Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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There is no proof that Jesus ever claimed to be God but there is a lot of proof that Jesus was the Son of God.
Why do you want to deny the actual claims of Jesus in favor of a claim He never made?

When you say "There is no proof that Jesus ever claimed to be God", by your word, "God", are you referring to God the Father? Yes or No?


New member
Isn't it both funny and sad when unbelief like his will try to twist the scripture so badly and plainly?
Yes, it is sad that the unbelief of 7djengo7 has twisted the scripture so badly he believes something that the Bible never mentions.

He actually blasphemes the Lord by claiming that he knew what was in the Lord's mind about what the Lord knew about what was in someone else's mind. Truly horrible what he does.
Oh, you were talking about my statements that do not blaspheme our Lord and Savior by rightly stating that Jesus knows what is in someone else's thoughts.

Matthew 9:4
4 And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?

Since it has been proven that Jesus knows the thoughts of others, we have to assume that Jesus did not consider what Thomas said as blasphemy.


New member
I'll post anything I want to post whether you like it not.
That sounds like it should apply to everyone and not just you.

I didn't write the bible! It was the Apostle John who wrote that the Jews wanted to stone Jesus for claiming to be God not me.
You believe what the Jews who wanted to stone Jesus said over the words of Jesus Himself?

John 10:36
36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?



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There is no proof that Jesus ever claimed to be God but there is a lot of proof that Jesus was the Son of God.

You also would say that Jesus was the Son of God the Father, right? Can you please cite where Jesus says, "I am the Son of God the Father"?
You also would say that Jesus and God are one, right? Can you please cite where Jesus says, "I and God are one"?


New member
You also would say that Jesus was the Son of God the Father, right?
That is what is plainly taught by the Bible.
Can you please cite where Jesus says, "I am the Son of God the Father"?
Here is a red letter version to show that Jesus Himself claims that He said He is the Son of God.

John 10:36
36 [JESUS]Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?[/JESUS]

Jesus also mentioned the Father in that same verse.

You also would say that Jesus and God are one, right?
One what?
In what manner are Jesus and God one, because that is an important fact that cannot be neglected.
Can you please cite where Jesus says, "I and God are one"?
Here is one of the verses where Jesus says that He and the Father are one.

John 17:11
11 [JESUS]And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.[/JESUS]



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That is what is plainly taught by the Bible.

But Jesus never said "I am the Son of God the Father", did He? Yes or No?

How can it be plainly taught by the Bible that Jesus said "I am the Son of God the Father", when absolutely nowhere in the Bible do we read Jesus saying, "I am the Son of God the Father"? Contrary to your claim, it is not plainly taught by the Bible that Jesus said "I am the Son of God the Father". Why do you go beyond what is plainly taught by the Bible, you non-Christian hypocrite who accuses Christians of going beyond what is plainly taught by the Bible?

It is plainly taught by the Bible that Jesus said, "I am the Son of God"; it is not plainly taught by the Bible that Jesus said, "I am the Son of God the Father".

Here is a red letter version to show that Jesus Himself claims that He said He is the Son of God.

John 10:36
36 [JESUS]Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?[/JESUS]

Jesus also mentioned the Father in that same verse.

So what? Nowhere does Jesus say "I am the Son of God the Father", does He? Yes or No?

One what?
In what manner are Jesus and God one, because that is an important fact that cannot be neglected.

Here is one of the verses where Jesus says that He and the Father are one.

John 17:11
11 [JESUS]And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.[/JESUS]

In John 10:30, Jesus says, "I and my Father are one", but nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say, "He and the Father are one". So, why do you go about saying things that Jesus never said, while hypocritically accusing others of doing the same, you shallow hypocrite?


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There is no proof that Jesus ever claimed to be God but there is a lot of proof that Jesus was the Son of God.
Why do you want to deny the actual claims of Jesus in favor of a claim He never made?

John 10:36
36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

Where was Clete denying a claim of Jesus, you lying, anti-Christ hypocrite? That's right: nowhere. He was not doing so. No Trinitarian denies that Jesus is the Son of God; every Trinitarian affirms that Jesus is the Son of God.

Are you trying to say that to affirm the Trinity is to deny that Jesus is the Son of God? Is that what you're trying to say?

Well, too bad for you. You already shot yourself in the foot, repeatedly, by claiming that the Bible says nothing about the Trinity. See, now you will furthermore manifest yourself to be the Christ-hating, hypocritical fool you are, if you wish to say that the Bible teaches that to affirm the Trinity is to deny that Jesus is the Son of God. Since the Bible does not teach that to affirm the Trinity is to deny that Jesus is the Son of God, why do YOU teach that to affirm the Trinity is to deny that Jesus is the Son of God? Why do you teach that Trinitarians are denying that Jesus is the Son of God by their affirmation of the Trinity?

Of course, because you're a proud, anti-Christ liar, you're not about to apologize to Clete, nor any other Trinitarian, for your continually libeling us as deniers that Jesus is the Son of God.


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If your reading comprehension is that bad, you should stop trying to argue against your betters.

Ah, you're taking your pantywaist way out again, I see. I guess that's where you're most at home--that's what you've conditioned yourself to do.

It's funny that you can't address the simple truths with which I've assaulted your anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-Bible irrationality and hypocrisy. You can't deal with the truth that Jesus never said, "I am the Son of God the Father". Why is that? Why do you find it necessary to run away from that?

You claim that the Bible plainly teaches that Jesus said, "I am the Son of God the Father", despite the fact that the Bible never teaches that. The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus said, "I am the Son of God", but nowhere does it teach that Jesus said, "I am the Son of God the Father".

Yeah, you know what you are: an anti-Christian hypocrite.


New member
Where was Clete denying a claim of Jesus
I showed the actual claim of Jesus.
It is right there for everyone to read.
Clete ignored that in favor of the erroneous claims of the Jews.

No Trinitarian denies that Jesus is the Son of God; every Trinitarian affirms that Jesus is the Son of God.
If the Trinitarians stopped there, there would be no problem because they would be saying nothing more than the scriptures say.
However, the Trinitarians always try to change Jesus from the Son of God to "God the Son" or even just "God" Himself.

Are you trying to say that to affirm the Trinity is to deny that Jesus is the Son of God? Is that what you're trying to say?
Trinitarians are not able to accept the verses that say that God sent His Son, because Trinitarians think that God came as Himself.

You already shot yourself in the foot, repeatedly, by claiming that the Bible says nothing about the Trinity.
You think speaking the truth about what is not in the Bible is shooting myself in the foot?

See, now you will furthermore manifest yourself to be the Christ-hating, hypocritical fool you are, if you wish to say that the Bible teaches that to affirm the Trinity is to deny that Jesus is the Son of God.
No, I leave such foolish statements to you, since you are the one that doesn't know what the Bible teaches and what it does not teach.

because you're a proud, anti-Christ liar, you're not about to apologize to Clete, nor any other Trinitarian, for your continually libeling us as deniers that Jesus is the Son of God.
The Bible says that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God.
You are calling me a proud, anti-Christ liar because I say that?

Stop being foolish.
There are many good Christians who don't know any better that think the Bible teaches the Trinity because the church they went to taught the Trinity.
There are many good Christians who know that the Bible does not teach the Trinity who still believe the Trinity because the church taught the Trinity.
There have always been good Christians in the last 2000 years who are faithful to the words of the Bible that know the Bible does not teach the Trinity and who believe only what the Bible says about Jesus, that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God.

No amount of persecution by the Trinitarians has been able to stop good Christians who read the Bible from finding out that the Bible does not teach the Trinity.


New member
You claim that the Bible plainly teaches that Jesus said, "I am the Son of God the Father", despite the fact that the Bible never teaches that.
I never made that claim, stop trying to create an obvious straw-man argument that is weak enough for even someone with the limited mental capacity you show to knock down.

The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus said, "I am the Son of God"
Yes, I keep saying that.


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Trinitarians are not able to accept the verses that say that God sent His Son, because Trinitarians think that God came as Himself.

When you say "Trinitarians think that God came as Himself," to whom are you referring by your word, "God"? Are you referring to God the Father? Yes or No?

Are you saying Trinitarians think that God the Father came as Himself? Yes or No?


New member
Are you saying Trinitarians think that God the Father came as Himself? Yes or No?
I am saying that Trinitarians say strange things about God that the Bible doesn't say.

The Bible clearly and plainly states multiple times that God sent His Son to earth.
There are only three instances I know of in the Bible where God Himself is on earth.
  • God walked with Adam in the cool of the evening in the garden of Eden.
  • God met with the high priest in the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement.
  • God will be the light in the temple in New Jerusalem in the New Earth in the world to come.
Do you believe God sent His only begotten Son or do you believe as Trinitarians teach that Mary gave birth to God?