Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Bright Raven

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Every knee will bow to him but he is still not God. He is Lord. There is a difference.

Being the son of God does not make you God.

Christ was given the power he has by his God, the Father is the power. No one is greater or as great as the father.

No, I do not think you are the Babylonian whore. I really think you a nice person Tott. But I think your wrong in your theology. I accept all folks as my friend. I do not need to agree with you to like you Tott.

I see Christ as the highest of all creation. I see him/it as a spirit like God himself. I see this spirit placed in Jesus at his anointing. That is the biggest difference we have. Christ is a form of God for the Father was pleased that he had his fullness. This is where the power of Christ comes from. Christ laid the foundation of the Universe. God did everything through his Christ. Yet, it is the Father who is the MOST HIGH GOD.

Just because I say Jesus Christ is not God does not mean that I do not respect him. He is my Lord. But he is not my God.

John 1:1,14 friend. How can you not see it? 1 John 1:1,2. How can you not see it. It grieves my heart to see someone with knowledge that you have be lost. Study these and John 1:18. The gospel of John was written that we may know Jesus and who he is.


Well-known member
This God who you claim to worship has said it is His will that the Son is to be honoured even as the Father is honoured. If Christ is to be honoured even as the Father is honoured then He must be honoured as God.

I say you are being unintellectual in not seeing that begotten Son must mean that the Father and the Son are God. He is begotten of God.

God speaking through Isaiah says "as I live saith the Lord to Me every knee shall bow every tongue confess Me"

Paul in applying this scripture to Christ is proclaiming Christ as that same Lord.

Now you like to pretend we are both Christians [secretly you think I am a Babylonian whore] but when you have your mask on you address me as "friend"

But to say Christ is not God is as far different from saying that He is as night is different to day...we are not family keeps.

It does not say worship another God Tott.

Begotten of God does not make him God.

Every knee will bow to him, but that is because he is Lord not God.
He was made Lord by his God.

No, I do not think that you are the whore of Babylon, that belongs to the RCC.
Personally I think you a nice person who is stuck in the traditions of her church.
I am everyones friend. What good does it do to hate when your Lord taught you to love. I hate no person. To do so is contrary to the teachings of Christ.

Christ is not God, he is the Christ of God. He is the express IMAGE of the Father, a spiritual being who took the form of man by dwelling in Jesus.

Totton Linnet

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It does not say worship another God Tott.

Begotten of God does not make him God.

Every knee will bow to him, but that is because he is Lord not God.
He was made Lord by his God.

No, I do not think that you are the whore of Babylon, that belongs to the RCC.
Personally I think you a nice person who is stuck in the traditions of her church.
I am everyones friend. What good does it do to hate when your Lord taught you to love. I hate no person. To do so is contrary to the teachings of Christ.

Christ is not God, he is the Christ of God. He is the express IMAGE of the Father, a spiritual being who took the form of man by dwelling in Jesus.

Yes this is the point of disagreement for I say begotten of God =God and is what the bible intends by using that term.

Only the Father can reveal it but it is the revelation upon which Christ will build His church.


Well-known member
John 1:1,14 friend. How can you not see it? 1 John 1:1,2. How can you not see it. It grieves my heart to see someone with knowledge that you have be lost. Study these and John 1:18. The gospel of John was written that we may know Jesus and who he is.

1 John 1,2 only confirms what I have telling you BR. Christ is the word that became man.

John 1:1. See the line above. Christ took the form of man.

John 1:14 the word BECAME flesh. That confirms that the spirit Christ BECAME flesh. Jesus is the body God prepared for Christ in Hebrews 10:5.

Christ is not God, he is the son of God. He is the express image of the most high God. He is Lord, made so by his God. He was working in Jesus. He spoke through him. It is the way God manifested (made known) himself to us. God did everything THROUGH Christ.


Well-known member
Jesus is God

Yes this is the point of disagreement for I say begotten of God =God and is what the bible intends by using that term.

Only the Father can reveal it but it is the revelation upon which Christ will build His church.

Your assuming what is being said Totton. There is only one God, Christ has a God so that disqualifies him as being God.

Is God building the church or is Christ doing it?
If you say God is doing it through Christ you would be correct. Then maybe you see that one is God and one is Lord.


Well-known member
John 1:1,14 friend. How can you not see it? 1 John 1:1,2. How can you not see it. It grieves my heart to see someone with knowledge that you have be lost. Study these and John 1:18. The gospel of John was written that we may know Jesus and who he is.

Hebrews 10:5 tells you exactly who Jesus is. He is the body prepared for the spiritual son of God. Who else could God trust with the power that Christ had?

It gives meaning to Heb 1, Col 1 and Phil 2. Christ is spirit like his creator.

Lazy afternoon

Hebrews 10:5 tells you exactly who Jesus is. He is the body prepared for the spiritual son of God. Who else could God trust with the power that Christ had?

God entrusted His power to His son Jesus who had been raised up through the ministry of the Word.

It gives meaning to Heb 1, Col 1 and Phil 2. Christ is spirit like his creator.

The Spirit which is Christ, is the creator.


Lazy afternoon

Your assuming what is being said Totton. There is only one God, Christ has a God so that disqualifies him as being God.



Jesus has a God and that God is Christ.

Rev 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.


Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hebrews 10:5 tells you exactly who Jesus is. He is the body prepared for the spiritual son of God. Who else could God trust with the power that Christ had?

It gives meaning to Heb 1, Col 1 and Phil 2. Christ is spirit like his creator.

Yes it does. I'm sorry that you do not believe it. Christ is Creator.


New member
Yes it does. I'm sorry that you do not believe it. Christ is Creator.

Amen! Jesus Christ is indeed the Creator - not the created. The Lord Jesus Christ had no beginning and will have no end, just like God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. "The Word", without question, is the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why those who deny that Jesus Christ is God need a false bible like the one JW's use.

John 1:1-3 KJV In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.


Do you really believe that the elects are judged before they are born?
I pray that your not trapped into that friend.
If that were true why would we need Jesus?

Not only has the translation been misapplied but the manuscripts we translate from have been doctored up. The originals are no where to be found. The chance that the scriptures are flawless is nil. Mankind has corrupted everything it got its hands on. Including God''s word.

Flawless it is.

We live in a parallel world.

We're in multiple places.

There is no beginning nor end.

Elects can't be saved without Jesus.

Everyone's judged.

You're stuck in the wrong time which causes you to ask wrong questions.

The answers are in the Bible for those that live in both worlds.

Your world is here and you only see in one view.

With your single view, you continue to be angry at those with multiple views.

You'll never be satisfied with anyone's views.

You're stuck in never land like the rest of the helpless sinners.

I'm a reflection of another place but prayers and meditation is the only way to get to that place.

Your noises keeps you blind.

Walk slowly cause you're in your land of pitfalls


Well-known member

Jesus has a God and that God is Christ.

Rev 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.


We disagree LA. Christ is not God, he is a god.

Notice the verse you post have the name of the Lamb's father, not the Lamb.

There is only one God, the Father.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We disagree LA. Christ is not God, he is a god.

Notice the verse you post have the name of the Lamb's father, not the Lamb.

There is only one God, the Father.

You have just said that Jesus is a god. You are a polytheist as are the Jehovah"s witnesses.


Well-known member
Flawless it is.

We live in a parallel world.

We're in multiple places.

There is no beginning nor end.

Elects can't be saved without Jesus.

Everyone's judged.

You're stuck in the wrong time which causes you to ask wrong questions.

The answers are in the Bible for those that live in both worlds.

Your world is here and you only see in one view.

With your single view, you continue to be angry at those with multiple views.

You'll never be satisfied with anyone's views.

You're stuck in never land like the rest of the helpless sinners.

I'm a reflection of another place but prayers and meditation is the only way to get to that place.

Your noises keeps you blind.

Walk slowly cause you're in your land of pitfalls

You have a bigger problem than I thought.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Christ received the power from his God to create. Christ himself is a creation. The firstborn of all creatures. Col 1:15. Christ is the son of God, he has a God over him.

Jesus is the Son of God as affirmed by Peter:

Matthew 16:16 New King James Version (NKJV)

16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”


Well-known member
You have just said that Jesus is a god. You are a polytheist as are the Jehovah"s witnesses.

Christ is a created form of God as told in Phil 2, Heb 1 and Col 1.

I have used the term a god before BR. Christ was given his power, God has the power, it was not given to him. All things come from the Father through Christ. Christ is godlike, yet he is not God himself. That why I like to say Christ is a god. Christ is a form of God. Either way you word it, Christ has a God.


Well-known member
Jesus is the Son of God as affirmed by Peter:

Matthew 16:16 New King James Version (NKJV)

16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

AMEN, I agree that he is the son of the living God. But that in itself does not make him God.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Christ is a created form of God as told in Phil 2, Heb 1 and Col 1.

I have used the term a god before BR. Christ was given his power, God has the power, it was not given to him. All things come from the Father through Christ. Christ is godlike, yet he is not God himself. That why I like to say Christ is a god. Christ is a form of God. Either way you word it, Christ has a God.

That is why you do not believe John 1:1.