Jesus is God !

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I know your thoughts but I do not agree with them.
Christ had to became flesh, he had to die.
If the divine son was not dead then where is out faith centered on? If he was not dead, he could not rise from the dead.

You forget that I see Christ as a created spirit. Man did not build the universe, God did through Christ.

Show me the scripture that says Christ is a created Spirit


I know your thoughts but I do not agree with them.
Christ had to became flesh, he had to die.
If the divine son was not dead then where is out faith centered on? If he was not dead, he could not rise from the dead.

You forget that I see Christ as a created spirit. Man did not build the universe, God did through Christ.

You are being influenced by the Pagan doctrine of atonment, which was foreign to the Gospel of Jesus. Jesus tried to preach his original gospel to the Jews but they rejected it. If they accepted their calling and adopted the original gospel then there never would have been the cross. In the original gospel, salvation was by personal faith, not blood and certainly not human sacrifice of Gods innocent Son.

The Son became flesh not to die, but to live, for an entirely different reason than mans self centered interpretation. He came to achieve unquestioned sovereignty of his creation. He did. He came to make the way of salvation more clear.


Well-known member
You are being influenced by the Pagan doctrine of atonment, which was foreign to the Gospel of Jesus. Jesus tried to preach his original gospel to the Jews but they rejected it. If they accepted their calling and adopted the original gospel then there never would have been the cross. In the original gospel, salvation was by personal faith, not blood and certainly not human sacrifice of Gods innocent Son.

The Son became flesh not to die, but to live, for an entirely different reason than mans self centered interpretation. He came to achieve unquestioned sovereignty of his creation. He did. He came to make the way of salvation more clear.

I am only influenced by the scriptures. The son became the Lamb of God, the sacrifice for our sins. That was part of his mission. That is not Pagan, it is OT Hebrew.

For God so loved the world he gave his only son............

Christ came to teach us and to die for us. That is Pagan.


New member
You are being influenced by the Pagan doctrine of atonment, which was foreign to the Gospel of Jesus. Jesus tried to preach his original gospel to the Jews but they rejected it. If they accepted their calling and adopted the original gospel then there never would have been the cross. In the original gospel, salvation was by personal faith, not blood and certainly not human sacrifice of Gods innocent Son.

The Son became flesh not to die, but to live, for an entirely different reason than mans self centered interpretation. He came to achieve unquestioned sovereignty of his creation. He did. He came to make the way of salvation more clear.

The Son became flesh not to die?

I Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:



Well-known member
Show me the scripture that says Christ is a created Spirit

OK BR, I will start over for you. Just remember 2+2=4

Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Now you see that GOD IS A SPIRIT, right?

Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

Now it says that his son is the express IMAGE of God. If god is a spirit it is not unreasonable to see his son as a spirit.

Now it also say that he is an IMAGE, now can you name any image that is not a creation? If it is an image it has to be created.

So to a person who thinks about everything, God's true son is a created spirit. Now God was pleased that he had his fullness and he used this son to create everything. So when your read:

Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

You can see the power and greatness of our Lord. But he is not our God, his Father is and he taught us so.

I pray that you start to understand my thoughts friend as I sincerely think I was bless with this insight.


Eclectic Theosophist
Truth is universal..............

Truth is universal..............

Like every book on your shelves. Only The Holy Scriptures contain Truth about God. The rest are cheap imitations, counterfeits and half-truth which all equal the same thing: WHOLE LIES.

You keep repeating this,...perhaps it fortifies your belief-system, which must see itself as wholly exclusive to where it needs to defend itself as the sole absolute truth. Such is unnecessary. Truth can be seen/intuited/discovered wherever it exists, in whatever form, venue, symbol, metaphor or mythology. You don't have a 'monopoly' on 'God' :) - I know that may burst your religious bubble.



New member
You keep repeating this,...perhaps it fortifies your belief-system, which must see itself as wholly exclusive to where it needs to defend itself as the sole absolute truth. Such is unnecessary. Truth can be seen/intuited/discovered wherever it exists, in whatever form, venue, symbol, metaphor or mythology. You don't have a 'monopoly' on 'God' :) - I know that may burst your religious bubble.


I have something for you to study that you'll probably love and believe completely, "The Elmer Fudd Papers". It's a wonderful revelation of truth.


Well-known member
I have something for you to study that you'll probably love and believe completely, "The Elmer Fudd Papers". It's a wonderful revelation of truth.

Journey you love your God to much to close your mind to what could be something to ponder over. We all think we know enough sometime, but we are wrong friend. We can learn everyday from folks we do not agree with. If only to understand why they think the way they do.


Well-known member
The Son became flesh not to die?

I Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:


He was sent to destroy the works of Satan. That is SIN.

What an awesum God and Lord we have.


Eclectic Theosophist
Elmer's last resort........

Elmer's last resort........

I have something for you to study that you'll probably love and believe completely, "The Elmer Fudd Papers". It's a wonderful revelation of truth.

The study of Life or consciousness itself is a much more noble endeavor, which respects every field of human experience and knowledge. I doubt the 'Elmer Fudd Papers' has much to offer, whatever they consist of. Since you appear to be quite knowledgable of these, can you give us an intro. and summary?


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The study of Life or consciousness itself is a much more noble endeavor, which respects every field of human experience and knowledge. I doubt the 'Elmer Fudd Papers' has much to offer, whatever they consist of. Since you appear to be quite knowledgable of these, can you give us an intro. and summary?


Why don't you tell us about the, "Cosmic Recepticons" that have placed
a unit inside your skull so you can receive their messages/orders?


New member
The study of Life or consciousness itself is a much more noble endeavor, which respects every field of human experience and knowledge. I doubt the 'Elmer Fudd Papers' has much to offer, whatever they consist of. Since you appear to be quite knowledgable of these, can you give us an intro. and summary?


The Elmer Fudd Papers is a study of life, consciousness, and religion revealed to Elmer by little green men from a UFO. Chapter One is his original work - all about hunting wabbits.


I am only influenced by the scriptures. The son became the Lamb of God, the sacrifice for our sins. That was part of his mission. That is not Pagan, it is OT Hebrew.

For God so loved the world he gave his only son............

Christ came to teach us and to die for us. That is Pagan.

You cherry pick the scripture out of context.

I rely on what Jesus said about himself and what he did.

It is true that the Hebrews and every other culture on earth practiced blood sacrifice to try to manipulate the Gods. Jesus never taught that in his original gospel that he preached to the Jews.

I've never believed in Pauls blood atonment theory.


New member
You cherry pick the scripture out of context.

I rely on what Jesus said about himself and what he did.

It is true that the Hebrews and every other culture on earth practiced blood sacrifice to try to manipulate the Gods. Jesus never taught that in his original gospel that he preached to the Jews.

I've never believed in Pauls blood atonment theory.

So are you saying the Gospels don't record that the crucifixion was an atonement?


So are you saying the Gospels don't record that the crucifixion was an atonement?

No, the gospels were writen after the rejection and murder of Christ by those who were to receive stewardship of his original gospel.

Jesus defined the cross as proof of his authority to teach.


New member
No, the gospels were writen after the rejection and murder of Christ by those who were to receive stewardship of his original gospel.

Jesus defined the cross as proof of his authority to teach.

Then how do you know what Christ said about himself?


Then how do you know what Christ said about himself?

What Christ said about himself is in the 4 gospels written as the authors recollected those events based on eye witness accounts.

What we can see is shadows of the original gospel, before the cross, and the post assentation gospel after the cross, after Paul's preaching began to influence the interpretation of events.

The New Testament is basically Jesus according to Paul.