Justice Kennedy needs a reminder about his own fear of harm from gay marriage


New member
Yeah there were lot of big words that I didn't understand. And, at a few hundred words, it was pretty long...:hammer:

Actually, your lazy reply and thoughtless dimissal is the fluff and nondsense.

If you had read the article you would have noticed early on a link to a Supreme Court brief that was referenced. This brief discussed at length and cited detail the connection you're wondering about.

:dunce: This is embarassing...On page 3 of the brief they have a table on contents. One section is The Table of Authorities.

13 past cases are referenced and some in the neighborhood of 200 scholarly materials are cited.

Fluff and nondsense indeed :doh:

Your tunnel vision that has you seeking confirmation bias has blinded your intellectual curiosity.

read the brief

It's objective and historic fact. Traditionally, heterosexual marriage is what has been supported. You've become incapable of acknowledging historic fact.

Read the brief.

Do you understand what "primarily" means?

You should be embarrassed by this 'effort'
Very nice refutation, very apt. :BRAVO: :up:


New member
Why should their offense matter? You would have a point if the two individuals in question were going it at, graphically.

Holding hands is NOT a sexual act. A person who allows it to *trouble* them or make them angry has more important issues to work on.
Holding hands is a romantic act, which infers sexuality. This is why 2 straight men don't walk down the street holding hands.


New member
You are making an assumption that these children raised by same sex couples will NOT be loved or cared for based on your own personal bias.

Though I am fairly certain I know the answer, tell us ... would you prefer to see children who are wards of the state stay where they are or be adopted by a loving, gay couple who has met ALL of the requirements necessary to adopt?
The trend now - in imitation of Elton John et al - is to forgo adoption, leaving unfortunate children as wards of the state, and to use surrogate wombs, egg and sperm donors. Third party/high tech reproduction is "where it's at".


Hall of Fame
Holding hands is a romantic act, which infers sexuality. This is why 2 straight men don't walk down the street holding hands.

As I asked before, why should their offense matter? There are also people who take offense to interracial couples holding hands.

There are much more important things in life to obsess over than an anonymous couple walking down the street, holding hands.


New member
As I asked before, why should their offense matter? There are also people who take offense to interracial couples holding hands.

There are much more important things in life to obsess over than an anonymous couple walking down the street, holding hands.
Research reveals that gay marriage supporters in the US don't like to see this. Go figure. :idunno:


New member
I do not know of one child living with homosexual parents
I would like to hear from those who do
I do personally know of two children whose father is a homosexual and is no longer living with their mother
taking care of her
let's hear about those you really know about

I know seven children with same gendered parents, well six, one really can't be counted as a child anymore.


New member
I know seven children with same gendered parents, well six, one really can't be counted as a child anymore.
How did gay unions produce such children? Sperm and egg donors? Divorce (bisexuality)? Womb surrogacy? They cannot be the natural issue of their union. How many are adopted?


New member
Yeah there were lot of big words that I didn't understand. And, at a few hundred words, it was pretty long...:hammer:
well at least you finally admit it

Actually, your lazy reply and thoughtless dimissal is the fluff and nondsense.
but I'm not to lazy to use a spell checker

If you had read the article you would have noticed early on a link to a Supreme Court brief that was referenced. This brief discussed at length and cited detail the connection you're wondering about.
yes yes yes the brief trots out the "5 percent reduction in heterosexual marriage rates" multiple times with much hand wringing and chest beating. However when you track down the source of the claim you find that the study they are taking the 5% figure from says something a little different. Specifically this 5% reduction in heterosexual marriage rates in the Netherlands only exists among women age 18-22. this reduction is short term in that the reduction disapears entirely for women by the age of 27. The study also goes on to note that this reduction while coincidental to the legalization of same gendered marriage it cannot be declared causative noting both the trend for marrying later rather than earlier and the introduction of Netherlands registered partnership (a civil union alternative to marriage.)

"It is impossible to attribute the decline in the marriage rate after
2001 to either the long-term effect of the registered partnership law or to the short-term effect of the same-sex marriage law." M. Trandafir The effect of same-sex marriage laws on different-sex marriage: Evidence from the Netherlands 2009


New member
why does it matter?
Because it should be known under what conditions these children came to be living with gay parents. There are many ethical problems with third party reproduction, for instance; so much so that many countries have regulated strictly such procedures.


Hall of Fame
Because it should be known under what conditions these children came to be living with gay parents. There are many ethical problems with third party reproduction, for instance; so much so that many countries have regulated strictly such procedures.

Considering the incidents of abuse and murder at the hands of heterosexual parents, your logic (once again) is biased.

I am more interested in blocking ABUSIVE parents (single or married) from being allowed to continue their abuse.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Considering the incidents of abuse and murder at the hands of heterosexual parents, your logic (once again) is biased.

I am more interested in blocking ABUSIVE parents (single or married) from being allowed to continue their abuse.

would you block me?


New member
Hall of Fame
The purpose of marriage is to produce Godly offspring.

Matthew 19:4 He answered, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'?

Malachai 2:15 But did He not make them one,
Having a remnant of the Spirit?
And why one?
He seeks godly offspring.
Therefore take heed to your spirit,
And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth.

(Which can be done via adoption and even if one doesn't have physical children, by leading by example (production of spiritual children by pointing to relationship to God)

Also the purpose and function of the reproductive system doesn't change just because it might work correctly or one chooses not to use it as intended.

The marriage is a living picture of our relationship with God.


New member
Hall of Fame
Funny how you're fine with recognizing equality when it comes to aberrant sexual behavior but not consensual sexual behavior.

God doesnt recognize gay marriage, neither do i. You can think me errant all day, i will err according to the world instead of erring before Him.

Guilt doesnt work on me, try another tactic.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The purpose of marriage is to produce Godly offspring.

that is the purpose of sex

look how many are born outside of marriage

keeping mommy and daddy together is the best way to protect them

protecting the child
the purpose of marriage


New member
Hall of Fame
God doesnt recognize gay marriage, neither do i. You can think me errant all day, i will err according to the world instead of erring before Him.

Guilt doesnt work on me, try another tactic.

I wasn't using "guilt," I was pointing out you're a hypocrite.