In 1962 on a very hot day in Anaheim, California I was twelve years old. It was so hot that I came up to my Mother and asked her an interesting question. I asked her, "Are we were going to Hell? Mind you, we weren't a church going family. I knew barely anything about God, religion, Heaven, Hell, sin, etc. My question was initiated by the heat in Southern California. Anyway, my Mother answered: "Probably." Being twelve years old, I let it go at that.
About two weeks later, we moved into an apartment complex in Garden Grove California. My Sister met a neighbor girl whose Father was an Assistant Pastor of a Non-Denominational Bible Church. Our families got together through my Sisters friendship with the neighbors daughter. They shared the Gospel with my family and my Mother, Father, Sister, and myself placed our faith in Christ as our Savior and began to worship at their church. I believe that the Holy Spirit was drawing me to Christ through my question. I asked: "Are we we going to Hell?" Two weeks later, God answered that question, through that families Testimony. God lead us to those neighbors. They in turn, had the answer to my question, "Are we going to Hell?" The answer came back, "No." Both my Parents are gone and so is that entire family. They're all with the Lord. My Sister and myself are the only ones left now. I believe God the Holy Spirit draws all of us to Christ. God doesn't want anyone to perish. I believe, through the coarse of everyone's life the Holy Spirit draws everyone. Some will believe by hearing the Gospel and placing their faith in Christ and some will reject the Gospel. Christ died for the sins of ALL mankind. However, only those who hear the Gospel and place their faith in Christ as their Savior, will reap the benefits. The "option" is open for ALL to come in. Those who reject the Gospel/Christ will be judged by their works and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.
To answer your question, I heard the Gospel and I believed it and placed my faith in Christ as my Savior. Could I have rejected that same Gospel? Yes. It's a matter of free-will choice.