Islamic Terrorists France: 12 dead, police gunned down


New member
Actions are of 2 types. The good and the evil. The good are those done for the sake of our Lord God the Creator. The bad are the ones done against His Order. These are called sins.

Sins are of two types. Forgivable without repentance and unforgivable without repentance. The latter only encompasses Shirk - the greatest sin and the antitheiss of the fundamental message given by the Messengers of God - Tawhid - Unity of God. Shirk is the belief that we are in need of intercession with God (that God changes his decision based on the wishes of his followers), and the belief that God has partners or sons or daughters or anything that negates the Unity in Lordship and Worship.

Every sin carries a magnitude of shirk. The purpose of salaah is to negate these effects. To declare continuously that all praise and gratitude and worship and calls for help is to the Lord of Creation and to Him alone and to no other ilah but Allah - The God. That is the purpose and that is Islam.

This is a theology written by an illiterate moron for equally stupid people.

This explains its success amongst the ignorant and stupid.

The real God of the universe would not write such crap.

Nor would the real God of the Universe leave mankind in such stark darkness.



New member
You cannot worship God and at the same time spit at the values He considers sacred.

Do you consider allowing others the ability to oppose God if they so choose as an equivalent to spitting at the values He considers sacred?

In other words, do you believe that if a man is not the police he is a criminal?


New member
Edward Snowden is considered a traitor and traitors are punishable by death even in the US.

No, not really. "Considering" someone a traitor is not a death sentence. No one can be executed legally without first being convicted by an actual court of law. And since Snowden hasn't been tried, let alone convicted, he is merely a fugitive. I'm not aware of anything that he's done that is eligible for the death penalty, though certainly he has committed serious crimes.

We didn't execute Chelsea Manning, and we aren't likely to execute Snowden either.

The same in the lands ruled by God's law. Traitors are those who do what they do against God.

That's a rather wild leap. The difference is that no one would ever be branded a traitor in the US for simply drawing a cartoon, and we don't let random yahoos run around with guns executing people according to their own personal senses of vengeance.

The burka was banned. This cannot be tolerated in a civilized democratic society.

And I'm sure that's what this whole thing was about. The (male) perpetrators were just itching to wear burkas, but they couldn't.


And that explains why you pray toward the Kaaba which houses a rock . . .

The nation of Israel used to face Jerusalem and in Jerusalem the holy of holies. They worship God the Lord of the Universe and not any other object. In the earliest history of Mohammedan Islam Muslims too used to join the Jews in praying at the direction of Jerusalem. Its just that. A direction for unity. We broke away from Jerusalem and to Mecca and Kaabah (the house of God built by Abraham and Ishmael for the purpose of the Ishmaelites who were intially barbaric people before God made them into a great nation with Islam). You show your ignorance. The kaabah does not host the black stone - it is outside the kaabah. The black stone was once stolen in the 1700s if I'm not mistaken and its now broken into pieces. The kaabah was flooded at some times in history and Muslims believe its gonna be destroyed anyway. Kinda absurd to say we worship the house of God and not God. Firstly define worship

I am aware of this, but the Allah Muslims worship is not the God of the Bible. You may claim it to be, but it is different. And that's clear from the characteristics you assign to your God. Impersonal, lacking in mercy, "beyond" good and evil.

The Lord of the Universe is the Lord of the Prophets and yes Muslims believe that He is not the triune God and we share this belief with Unitarian Christians. God is not lacking in mercy. I read the Bible almost daily. I don't think you have read the Quran so I can forgive you your ignorance.

You want to be a part of the Abrahamic family, but Islam is not like Christianity and Judaism.

And then we have Sharia law which is without mercy. Mandate of the death penalty for a wide variety of offenses, no mercy, no refuge.

Do you also describe the law God gave to Moses like this? Instant death was ordered to apostates, adulterers and people who curse their parents and etc. In fact the Jews of Arabia uses to prefer to let the Prophet of Islam to judge over their affairs through Islamic law which they admitted to be an easier law, but the Prophet commanded them to respect their Torah and their law given to them.

Right, your last prophet compared to Christ is a joke by any objective measure. Christ didn't just pray for those that harmed Him, He died for them.

Uhh pretty sure the descendants of the family of Christ were are all Jewish. If any converted, I'm sure it was at swordpoint.

Whatever. Without knowledge and the fear of God people can say everything they want.


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Hall of Fame
And they can and will continue to do so whether or not murderous bastards like you care for it or not.

Desert Reign

There's a lot of binary thinking in the Israel/Palestine conflict, and your comments are a great example of it.
Thanks for the compliment. I look forward to returning it to you one day. But how you characterise my thinking is really quite beside the point and totally ad hominem. We all have our opinions. Your opinion is what it is and not what it isn't. That's just as binary. Shucks, I expected better from you.
I don't dispute Israel's right to defend itself. But that isn't carte blanche for anything and everything that they want to do.
True. I never said it was. However, the rest of the world, Western Europe in particular seem very happy to judge Israel's acts. As one commentator (Caroline Glick) recently noted, Europe is obsessed with Israel. If Europe just minded their own business, it would be a step in the right direction. Europe is far more obsessed with Israel's settlement building than it is with the hundreds of thousands of deaths from the neighbouring Syrian civil war and the rank crimes of torture and WMDs used there. Did Israel criticise Britain about rendition? When was the last time Britain criticised Saudia Arabia about its lack of freedom of religion? This conversation is almost endless. Do you know what proportion of motions are debated in the UNHRC about Israel? Why do you think this is?
I can tell you. It is twofold: 1 is that Western Europe is anti-semitic from the top down. 2 is that Western Europe is scared of saying boo to a goose when it comes to Muslims but all their frustration at not being able to criticise Muslims or tell Muslim countries what to do, is vented on out on poor little Israel who they know can't fight back. This is sick.

In what way does pushing settlements into Palestinian land help them avoid rocket attacks? In what way does continuing to deny statehood to the Palestinians help to protect Israel from rocket attacks?
That's funny. Israel has offered statehood to the Palestinians many times. That was what the Oslo agreements were about. But then you knew that didn't you? Didn't you? The outcome is that Palestinians refuse to negotiate. Arafat did it and Abbas did it after Arafat. As soon as they got close to an agreement, the Palestinians scuppered it. Abbas won't take anything less than the pre 67 borders and Jerusalem as the capital. The pre 67 borders are exactly why the 6 day war happened - because they are strategically indefensible. Israel has offered the Palestinians more alternatives than you have had sliced bread. The reality is that the Palestinians want only one thing and that is to wipe Israel off the map. They will not learn. They could have had a state in 48 that was far larger than it is now. They could have had one many times since then.

Well, there are credible reports of illegal tactics from Israel. I think that those should be pursued with as much vigor as Israel's own security interests.
This is even funnier. No mention of the illegal tactics of the Palestinians, the riots, the stabbings, the bombs, the car rammings. One day you will wake up and realise that these so called credibly illegal tactics are just more and more lies and that you have fallen foul of that attitude I mentioned above. Little Israel is easy to criticise.

I didn't say that it did. But they do support settlers in various parts of the West Bank, and in East Jerusalem.
Again, the settler issue has been magnified out of all proportion. Everyone knows that in a statehood agreement, the Palestinians are going to get back all the territory in one way or another. It has already been offered to them. The many complaints about settlement building are just a diversion. Israel is not taking more and more land. All the news items you hear about more settlement building is slanted to make you think that Israel is stealing land all the time. This is just a bare-faced lie, like a lot of what comes through the anti-semitic press. The new housing permits are only for building upwards, not sideways. That is what all this fuss is about. When Israel vacated the settlements in Gaza and withdrew from that territory they were greeted with thousands of missiles. The Gazans spent all their money on weapons and tunnel building instead of building an economy. Israel knows that in the West Bank it will be no different if they withdraw. And in any case they will not, not ever withdraw from Jerusalem. You will have to take it from their cold dead hands. I can't say I blame them. Jerusalem was the spoils of war and the Palestinians are being completely unrealistic to ever want it back.

And besides, Israel believes it has a credible claim to much of the land anyway. But I won't go into that.

That isn't a defense for annexing territory of another country. Not to say that I think Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights is illegitimate, but the argument that they need it is insufficient for annexation. It remains disputed territory, and I think that the current situation there is largely justified.

The security needs of a country are not a matter for debate or argument. Israel is a sovereign nation. Rules and arguments don't come into it.

Well, that certainly declares your allegiance, in any case.

My allegiance is to make a clear stand against bullying. Everything I have read in the news for the last 10 years and more is nothing but bullying. And siding with the Muslim majority. And turning a blind eye to the fact that most of their countries persecute Christians and other religious minorities, deny the existence of Israel and many other flagrant abuses of human beings and the West's only response is to tell Israel to do more to get on with them and that if they don't then there will be sanctions or to support boycotts of such a tiny country on the gounds of claims of trumped up crimes. Again, it's sick.

But getting back to the OP, this is one way we can change the situation. Because Israel are in the thick of this. Not France, Not America, Not Britain. Supporting Israel is one way of being straight and talking straight about the issue and making a meaningful stand.
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New member
The nation of Israel used to face Jerusalem and in Jerusalem the holy of holies. They worship God the Lord of the Universe and not any other object. In the earliest history of Mohammedan Islam Muslims too used to join the Jews in praying at the direction of Jerusalem. Its just that. A direction for unity. We broke away from Jerusalem and to Mecca and Kaabah (the house of God built by Abraham and Ishmael for the purpose of the Ishmaelites who were intially barbaric people before God made them into a great nation with Islam). You show your ignorance. The kaabah does not host the black stone - it is outside the kaabah. The black stone was once stolen in the 1700s if I'm not mistaken and its now broken into pieces. The kaabah was flooded at some times in history and Muslims believe its gonna be destroyed anyway. Kinda absurd to say we worship the house of God and not God. Firstly define worship

The Lord of the Universe is the Lord of the Prophets and yes Muslims believe that He is not the triune God and we share this belief with Unitarian Christians. God is not lacking in mercy. I read the Bible almost daily. I don't think you have read the Quran so I can forgive you your ignorance.

Do you also describe the law God gave to Moses like this? Instant death was ordered to apostates, adulterers and people who curse their parents and etc. In fact the Jews of Arabia uses to prefer to let the Prophet of Islam to judge over their affairs through Islamic law which they admitted to be an easier law, but the Prophet commanded them to respect their Torah and their law given to them.

Whatever. Without knowledge and the fear of God people can say everything they want.

Islamic apologists like to shotgun accusations of past misdeeds of other religions. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT TODAY AND THE DEEDS OF TODAY'S RELIGIONS!
Today, Buddhists are peaceful and do not proselytize. Today, Israel is fighting for its life against the relentless onslaught of Islamic terrorists determined to slaughter every Israeli man woman and child. Judaism does not proselytize.
Today, Christianity does proselytize in hopes of spreading Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ by extending the helping hand of our time, our talent and lots of our money! But, today, we do not force our beliefs on anyone. We do not slaughter, rape and enslave anyone in the name of our religion.
I should think that in light of the horrendous deeds perpetrated by Islamic extremists against unarmed peaceful people ALL OVER THE WORLD moderate Muslims would be speaking out in droves against this behavior?


Hall of Fame
Whatever. Without knowledge and the fear of God people can say everything they want.

Uh huh ... which you cannot tolerate ... because you do not value freedom of religion or speech.

That's too bad. For you. Really.


Islamic apologists like to shotgun accusations of past misdeeds of other religions. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT TODAY AND THE DEEDS OF TODAY'S RELIGIONS!

What? I didn't even.

Today, Buddhists are peaceful and do not proselytize.

I don't want to blame everything on religion but you should check out BBS in Sri Lanka and the Buddhist Mafia in Burma. Buddhism is a peaceful philosophy but you must be corrected about some Buddhist groups.

Today, Israel is fighting for its life against the relentless onslaught of Islamic terrorists determined to slaughter every Israeli man woman and child. Judaism does not proselytize.

Typical brainwashed American. If Israel is fighting for life why on earth do Jews all over the world emigrate into Israel? Why did they? Why want to live in a war zone?

Think about it. Israel was born out of the UN, but the US has vetoed down dozens of resolutions against Israel for violating international law. If not for the US the Palestinians would now have their own state. Its they who are stateless. Islamic terrorists? You mean Hamas? Hamas was born out of the terrorism of the Israelis terrorists gangs that wipes out dozens of Palestinians villages. Its a shame that the US has to threatened a small stateless people to stop them from taking Israel to the war crimes court.

Can you please do something to stop this terrified fighting for its life Israeli people from building illegal settlements in Palestinians land? It is they who are the oppressors. Hamas was not the beginning of the conflict, it was created from the sheer desperation and anger of the Palestinians people that once thought that the Jews only wanted refuge from European barbarism.

Today, Christianity does proselytize in hopes of spreading Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ by extending the helping hand of our time, our talent and lots of our money! But, today, we do not force our beliefs on anyone. We do not slaughter, rape and enslave anyone in the name of our religion.
I should think that in light of the horrendous deeds perpetrated by Islamic extremists against unarmed peaceful people ALL OVER THE WORLD moderate Muslims would be speaking out in droves against this behavior?

I don't get you. Did you quote the correct post or what?

Uh huh ... which you cannot tolerate ... because you do not value freedom of religion or speech.

That's too bad. For you. Really.

It was about the post and not the now world famous cartoons.


New member

That is a beautiful cut.

And that idiot chair thinks I am wrong for having a large stock at the house.

Stock up.

Because you can't fight Kalishnikovs in the hands of crazy people
without matching firepower and metal plate armor.

Just ask the dead cop who was expecting an attack and had standard body armor too.


The terrorists (the Islamist extremists) wants you to react just like that. By alienating and antagonizing Islam and Muslims you are playing to their interests. They want an all-out war between the West and Islam.


Hall of Fame
The terrorists (the Islamist extremists) wants you to react just like that. By alienating and antagonizing Islam and Muslims you are playing to their interests. They want an all-out war between the West and Islam.

Being antagonized is part of life ... how one responds to it is what is important.

There is no good reason to respond with violence over someone else publicly disrespecting your religion. Anyone responding in such a manner is a ... radical nutter.


New member
The terrorists (the Islamist extremists) wants you to react just like that. By alienating and antagonizing Islam and Muslims you are playing to their interests. They want an all-out war between the West and Islam.

We are already in an all out war with Islam.

Islam is an artificial fake paramilitary cult representing a false idol,
and fomenting and enabling violent fools all over the world.

The Koran must be burned, and a few copies kept locked away in libraries
for historians and researchers, like Mein Kampf


We are already in an all out war with Islam.

Islam is an artificial fake paramilitary cult representing a false idol,
and fomenting and enabling violent fools all over the world.

The Koran must be burned, and a few copies kept locked away in libraries
for historians and researchers, like Mein Kampf
You are playing it to the hands of these extremists. Is this what the Jewish Messiah taught?


New member
Hall of Fame
The terrorists (the Islamist extremists) wants you to react just like that. By alienating and antagonizing Islam and Muslims you are playing to their interests. They want an all-out war between the West and Islam.

And you're justifying what they did.


And you're justifying what they did.
Only in a way. "Oh! This guy is justifying cold blooded murder". I'm not. Freedom of expression should have a limit - they brought it down to themselves. That's all. I wanted them eliminated - not their lives but what they were doing. Unfortunately the way it was done was foolish and back-firing.

If someone was to print and spread Hitler's book you would certainly stop him or her right? But kill him? Nope but what was done achieved one thing but was in a way more evil. That's all


Hall of Fame
And you're justifying what they did.

Only in a way. "Oh! This guy is justifying cold blooded murder". I'm not. Freedom of expression should have a limit - they brought it down to themselves. That's all. I wanted them eliminated - not their lives but what they were doing. Unfortunately the way it was done was foolish and back-firing.

Ridiculous. As Granite stated, YOU are justifying the actions of these low life, maniacal cretins.

You are part of the problem.