Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Well-known member
no, but you do. you've said santa numerous times lately. probably because when re-arranged it spells satan. you have satan in your head. get it out ! !:rolleyes:

Why do you believe in fables?

Your Lord tells you that only his father is God and you ignore him.

PJ, you have so much to learn and un learn if you want truth.

Your choice. The RCC is the mother of the Protestant harlots.

patrick jane

Why do you believe in fables?

Your Lord tells you that only his father is God and you ignore him.

PJ, you have so much to learn and un learn if you want truth.

Your choice. The RCC is the mother of the Protestant harlots.

you have learned it all. harlot. you are a poison to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. tame your tongue, you are unstable in all your ways. you ignore your God and Jesus Christ, you dream of santa (satan) in your head. you have a demon, eating you from the inside out. i'm just kidding. happy holidays !:eek:

God's Truth

New member
you have learned it all. harlot. you are a poison to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. tame your tongue, you are unstable in all your ways. you ignore your God and Jesus Christ, you dream of santa (satan) in your head. you have a demon, eating you from the inside out. i'm just kidding. happy holidays !:eek:

Have you ever heard that there is truth said in jest?

patrick jane

Not so, been there, done that. You have no clue what your talking about. Jesus was born flesh, Christ BECAME flesh. Your church is evil for distorting truth.

keypunk, you distort and complicate. what is my church ? you have no idea what i have learned or need to unlearn. are you an older person ? bitter ? i have no problem exchanging thoughts with you, but you go to insult, judgement, assumption and guile. holier than thou. if you have it all figured out, keypit to yourself, retire. content in your own understanding. i love you P.S. Norad is gearing up to start tracking santa; put your cookies out ! You are NOT ur brother's Keypurr. Keypit to urself !:wave:


God the Father delegates creative powers and authority to his creator-Son who in turn gives the same to his subordinate Sons such as Lucifer, who fell in love with his own brilliance and betrayed that trust leading the world into darkness. That is the only way that a devilish figure in the heavenly realm makes any sense. He didn't start out that way, he had been trusted, he originally served us like the Son serves us.

In my religion the creator Son's heavenly name is Michael, he incarnate as one of his own created beings, his name was Jesus. The purpose of his coming was twofold, first, to complete the requirements of a creator-Son to achieve unquestioned sovereignty by living the human life subject to the will of the Father. Second, to reveal the Father to mankind, thus making the way of salvation more clear.

To see the Son is to see the Father personified in the personality reality of his Son.


Well-known member
you have learned it all. harlot. you are a poison to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. tame your tongue, you are unstable in all your ways. you ignore your God and Jesus Christ, you dream of santa (satan) in your head. you have a demon, eating you from the inside out. i'm just kidding. happy holidays !:eek:

Same to you friend, do not take anything I say as a personal attack, but I am antichurch.


Well-known member
Jesus is God

keypunk, you distort and complicate. what is my church ? you have no idea what i have learned or need to unlearn. are you an older person ? bitter ? i have no problem exchanging thoughts with you, but you go to insult, judgement, assumption and guile. holier than thou. if you have it all figured out, keypit to yourself, retire. content in your own understanding. i love you P.S. Norad is gearing up to start tracking santa; put your cookies out ! You are NOT ur brother's Keypurr. Keypit to urself !:wave:

As I said your churches have misled other church away from the truths in scripture. I have many loved ones who sit and soak in their churches yet know very little about the God they think they serve. Please do not think I do not like you, its the churches I fault. They are not the church that Jesus started. The Roman state set the doctrines of the church in the fourth century. The early church fathers who thought the world was flat, were told what to think.

As a past very active person in church have seen what is important to most in the pews. It is not God they wish to please, it is the structure of service, the half truth that they have been shown and the idea that some one will lead them to heaven. They do not realize that they can get to God through their Lord. They do not need the church.
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God's Truth

New member
God the Father delegates creative powers and authority to his creator-Son who in turn gives the same to his subordinate Sons such as Lucifer, who fell in love with his own brilliance and betrayed that trust leading the world into darkness. That is the only way that a devilish figure in the heavenly realm makes any sense. He didn't start out that way, he had been trusted, he originally served us like the Son serves us.

In my religion the creator Son's heavenly name is Michael, he incarnate as one of his own created beings, his name was Jesus. The purpose of his coming was twofold, first, to complete the requirements of a creator-Son to achieve unquestioned sovereignty by living the human life subject to the will of the Father. Second, to reveal the Father to mankind, thus making the way of salvation more clear.

To see the Son is to see the Father personified in the personality reality of his Son.

I do believe that the angels are called God's sons; however, Jesus was not an angel in heaven. The scriptures say which of the angels did God say...

For to which of the angels did God ever say, "My Son art Thou: I have this day become Thy Father;" and again, "I will be a Father to Him, and He shall be My Son"?

God did not say it to any of the angels, for Jesus was God with a body, from the beginning, before anything was created.

Angels are spirits. Jesus is a Spirit with a body. Jesus is the Spirit of God with a body. Jesus had a glorified body in heaven before he had a flesh body on earth. Jesus is God. God with a body. God made visible.

Hebrews 1:14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Colossians 1:15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.


I do believe that the angels are called God's sons; however, Jesus was not an angel in heaven. The scriptures say which of the angels did God say...

For to which of the angels did God ever say, "My Son art Thou: I have this day become Thy Father;" and again, "I will be a Father to Him, and He shall be My Son"?

God did not say it to any of the angels, for Jesus was God with a body, from the beginning, before anything was created.

Angels are spirits. Jesus is a Spirit with a body. Jesus is the Spirit of God with a body. Jesus had a glorified body in heaven before he had a flesh body on earth. Jesus is God. God with a body. God made visible.

Hebrews 1:14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Colossians 1:15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

What kind of body does Jesus have in heaven? How does that body differ from angels?

I agree that Jesus is an eternal personality who is a creator.

God's Truth

New member
What kind of body does Jesus have in heaven? How does that body differ from angels?
Angels are spirits. Angels can take the form of humans, though.

Jesus' body is a Spiritual body, a glorified body, the kind of body we will receive at the resurrection.

Jesus had First the kind of body we will have last, at the resurrection.

I agree that Jesus is an eternal personality who is a creator.

Did you not say that Jesus was the angel Michael? I do not believe that Jesus was Michael. I do not believe that the world was created through Michael. The scriptures say that Jesus was the first born over all creation, and then the world was made through him, for him, and by him. I believe that Jesus is God with a body; the resurrected, glorified, Spiritual body of the Man Jesus. The kind of body we will receive ant the resurrection.


Angels are spirits. Angels can take the form of humans, though.

Jesus' body is a Spiritual body, a glorified body, the kind of body we will receive at the resurrection.

Jesus had First the kind of body we will have last, at the resurrection.

Did you not say that Jesus was the angel Michael? I do not believe that Jesus was Michael. I do not believe that the world was created through Michael. The scriptures say that Jesus was the first born over all creation, and then the world was made through him, for him, and by him. I believe that Jesus is God with a body; the resurrected, glorified, Spiritual body of the Man Jesus. The kind of body we will receive ant the resurrection.

I think most non trinitarians believe Jesus is Michael.

Is there a record of an angel being human, today? I don't think so or maybe the new agers can tell us.

Lazy afternoon

Angels are spirits. Angels can take the form of humans, though.

Jesus' body is a Spiritual body, a glorified body, the kind of body we will receive at the resurrection.

Jesus had First the kind of body we will have last, at the resurrection.

Did you not say that Jesus was the angel Michael? I do not believe that Jesus was Michael. I do not believe that the world was created through Michael. The scriptures say that Jesus was the first born over all creation, and then the world was made through him, for him, and by him. I believe that Jesus is God with a body; the resurrected, glorified, Spiritual body of the Man Jesus. The kind of body we will receive ant the resurrection.

Then Jesus could not have been a man if that were true.



Angels are spirits. Angels can take the form of humans, though.

Jesus' body is a Spiritual body, a glorified body, the kind of body we will receive at the resurrection.

Jesus had First the kind of body we will have last, at the resurrection.

Did you not say that Jesus was the angel Michael? I do not believe that Jesus was Michael. I do not believe that the world was created through Michael. The scriptures say that Jesus was the first born over all creation, and then the world was made through him, for him, and by him. I believe that Jesus is God with a body; the resurrected, glorified, Spiritual body of the Man Jesus. The kind of body we will receive ant the resurrection.

No, I did not say Jesus was the archangel Michael, I believe Jesus is Michael, the Son of God. If you look at the Book of Revelation you will see that Michael of the BOR is not called an archangel.

I do agree that Christ Michael resurrected a I likeness of his former incarnate human form that was "Jesus", and that form is the kind of part spirit, part material form that we will be resurrected in on our first mansion world experience, but Michael eventually returned to the high spirit form of his office.

God's Truth

New member
Then Jesus could not have been a man if that were true.


Jesus gave up his glorified body in heaven and got a flesh body.

Jesus was a Man.

Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh. He was found in appearance as a man. Jesus was made like a man.

Philippians 2:7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

Philippians 2:8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death-- even death on a cross!

Hebrews 2:17 For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people

Romans 1:3 regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David,

Romans 8:3
For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh,