Justice Kennedy needs a reminder about his own fear of harm from gay marriage


Well-known member
I remember a fellow writing along those lines, but more consistently in approach when he said, "If you don't particularly like gays, let them get married. Serves them right." Something like that.

Now I don't mean to make a different sort of mistake by idealizing what is a thing of serious consideration and work, but if you give it that a marriage should be a foundational rock for your day to day, much like faith, which is why I think the bride/bridegroom is used to describe that particular.
Joe Wong "Marriage"


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Hall of Fame
No, gays can be just as happy, building a life together and sharing all. Nothing is stopping them from having that. My wife was my best friend despite being my wife - not because of it.

You just want them to remain second class. Seems to me your motives are driven by spite.


New member
You just want them to remain second class. Seems to me your motives are driven by spite.
Do you truly believe their marrying will automatically make them "first class": the norm?

Do you think the entire population will fall in lock-step and suddenly approve of two men holding hands and kissing in public as a newly married couple?

Even many who support gay marriage admit they don't want to see any public displays of affection. My sister-in-law supports gay marriage, but admits she doesn't want her children to see any gay couples at a family reunion (we have two). How is any of this "first class"?


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Hall of Fame
Do you truly believe their marrying will automatically make them "first class": the norm?

Automatically, no, since they'll still have to deal with bigots with regularity. It does put them on equal footing, however.

Do you think the entire population will fall in lock-step and suddenly approve of two men holding hands and kissing in public as a newly married couple?

Of course not. Usually you need bigotry to die off.

Even many who support gay marriage admit they don't want to see any public displays of affection.

Uh...so what?

Essentially you're saying that bigots will continue to act like jerks. Well, yeah. You got me there.


New member
Automatically, no, since they'll still have to deal with bigots with regularity. It does put them on equal footing, however.

Of course not. Usually you need bigotry to die off.

Uh...so what?

Essentially you're saying that bigots will continue to act like jerks. Well, yeah. You got me there.
Well, being uncomfortable with something does not make you irrational nor hate-filled (i.e., a bigot). You are the one using that term; the subjects themselves would not agree with you. I am far less inclined to be bothered by public displays than many, as I was raised seeing them .


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Hall of Fame
Well, being uncomfortable with something does not make you irrational nor hate-filled (i.e., a bigot). You are the one using that term; the subjects themselves would not agree with you. I am far less inclined to be bothered by public displays than many, as I was raised seeing them .

Bigots are generally unwilling to admit what they are. Some do, of course, but usually it's either a refusal to see the obvious or just a discomfort with embracing the label.


New member
Bigots are generally unwilling to admit what they are. Some do, of course, but usually it's either a refusal to see the obvious or just a discomfort with embracing the label.
So these people standing up for gay marriage remain bigots to you?


Hall of Fame
Do you truly believe their marrying will automatically make them "first class": the norm?

Do you think the entire population will fall in lock-step and suddenly approve of two men holding hands and kissing in public as a newly married couple?

Even many who support gay marriage admit they don't want to see any public displays of affection. My sister-in-law supports gay marriage, but admits she doesn't want her children to see any gay couples at a family reunion (we have two). How is any of this "first class"?

You still seem to believe that their marriage is everyone else but THEM.


New member
See, there you go again. Trolling. That, or trying to play dumb.
No, I am merely pointing out that it is ungrateful to consign as bigots those who have made the polls rise up in favor of same sex marriage (just because they get uncomfortable when they see 2 men kissing on a train). Don't you think so?


New member
You still seem to believe that their marriage is everyone else but THEM.
Well, come June it will no longer be up for debate. I believe SCOTUS will rule in favor of a constitutional right to same sex marriage, and it will hold for all 50 states. I promised Tracer I would shut my big trap once that happens. ;)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well, come June it will no longer be up for debate. I believe SCOTUS will rule in favor of a constitutional right to same sex marriage, and it will hold for all 50 states. I promised Tracer I would shut my big trap once that happens. ;)

I won't

I will continue to say

the purpose of marriage
to protect the child


New member
I won't

I will continue to say

the purpose of marriage
to protect the child
I will still believe that, and say it privately. But socially, the fight will be over (for now). Of course I won't change my opinion, only shut my big yapper. Or maybe I could break my promise to Tracer??? :think:


New member
Hall of Fame
No, I am merely pointing out that it is ungrateful to consign as bigots those who have made the polls rise up in favor of same sex marriage (just because they get uncomfortable when they see 2 men kissing on a train). Don't you think so?

So either you're still playing dumb or you're just completely dense.:idunno:


New member


New member
Hall of Fame
How so? ????

Do you actually expect people to read your mind?

Do you have Aspie's, or something?

You don't express yourself clearly at all. You really, really, really don't.

It is you who seem obtuse

Says the guy who's just now providing a link explaining what he means.

I really think you're just a troll. Either that or an egghead who doesn't know how to express himself. At all.


New member
Do you actually expect people to read your mind?

Do you have Aspie's, or something?

You don't express yourself clearly at all. You really, really, really don't.

Says the guy who's just now providing a link explaining what he means.

I really think you're just a troll. Either that or an egghead who doesn't know how to express himself. At all.
You know from the past that I (and my son) have Asperger syndrome, yes. (I am on the spectrum; his is more severe).

I assumed you had read these studies.

In any case, they still have furthered the cause for gay marriage.
Are they merely "bigots" to your thinking?


New member
Hall of Fame
You know from the past that I (and my son) have Asperger syndrome, yes. (I am on the spectrum; his is more severe).

Sorry, didn't actually know that off the top of my head. Explains why it can be exasperating trying to have a conversation though.

I assumed you had read these studies.


Good God. Just...good God.

I'm through trying to talk to you. You're completely impossible.


New member
Sorry, didn't actually know that off the top of my head. Explains why it can be exasperating trying to have a conversation though.


Good God. Just...good God.

I'm through trying to talk to you. You're completely impossible.
Not trying to make excuses, but assuming others know what you know is part of the Aspberger theory of mind. My bad, bro. :plain:

*still think it's a legitimate question , though: The very people who've made the public polls rise in favor of gay marriage are still put off by PDA. Is it merely bigotry? I have taught Philosophy at the university level, so my Aspberger does not preclude intelligent thinking.


Hall of Fame
Not trying to make excuses, but assuming others know what you know is part of the Aspberger theory of mind. My bad, bro. :plain:

*still think it's a legitimate question , though: The very people who've made the public polls rise in favor of gay marriage are still put off by PDA. Is it merely bigotry? I have taught Philosophy at the university level, so my Aspberger does not preclude intelligent thinking.

It depends. I don't care to view PDA's for ANY couple. It's when you pick and choose those displays which offend you (based on sexuality) is when the bigotry label comes into play.