Isn't it reasonable to doubt Young Earth Creationism?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It always helps to actually look at reality.....

Darwinists think drawings trump photographs as reality. :chuckle:

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It always helps to actually look at reality.....

Notice that the layers of the Grand Canyon, revealing buried strata like nowhere else on Earth, show that the sedimentary layers have characteristically flat, horizontal, and parallel boundaries, not unlike laminated wood.

If the secular model were correct, and this mile deep stacking of sediments were laid down over hundreds of millions of years, then erosion, which is constant and relentless, would guarantee that there would be no such parallel uniformity to the boundaries of these layers.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I guess those people who named the geologic strata were psychics as well as geologists, seeing as how they did so pre-Darwin. :confused:
Obviously, we're not talking about individual stratum.

Perhaps if you weren't committed to disagreeing with everything, you might be able to contribute something of value. :up:

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way 2 go

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And try this logic on.

Why would God have created the world in the first place in a state of "tohu" and "bohu" meaning without form and void, or chaotic and confused? Why would God not just have done it perfectly, right from the start? Why would God have had to undo what he created originally, to have to renovate His poor original work?
no undoing, God is the potter and the creation is his clay

day one earth and light without form

day two and three gave form to the earth

day four form to the light
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Well-known member
I find it hilarious that you completely disregard Jesus' own words...

And Jesus answered and said to them, [JESUS]“Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept.But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ - Mark 10:5-6

Whenever the Bible speaks of THE creation, He refers to THIS creation - the creation of man and the creation involving mankind's salvation.

Have you noticed how little God speaks of the next iteration, or the Millennium?

And have you noticed there is even less about the next iteration, the New Jerusalem come down iteration.

Likewise God says next to nothing of past iterations/creations, since they don't concern the theme of THE Book which is the salvation of mankind.

Does not mean there was no past history of earth.


Well-known member
Gen 1:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

You can fit a whole geologic column between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2

Gen 1:2
And the earth was without form, and void;


New member
Foolishness for one thing.
You are a fool.

You don't even realize that your belief system depends on believers.
We are your bread and butter my friend.
Without us, you'd be out of a job.

Atheism depends on theism. Without it, you don't have anything to talk about.
You wouldn't be able to go into your rants and tirades.
You should be nicer to us really.

Imagine a world without believers!
You'd be telling a friend how awful believing in God is and they would be like...

"But Stuu. They are all gone. They don't exist anymore. We can't be atheists because there is nothing to be "a" about."

And you would be like...
"Oh ya, but let me tell you how bad they were."

And they would be like...

Well, you get the picture.
I am happy to be called fool in christian terms, a badge to be worn proudly!

Regarding atheism, I agree. It is only one belief, that there are no gods. But the word defines me in terms of the delusions of others. So I am more inclined to define myself in other terms, like human being.

Do you include yourself in the human category? My main reason for asking is I have met christians who talk as if they are robots, not really human much at all in their own analysis.



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Gen 1:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

You can fit a whole geologic column between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2

Gen 1:2
And the earth was without form, and void;

No, you can't, because it doesn't fit there. There's. no gap between verses 1 and 2. Try a few chapters later in Genesis 7. That's where it fits.


New member
You give that up when you say 'logic' is man-made. You are simply running off what matters to you, by preference and whim.
Logic would not exist if not invented by humans. Do you have an objection to that?
Give up your ways, your rights, your desires, regardless of if they are actually good for you or others. You simply don't care whether God exists or not. It has nothing to do with a cognitive dissonance. You simply don't want what's real, whether it is real or not. "Reality" has no bearing on the way you choose to live. It simply is and specifically is, your desires, your whims, your egocentrism.
There are two aspects rolled together there, I think. One is the modes of operation of the evolved human brain, with all its formative forces on display in its workings. So desire, perception and ego are products of natural selection.

The second is whether anyone should want the mythology of the Judeo-christian god to be true. I would not be surprised if many christians, those who are convinced it is true, would be secretly relieved to discover it isn't true. Christianity is such an immoral proposition that no one really should be hoping it is true.
I really don't know what world you are living in. The world is certainly worse off post-judeo Christian. Before? We knew who was evil and who was not and ostracized those who were. Now? Going to school with guns and we identify them now, too late.
Steven Pinker has done a pretty good job of demonstrating that there has never been a safer time to be a human, at least on the evidence of the past 10,000 years. All you see in the media is selected examples of the capacity of humans for great harm, surely not an advertisement for a perfect creation, or one that has allowed to run with such acts of evil. Of course we are dealing with the products of natural selection acting, not the products of perfect engineering. No engineer would organise a brain with a weakness for shooting inside school buildings. But such events are becoming more dilute, not more concentrated. The death of christianity is happening coincidentally with that decrease in danger. Is there a causal relationship? People do die today because of christian beliefs, so there must be a component in there.
Er, bogus research, frankly.
No, a proper double-blind trial, the best method of such research available. The same method used to establish how safe medicines are. Prayer is perfectly safe because, like homeopathy, it does absolutely nothing above placebo effects.
I continue to pray for you. The worst MIGHT happen: You might have eyes that finally see
The emperor to which you refer appears to have no clothes.
Sure. Show me a photograph of Caesar, or Cleopatra, or Shakespeare.
I am quite happy to accept a proper explanation for why a photograph is not an appropriate request. In the case of the above three, the reason is they were dead and decomposed before the invention of photography. Is the reason the same for your god?
That or drop lame excuses that are brainless and mindless strawmen.
Not sure how there is a strawman. Would you care to explain?
Frankly, you don't believe SIMPLY because you don't want to do so.
There is no good reason to believe your god exists. It's not my business to deny your experiences, and I accept you think you have reasons for believing, but the way you have expressed yourself I do not see you having a good reason for believing the way you do, and I think I have pointed out several good reasons not to believe it.

In my case I choose to believe things that can reasonably be said to be true. Do you think that is wrong? The Judeo-christian mythology is so obviously fiction that it certainly is not going to qualify as my choice.



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Talk about an argument from silence...

Whenever the Bible speaks of THE creation, He refers to THIS creation - the creation of man and the creation involving mankind's salvation.

Nope. "The" creation is speaking of "the" creation, not "a" creation. Greek grammar is funny in that there are no indefinite articles, only definite articles. When it says "the" _____, it's speaking about a specific item, like "ho theos" (the God, captial "G", as opposed to simply "theos" which simply means a god, lowercase "g" (except in certain circumstances which has no bearing on this discussion)).

Have you noticed how little God speaks of the next iteration, or the Millennium?

And have you noticed there is even less about the next iteration, the New Jerusalem come down iteration.

Likewise God says next to nothing of past iterations/creations, since they don't concern the theme of THE Book which is the salvation of mankind.

Does not mean there was no past history of earth.

There's the argument from silence, which is, in fact, a logical fallacy. Using fallacious arguments to support your beliefs isn't going to convince anyone, iouae.

The Bible says "in the beginning," and, "in six days, God created," and, "from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female." That is a pretty clear statement that the earth is young, only about 7000 years young.

I'm going to stick with what's actually in the Bible, and not try to shove my beliefs in between verses.

Vowels, you should stop trying to "spin" God's word to fit your beliefs. It's not working.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Logic would not exist if not invented by humans.

No wonder you're so comfortable making up things to believe.

Imagine not knowing that A is never !A regardless of human input. :chuckle:

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Well-known member
No, you can't, because it doesn't fit there. There's. no gap between verses 1 and 2. Try a few chapters later in Genesis 7. That's where it fits.

God often inserts vast amounts of time between seemingly contiguous scriptures. Take...

Mal 3:1
Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:2
But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:
Mal 3:3
And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.

There is at least 2000 years gap between Mal 3:1 (God sending John the Baptist before Christ) and Mal 3:2 referring to Christ's second coming when He will purify the sons of Levi.


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God often inserts vast amounts of time between seemingly contiguous scriptures. Take...

Mal 3:1
Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:2
But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:
Mal 3:3
And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.

There is at least 2000 years gap between Mal 3:1 (God sending John the Baptist before Christ) and Mal 3:2 referring to Christ's second coming when He will purify the sons of Levi.

Um... No, there's not.

Who is Malachi 3:1 talking about, Iouae?

Whoops, missed your answer in your post.

So, you're problem is that you think that Christ wasn't intending to return soon after His ascension.

Here's the deal:

You have to explain why the events after Christ's ascension were not, as Peter said in Acts 2, "what was spoken by the prophet Joel."

Everything that was going on indicated the soon return of Christ, almost if not exactly 7 years (left to God's discretion) after His Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension. Every single apostle died waiting for Christ to return within their lifetime.

In a nutshell, because you missed the plot twist, you think that Malachi 3:1 and 3:2 have hidden between them a couple thousand years. But that's not what God's plan was. God's plan was for there to be about 10 years (3 years Christ was on the earth + 7 year "Time of Jacob's Trouble") between those verses.

But since you missed the plot twist, where God cut off Israel and grafted in the Body of Christ, and put Israel's program on hold, then you are forced to "spin" scripture to fit your beliefs.

Go read Bob Enyart's The Plot. Or just read the Bible cover to cover without trying to insert your beliefs into the text, taking scripture at face value, and just reading what is plainly written. Read it like you would a full length novel. Don't skip around. You wouldn't skip around in a novel, would you? No? Then don't do it with the Bible.

Once you've done that, then go back and read it again, cover to cover. Rinse and repeat a few times.

Then come back here and ask any questions you might have.
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New member
No wonder you're so comfortable making up things to believe.

Imagine not knowing that A is never !A regardless of human input. :chuckle:

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Without humans, what would you mean by 'knowing'? That which dolphins or chimpanzees do, maybe? Can knowing be done without knowers?



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Without humans, what would you mean by 'knowing'? That which dolphins or chimpanzees do, maybe? Can knowing be done without knowers?

Were the laws of physics in effect prior to humans existing?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Without humans, what would you mean by 'knowing'?

See? When you deny the primacy of logic, everything falls apart. In this case, Stuu reckons that A might be !A because... well... something. :idunno:

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Were the laws of physics in effect prior to humans existing?
Stuu thinks logic and physics magically appeared when people were created. :chuckle:

Before that, it was anything goes.

To be fair, he converses like it is still a free-for-all.

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