ECT Is your pastor deceiving you, or is he just ignorant?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Okay, I've decided:
You win the contest with Pandora/Tandora for the most clueless woman here.
Now the contest is between you and the Totty-baby.
But, there are others under consideration.
Please stay tuned 'cause the jury's still out.

Heads Up:
God has always tried to save people through His dire warnings!
And I'm merely quoting His dire warnings.
End of Heads Up

Actually what happens is He announces good news...then along come the holiness brigade and try to cheat the people out of the promises of God....

You's teaching that the promises of God must be if you could offer anything to God that He would want.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
A reply to the OP from elsewhere ...

First of all thank you for setting out what is taught on this matter. Whenever I study the Word of God (I don't read it) I do so by topic as it is important for me to get the overall teaching of scripture, not just parts of it. As a result I have found that there seems to be plethora of scriptures that tell us suffering is the norm for Christians, not health, wealth and happiness.
One can be very happy in suffering if our faith is grounded in the finished work of Christ.

The problem with teaching of this kind is that it doesn't fit in with the prevalence that God is our genie who will meet all our needs. He is there for our benefit rather than us being here for his benefit and pleasure. Therefore we don't appreciate it when we are told that God has a standard that is needed for him to present a church to himself without spot or wrinkle.

If jesus died to save us from our sin and remove it, then it is logical that sin has no place in our lives. If it is not dealt with then we are saying that the death of Jesus on the cross was defective in some way. As we all know, his death was complete in every way, so we have a powerful ally to defeat sin in our own lives. As it says in Collosians 2 Jesus defeated satan at the cross and made an open show of him. To defeat satan is to defeat sin.

That being the case, it is so important to keep short accounts with God as John says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves. and Psalm 139:23 says "Look deep into my heart, God, and find out everything I am thinking. Don't let me follow evil ways, lead me in the way everlasting....."

The fact is the church in general is looking less like the church than it ever has. It has embraced homosexual theology; christians are divorcing as the same rate as the world; it has moved away from the New Testament way of doing things; it eschews teaching about things that are not producing "bless me" clubs; it treats its pastors as company CEOs; it is wasting inordinate amounts of money on buildings that have the mentality of "look at me"; and we seem to be building our church, not his church.

Therefore we need to address the issue of continuing sin and deal with it harshly but the problem is if the sin is the product of the minister the example is found sadly wanting so how can one demand that the church be pure?

If God is not meeting all your needs ...who is? if you have not it is because you ask not. And if your fellowship is not a "bless me" club what's it good for?

What do you do pray curses down on each other?

No wonder only a few shrivelled souls turn up each week.

As for overcoming, you will overcome when you understand that He overcame in your stead...He saw the mess you were making of everything and had mercy on you.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
LA, has tried for a second time today, to turn GM into the Woodshed. Are you
working on a third LA? Looks like she doesn't like GM? She's threatened me
in the past with a beheading. Since that didn't occur, perhaps she thinks the
Woodshed is the way to get me?


Literal lunatic
If God is not meeting all your needs ...who is? if you have not it is because you ask not. And if your fellowship is not a "bless me" club what's it good for?

What do you do pray curses down on each other?

No wonder only a few shrivelled souls turn up each week.

As for overcoming, you will overcome when you understand that He overcame in your stead...He saw the mess you were making of everything and had mercy on you.

You shoulda pulled this out and understood it.

That being the case, it is so important to keep short accounts with God as John says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves. and Psalm 139:23 says "Look deep into my heart, God, and find out everything I am thinking. Don't let me follow evil ways, lead me in the way everlasting....."