Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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God's Truth

New member
She's chewed up.

Most folks are who, think that the virtue we add to our faith is charity which comes last.

The virtue that we add to our faith first thing is courage and strength.

Little scripture proof?

Jesus felt virtue which is strength go out of himself when the woman touched the hem of his garment.

She purdy much has the whole word of God upside down backwards, and has never been converted.

You have no idea what you saying.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
BR has a somewhat open mind, he wants to see if he can learn something. You should try it GM.

I'm really not interested in learning about your "crazy" theories!
No offense! I perceive you to be a nice guy! However, you have
to admit; some of your ideas are not very 'rational?'

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
How would you know if it is "baloney" GM?

You do not display a knowledge of scripture, you only scorn thoes who do. You fail to understand the words of Christ so I do not expect your to understand my words either.

JOHN 17:3

Listen to your Pastor or listen to Christ, your choice friend.

You don't have full knowledge about ALL of my posts! Why are you
making such accusations? You're a nice guy however, you're a bit
of a "Screwball" as well! I mean it pal!


Well-known member
I'm really not interested in learning about your "crazy" theories!

No offense! I perceive you to be a nice guy! However, you have

to admit; some of your ideas are not very 'rational?'

My theory would seem crazy to someone of limited knowledge.
GM you don't even understand what my crazy theory does to the established doctrines of the churches.

Supposing I am right, your faith would be worthless. That is why you do not wish to open your mind friend.

Posted from the TOL App!


Well-known member
You don't have full knowledge about ALL of my posts! Why are you
making such accusations? You're a nice guy however, you're a bit
of a "Screwball" as well! I mean it pal!

True, but 90% lately of them lately are to poke fun at folks. Debate with verses, prove your point with scripture, not scorn. GM, your better than that friend.

Most thought Jesus was a screwball also. Because they did not take the time to understand his words. They remain in the dark.

Posted from the TOL App!


Well-known member
That Jesus is Lord?

Jesus is Lord of humans. No one (no human) comes onto God but through Jesus/the Truth.

Jesus is God's manager of humans (the chosen few) in God's kingdom of heaven. Note that in God's kingdom (in the heavenly spirit realm) there are many mansions. Jesus is in charge of one of these mansions. Jesus left earth and went to spirit heaven to prepare one such mansion for Christians. He now rules over that mansion. When Christians die they rise (in three days like Jesus) to be like angels in heaven. They go to that particular mansion which Jesus rules over. Note however that there are other mansions in God's heavenly house or kingdom, in the spirit realm. Others go there. Christians go to the mansion which is under the control and rule of Jesus.

To restore heaven on earth (i.e. the garden of Eden) everywhere, all that is required is bring humans on earth under the real time, precise, individualized and intuitively discerned guidance of Jesus (Truth).

On earth God need a Lord only for humans. This is Jesus or the Truth. God does not need a Lord over other aspects of the creation.

God is God and/or Lord of every thing. God is also God of Jesus.

Although Jesus and all humans have communion over plants, etc., these (i.e. plants, etc.) are under the direct (automatic and fixed) control of God, not Jesus. Without Jesus they will function. Without the misguided actions of humans these will function spontaneously perfectly. When humans are led into all their works by precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for each of them to know, pray for, say and do humans can and will have no negative impact on any aspect of the creation (even if they transgress the Ten Commandments). In fact their actions will naturally and spontaneously restore and nourish the environment every where.

However without Jesus functioning and serving humans intuitively through His Spirit, humans will remain Satanic. Their action can never the right. They will always impact the creation, including earth, negatively. The earth will remain an expression of a hell.

When humans on earth falls under Jesus intuitively discern guidance all other aspect of nature and creation will be restore to spontaneous perfect functioning simply because humans will no longer interfere with and/or oppose the normal spontaneous God controlled functioning of other things in the creation. Indeed earth will become a physical and material expression of the spirit heaven. Garden of Eden will be restored on earth.

In such a world (where humans are led unconditionally by the Spirit of Jesus/ Spirit of Truth) even when one transgress the Ten Commandments and canons etc. one will get no sin but instead be glorified by God.

God's Truth

New member
I do not have to get back at these haters by speaking as they do. All I have to do is speak God's Truth, and they are as those weeping and gnashing their teeth.