Justice Kennedy needs a reminder about his own fear of harm from gay marriage


New member
That certainly isn't a "pro-life" response ...

Hint: It DOESN'T MATTER how they came to be. They are children and are here.
It DOES matter for the future. Children who are here must be loved and cared for, as all children need. But how do children arise from same sex coupling?


New member
You have no issue with two people making out 5 feet from you while you try to eat, or doing any other number of things?
I'm talking about people who are troubled by the sight of two men walking hand in hand or arm and arm. Where are those who are troubled by a husband and wife doing so? I never heard of this.......


New member
OK, here is the data.
Question: How did these children arise from gay coupling? Will more and more arise when SCOTUS gives gay marriage the green light?

Question: How Many Children Have Gay Parents in the US?

The actual number of children being raised by gay or lesbian parents is tough to estimate as many LGBTQ people keep their sexual orientation a secret to avoid harassment. But an article by the Child Welfare League of America states the following research, "A 1995 National Health and Social Life Survey by E.O. Lauman found that up to nine million children in America have gay or lesbian parents (Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, 2002)."



New member
how many does there have to be before they become worthy enough to care about?
There are aprox. 9 million in the US. (as of 20 years ago, so maybe many more now)

How did they get here, and is it good for them and future generations if they become legion?


New member
One estimate is 14 million children, and additionally:

Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

  • An estimated two million GLB people are interested in adopting.
  • An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.
  • More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.
  • Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.
  • Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I do not know of one child living with homosexual parents
I would like to hear from those who do
I do personally know of two children whose father is a homosexual and is no longer living with their mother
taking care of her
let's hear about those you really know about


New member
I do not know of one child living with homosexual parents
I would like to hear from those who do
I do personally know of two children whose father is a homosexual and is no longer living with their mother
taking care of her
let's hear about those you really know about
I don't know of any.

The data I listed is only to question:

1. How children arise from gay couples
2. Will SSM on a nationally level increase these numbers?
3. Is third party reproduction in the best interest of children or society?


New member
I doubt you read as it's all fluff and nondsense.

Yeah there were lot of big words that I didn't understand. And, at a few hundred words, it was pretty long...:hammer:

Actually, your lazy reply and thoughtless dimissal is the fluff and nondsense.

What data is this? How is (or how could) a causative connection to marriage equality established?

If you had read the article you would have noticed early on a link to a Supreme Court brief that was referenced. This brief discussed at length and cited detail the connection you're wondering about.

Just who are these "scholars"? And what qualifies someone to be a 'marriage scholar'?

:dunce: This is embarassing...On page 3 of the brief they have a table on contents. One section is The Table of Authorities.

13 past cases are referenced and some in the neighborhood of 200 scholarly materials are cited.

Fluff and nondsense indeed :doh:

Your tunnel vision that has you seeking confirmation bias has blinded your intellectual curiosity.

What key secular norms?
read the brief

That is why states have traditionally supported man-woman marriage,
Unsupported assertion

It's objective and historic fact. Traditionally, heterosexual marriage is what has been supported. You've become incapable of acknowledging historic fact.

Read the brief.

I thought marriage was about raising children, not it seems marriage is about sex. so which is it?

Do you understand what "primarily" means?

You should be embarrassed by this 'effort'


Hall of Fame
I'm talking about people who are troubled by the sight of two men walking hand in hand or arm and arm. Where are those who are troubled by a husband and wife doing so? I never heard of this.......

Why should their offense matter? You would have a point if the two individuals in question were going it at, graphically.

Holding hands is NOT a sexual act. A person who allows it to *trouble* them or make them angry has more important issues to work on.


Hall of Fame
It DOES matter for the future. Children who are here must be loved and cared for, as all children need. But how do children arise from same sex coupling?

You are making an assumption that these children raised by same sex couples will NOT be loved or cared for based on your own personal bias.

Though I am fairly certain I know the answer, tell us ... would you prefer to see children who are wards of the state stay where they are or be adopted by a loving, gay couple who has met ALL of the requirements necessary to adopt?