 'homeys'.

while white people are busy working hard and getting ahead?

Wow, it seems that you are grasping the situation better today than you did last week.

You're claiming that poor people are poor because they're lazy.

Yes. But now you need to ask why they are lazy. :think:

But you're trying not to say that people of color are more lazy than white people.

Oh, I'll say it. It is what it is. But again, you need to ask why it is that they often choose a life of sloth over a life of prosperity. You see, PureX, they have a choice, the proof is all the successful black men and women who live and prosper in our great nation.

Yet poor people are mostly people of color in this country, so if you're saying that poor people are lazy, then you're also saying that people of color are lazy, which is untrue and racist.

I see, so making an observation is the same thing as being racist? :darwinsm:

And you really don't think that people are being locked out of this "integration" regardless of their efforts?

Nope. The proof is all the successful black men and women who live and prosper in our great nation.

How do you explain that one white immigrant group after another has come to America as unwanted aliens, and integrated themselves within one or two generations while black people have been here for many generations and still have not been integrated.

There are plenty of prosperous blacks in the US.

Do you really believe that this is all their fault?


No, they thought; "you're white, we know you'll be able meet our expectations" while they thought "he's black, he'll have to work his butt off to prove to us that he can live up to our expectations, and if he slips up in any way, it'll prove that he is inferior, just as I already suspect him to be".


In fact, the black man is expected to fail,

Says who?

which is why he has to prove himself, while the white man is expected to succeed, which is why he'll get the job first and have to prove he's a failure to lose it.


The expectations are grossly biased, which makes a person of color have to work unfairly hard to overcome expectations that are biased against him.

Ah, even if that were the case, US citizens have the opportunity to do just that! Some blacks choose not to.

And ultimately, he will never overcome the expectations of a bigot, no matter what he does, because the bigot will always see what he expects to see - the inferiority of the "other".

I will not deny that there are bigoted people in the US or anywhere else in the world, but you make it sound as if bigotry is the norm. To which I reply: :cow:

Yet the bigot will never realize that he's a bigot, and that he'll remain biased against people of color no matter how hard they try to overcome his bias. Person "A" can never overcome the bias of person "B" because it's not person "A"s bias. We can't reach into the minds and hearts of others and change them. And only a fool would try, or expect other people to try.
And yet you still seem to think it's perfectly natural that they should have to work their butts off to meet the expectation of biased white people even though that's unfair and ultimately impossible. What a good friend you are.
How safety minded of you.

Pure, unadulterated :cow:


New member
PureX said:
Then why are the poor overwhelmingly non-white?

From 2004 US Census data:

Total number of White only below the poverty level = 25,301,000
Total number of Black only below the poverty level = 9,000,000

Are you saying that non-whites are more lazy than whites, and that's why they prefer to "hang our with their homeys" while white people are busy working hard and getting ahead?

Nope - I'm saying (again) that it's harder to integrate into a predominatley white society for non-whites.

You're claiming that poor people are poor because they're lazy. But you're trying not to say that people of color are more lazy than white people. Yet poor people are mostly people of color in this country, so if you're saying that poor people are lazy, then you're also saying that people of color are lazy, which is untrue and racist.

See statistics above.

I really hesitated to bring the term "lazy" into this discussion and did so only by trying to explain my meaning. Apparently I've failed.

And you really don't think that people are being locked out of this "integration" regardless of their efforts?

No, I haven't experienced this.

How do you explain that one white immigrant group after another has come to America as unwanted aliens, and integrated themselves within one or two generations while black people have been here for many generations and still have not been integrated. Do you really believe that this is all their fault?

I'm not trying to explain it, I'm trying to explain why I refuse to take blame for it.

BTW - how do you explain the relative success of Asian immigrants, who also face prejudicial attitudes and resistance to integration?

No, they thought; "you're white, we know you'll be able meet our expectations" while they thought "he's black, he'll have to work his butt off to prove to us that he can live up to our expectations, and if he slips up in any way, it'll prove that he is inferior, just as I already suspect him to be". In fact, the black man is expected to fail, which is why he has to prove himself, while the white man is expected to succeed, which is why he'll get the job first and have to prove he's a failure to lose it.

Again, not in my experience. I have been fortunate to work in a diverse work environment, mostly educated at college level or beyond. I have never seen the type of stereotyping you describe. My city celebrates the heritage of Frederick Douglass. It was a terminus of the underground railroad. Every school child in this area is aware of the earliest efforts by whites and blacks to avoid the types of treatment you describe.

The expectations are grossly biased, which makes a person of color have to work unfairly hard to overcome expectations that are biased against him. And ultimately, he will never overcome the expectations of a bigot, no matter what he does, because the bigot will always see what he expects to see - the inferiority of the "other". Yet the bigot will never realize that he's a bigot, and that he'll remain biased against people of color no matter how hard they try to overcome his bias.

Human nature being what it is, I don't disagree.

Person "A" can never overcome the bias of person "B" because it's not person "A"s bias. We can't reach into the minds and hearts of others and change them. And only a fool would try, or expect other people to try. .

And yet, that seems to be what you're proposing :think:

And yet you still seem to think it's perfectly natural that they should have to work their butts off to meet the expectation of biased white people even though that's unfair and ultimately impossible. What a good friend you are.

Actually, since they were there before me, the expectation was that I perform up to their level.

How safety minded of you.



Well-known member
I notice that you ignored the ratio. According to your numbers, black people make up 25% of the nation's poor. But you've ignored what percentage of the nation's population is black. My guess is that it's far less than 25%. that would mean that a much higher percentage of the poor are black as compared to the percentage of Americans who are black. You also ignored how many of America's poor are other non-whites, which will further increase the ratio of non-white people to poor people.

You seem like a smart enough person to have realized that it's the ratio that tells the tale. So why'd you leave it out?


New member
PureX said:
I notice that you ignored the ratio. According to your numbers, black people make up 25% of the nation's poor. But you've ignored what percentage of the nation's population is black. My guess is that it's far less than 25%. that would mean that a much higher percentage of the poor are black as compared to the percentage of Americans who are black. You also ignored how many of America's poor are other non-whites, which will further increase the ratio of non-white people to poor people.

You seem like a smart enough person to have realized that it's the ratio that tells the tale. So why'd you leave it out?

Because you weren't talking about ratios.

How do you explain the disparity between the Black only data and the Asian only data?


Well-known member
koban said:
Because you weren't talking about ratios.
Of course I was talking about ratios. This whole discussion is about why so many people of color (particularly black people) in America are poor as compared to white people. You know this is what the discussion has been about, yet you purposely posted some misleading data to distract us by ignoring the ratio. Why'd you do
koban said:
How do you explain the disparity between the Black only data and the Asian only data?
What disparity are you referring to?


New member
PureX said:
I notice that you ignored the ratio. According to your numbers, black people make up 25% of the nation's poor. But you've ignored what percentage of the nation's population is black. My guess is that it's far less than 25%. that would mean that a much higher percentage of the poor are black as compared to the percentage of Americans who are black. You also ignored how many of America's poor are other non-whites, which will further increase the ratio of non-white people to poor people.

You seem like a smart enough person to have realized that it's the ratio that tells the tale. So why'd you leave it out?

Probably for the same reason I did earlier. Because you make claims that aren't based on ratios. Aren't you a smart enough person to know ratios tell the tale?

FWIW - Blacks make up about 12% of the population. About 25% of blacks are in poverty compared with 11% of whites, 10% of Asians and 22% of Hispanics.


New member
PureX said:
Of course I was talking about ratios.

PureX said:
Then why are the poor overwhelmingly non-white?

I would think that 25.3MM would overwhelm 9MM

This whole discussion is about why so many people of color (particularly black people) in America are poor as compared to white people. You know this is what the discussion has been about, yet you purposely posted some misleading data to distract us by ignoring the ratio. Why'd you do

Because I was answering your post. If you want to discuss why a greater percentage of blacks is poor, go at it!

I'm here to refute your claim that I should feel guilty about it.

What disparity are you referring to?

thank you Gaviidae


New member
Gaviidae said:
Probably for the same reason I did earlier. Because you make claims that aren't based on ratios. Aren't you a smart enough person to know ratios tell the tale?

FWIW - Blacks make up about 12% of the population. About 25% of blacks are in poverty compared with 11% of whites, 10% of Asians and 22% of Hispanics.

Haven't seen that one before.


From what I wemember?

From what I wead?

Who are you , Barbra Walters? :chuckle:

Army of One

New member
PureX said:
Of course I was talking about ratios. This whole discussion is about why so many people of color (particularly black people) in America are poor as compared to white people. You know this is what the discussion has been about, yet you purposely posted some misleading data to distract us by ignoring the ratio.
Yet earlier in the thread, you wrote:
I think every one of us knows exactly why all the poor people in New Orleans, and is so many other cities in America, are black.

What does any of this have to do with the fact that virtually all the poor people in New Orleans, and in many other cities, are black?

Then how do you explain the fact that most of the poor people in America are black?

I'm using our discussion to point out to all of us that we have some responsibility for the fact that most of the poor people in America are black

Most poor people are black, and most black people are poor
Either you really like to use hyperbole, or you actually haven't been talking about ratios this whole time. :think:


New member
PureX said:
Most poor people are black, and most black people are poor

Geez - I missed this one.

Nope, most poor people aren't black.


Nope, most black people aren't poor.


New member
Army of One said:
Yet earlier in the thread, you wrote:

Either you really like to use hyperbole, or you actually haven't been talking about ratios this whole time. :think:

:mad:You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

Guess I gotta be stingier with it, like Taoist. :chuckle:


PureX said:
I notice that you ignored the ratio. According to your numbers, black people make up 25% of the nation's poor. But you've ignored what percentage of the nation's population is black. My guess is that it's far less than 25%. that would mean that a much higher percentage of the poor are black as compared to the percentage of Americans who are black. You also ignored how many of America's poor are other non-whites, which will further increase the ratio of non-white people to poor people.

You seem like a smart enough person to have realized that it's the ratio that tells the tale. So why'd you leave it out?

If you wanna talk about ratios, compare the percentage of blacks in America to the the percentage of blacks in prison.



New member
BillyBob said:
If you wanna talk about ratios, compare the percentage of blacks in America to the the percentage of blacks in prison.


I feel guilty about that too, Billybob :chuckle:


koban said:
Geez - I missed this one.

Nope, most poor people aren't black.


Nope, most black people aren't poor.

FYI Koban, PureX and his ilk have a habit of manufacturing 'statistics' to bolster their liberal agenda. You get used to it after awhile, but it never ceases to amaze me how much :cow: these guys are willing to pull out of their assses......


New member
the fact that most of the poor people in America are black, and that this IS the result of racial prejiduce against them.

Wrong, though yes there is discrimination - but for all of us - our worst enimeis are ourselves - black, white, yellow, purple... if we allow ourselves to say what we have been overcome with is beyond our capacity to deal with, well that is the start of the downward spiral. Most Americans do not discriminate, yes some are apathetic, but the truth is that there is more harm done by people who want to help - the concept of knowing how to help needs to be explored... so how do you suggest that those of us who know what dificulties Black people face - how do we help them?

With Christ's Love
