Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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New member
All you are doing is trying to incite a riot.

I have not been harsh to anyone.
Then why did you post a scripture used by anti-Trinitarians to claim that Trinitarians are condemned for not believing in God's one and only Son?

You even bolded the parts that anti-Trinitarians bold to make their point.
John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.

God's Truth

New member
Then why did you post a scripture used by anti-Trinitarians to claim that Trinitarians are condemned for not believing in God's one and only Son?

You even bolded the parts that anti-Trinitarians bold to make their point.

You are paranoid and should read more carefully what I said.

I was speaking about whoever does not believe in Jesus.


New member
You are paranoid and should read more carefully what I said.

I was speaking about whoever does not believe in Jesus.
When I read you post, I assumed you were speaking about whoever does not believe in Jesus the Man who shows us how to be reconciled to God.
Jesus the Man shows us the to be saved, to be reconciled to God. However, all are condemned now if they do not believe in Jesus.

Maybe I misread your post.


Well-known member
You are a slanderer, and a hypocrite.

Sadly he IS very confused and contradicts himself a lot.

He sure is and does!

Fork-tongued offspring of vipers are never constrained for lack of evidence when and where they hiss and accuse, neither do they see a need to offer reasoning or thought process for why they do the things they do; for they are justified in their own minds, caring only for themselves and for their own survival: therefore they hiss and strike at will. But the day eventually comes when one or more will hiss and strike at the heel of one who is immune to their venom: in the same day their heads were and will be crushed. :)



New member
Fork-tongued offspring of vipers are never constrained for lack of evidence when and where they hiss and accuse, neither do they see a need to offer reasoning or thought process for why they do the things they do; for they are justified in their own minds, caring only for themselves and for their own survival: therefore they hiss and strike at will. But the day eventually comes when one or more will hiss and strike at the heel of one who is immune to their venom: in the same day their heads were and will be crushed.


You should concentrate of rope skipping daqq...every time you post you just confirm what a dolt you are.


Well-known member
You should concentrate of rope skipping daqq...every time you post you just confirm what a dolt you are.

Haha, why do you suppose a lamb would skip rope? Perhaps one of the reasons might be to keep the wolves in sheepskins at bay and the offspring of vipers off its heels? Fork-tongued offspring of vipers neither know the thoughts of the Father nor understand His counsel: my mother and her daughters have hoofs of brass, (Micah 4:12-13) and the father of vipers already has a mortally wounded head, (Lev 16:8-10 ASV, Lev 16:21,22, Rev 13:11,12). :crackup:



I notice, keypurr, 1) you seldom, if ever, utilize Scripture to support any of your beliefs; and 2) you don't, or cannot, answer questions that are asked by others to you.

Now just why is that keypurr? You ask a lot of questions, but you never provide any well reasoned and logical answers, let alone any answers that you can "rightly" support with any Scripture..

Now regarding:
Show me in these verses where the son or the Holy Spirit is God. It is not there friend, you can not add words to scripture or assume anything.

You've been shown time and time again, Scripture that shows and/or testifies to the Divinity of JESUS CHRIST, to the degree that, showing you further Scriptural proof of HIS Divinity, that HE, JESUS CHRIST, THE WORD of GOD, IS as much GOD as GOD IS GOD, would amount to nothing more than casting ". . . pearls before swine... (Matthew 7:6 KJ2000)".
You've shown over and over, that you are incapable of ". . . rightly dividing THE WORD of TRUTH. (2 Timothy 2:15 KJ2000)"

. . . the Trinity is not sound doctrine, it is a man made fable.
Again, you've been shown that, 1) JESUS does what ONLY GOD CAN: Forgive Sin; 2) JESUS IS THE WORD of GOD "made flesh (human), and 3) yet still Divine, just as HE proclaimed, "Before Abraham was, I AM."

As for the THE HOLY GHOST/SPIRIT, HE, THE POWER of GOD (Luke 1:35), IS clearly seen, and stated by The Apostle Peter, as BEING as much GOD as GOD IS GOD: "But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to THE HOLY SPIRIT, and to keep back part of the price of the land? While it remained, was it not your own? and after it was sold, was it not in your own power? why have you conceived this thing in your heart? you have not lied unto men, but unto GOD. (Acts 5:3-4 KJ2000)"

You do even know me.

It's your words, which represent your thoughts and beliefs, that I "know"; and they all magnify your ignorance of THE Written WORD of GOD (Scripture); and before you accuse me of judging you, remember what JESUS said, "Therefore by their fruits you shall know them. (Matthew 7:20 KJ2000)"

Not judging keypurr, just inspecting your "fruits", or lack thereof!


Jesus never said he was divine. Only the early Christian theology indicated this--and long after he was crucified. The Gospel of John, which was written around the year 100, is virtually packed with the profound theology of early Christians. There is little in that gospel that reflects the "basic" Jesus of history.


Well-known member
I notice, keypurr, 1) you seldom, if ever, utilize Scripture to support any of your beliefs; and 2) you don't, or cannot, answer questions that are asked by others to you.

Now just why is that keypurr? You ask a lot of questions, but you never provide any well reasoned and logical answers, let alone any answers that you can "rightly" support with any Scripture..

Most of the day I an on my tablet my Bible program is on my PC. It is harder to copy verses on the Tablet.

Now regarding:

You've been shown time and time again, Scripture that shows and/or testifies to the Divinity of JESUS CHRIST, to the degree that, showing you further Scriptural proof of HIS Divinity, that HE, JESUS CHRIST, THE WORD of GOD, IS as much GOD as GOD IS GOD, would amount to nothing more than casting ". . . pearls before swine... (Matthew 7:6 KJ2000)".

That's a cop out

You've shown over and over, that you are incapable of ". . . rightly dividing THE WORD of TRUTH. (2 Timothy 2:15 KJ2000)"

Again, you've been shown that, 1) JESUS does what ONLY GOD CAN: Forgive Sin; 2) JESUS IS THE WORD of GOD "made flesh (human), and 3) yet still Divine, just as HE proclaimed, "Before Abraham was, I AM."

Did he not say "All power was GIVEN to me in Heaven and Earth"?
His God gave him the power.

As for the THE HOLY GHOST/SPIRIT, HE, THE POWER of GOD (Luke 1:35), IS clearly seen, and stated by The Apostle Peter, as BEING as much GOD as GOD IS GOD: "But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to THE HOLY SPIRIT, and to keep back part of the price of the land? While it remained, was it not your own? and after it was sold, was it not in your own power? why have you conceived this thing in your heart? you have not lied unto men, but unto GOD. (Acts 5:3-4 KJ2000)"

When you lie to a servant of God, you lie to him. But that does not make the servant God.

It's your words, which represent your thoughts and beliefs, that I "know"; and they all magnify your ignorance of THE Written WORD of GOD (Scripture); and before you accuse me of judging you, remember what JESUS said, "Therefore by their fruits you shall know them. (Matthew 7:20 KJ2000)"

Not judging keypurr, just inspecting your "fruits", or lack thereof!

Feel free to enlighten me as to why my thoughts are wrong.

Start with who or what is the express image of God?

Are your fruits spreading truth of church talk?


Jesus never said he was divine. Only the early Christian theology indicated this--and long after he was crucified. The Gospel of John, which was written around the year 100, is virtually packed with the profound theology of early Christians. There is little in that gospel that reflects the "basic" Jesus of history.

Typical satanic/demonic ploy:

1) Make an outlandish and totally untrue claim, "Jesus never said he was divine.";

2) Attempt to discredit the source that clearly, consistently, and convincingly, disputes the outlandish and totally untrue claim; and

3) Hope that everyone who reads the outlandish and totally untrue claim by one who has never written anything of significant substance, about JESUS CHRIST, are gullible enough to believe him/her.

It is written, "The thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I AM come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10 KJ2000)"


Well-known member
Again, you've been shown that, 1) JESUS does what ONLY GOD CAN: Forgive Sin;

It has just been shown in my previous post that it is the High Priest who is vested with the power from on High to send away sins, (Leviticus 16) and that is upon the head of the twin goat which is sent into the desert places to/for `Aza'zel. However, as the Teacher teaches: When the unclean spirit of the world and prince of the power of the air is gone out of a man, he walks through dry-arid places, (the desert) seeking rest. And finding none, he says, I will return unto my house from where I came out. And when he comes, he finds it swept and garnished, (with idols). Then goes he, and associates to himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first! Therefore we are admonished to test the spirits, to see whether or not they be of Elohim, which you apparently saw no need to do before you found that twin goat wandering out in the desert along your merry way. Lucky lefty you! :chuckle:


New member
Haha, why do you suppose a lamb would skip rope? Perhaps one of the reasons might be to keep the wolves in sheepskins at bay and the offspring of vipers off its heels? Fork-tongued offspring of vipers neither know the thoughts of the Father nor understand His counsel: my mother and her daughters have hoofs of brass, (Micah 4:12-13) and the father of vipers already has a mortally wounded head, (Lev 16:8-10 ASV, Lev 16:21,22, Rev 13:11,12).

Lambs don't skip rope...only you do. Not necessary to admit you're a wolf in sheep's clothing, we ALL know that.


New member
Did he not say "All power was GIVEN to me in Heaven and Earth"?
His God gave him the power.

When you start believing scripture you will have the right to quote it but until such time you have NO right to use it falsely as your do.

ALL power was given Him because He IS God incarnate. He was born with it. Even at 12 years old He knew more than the teachers of the law did.
Which BTW refutes your assertion that He only received the Holy Spirit when He was baptized.


Well-known member
When you start believing scripture you will have the right to quote it but until such time you have NO right to use it falsely as your do.

ALL power was given Him because He IS God incarnate. He was born with it. Even at 12 years old He knew more than the teachers of the law did.
Which BTW refutes your assertion that He only received the Holy Spirit when He was baptized.

IF all power was given to him it must have been a higher power that GAVE it to him.

You do not think Stan.