You know the father named his son Sue because he knew he wouldn't be there for him, and wanted him to get tough.
I wonder how that particular motivation might relate to so-called "black names."
I often ask people I meet what their name means.
Most don't know.
Yesterday, I asked a young woman if she knew what her name "Hafta" meant.
Lol, she replied "I don't know - you're the one asking; look it up..."
I do just that.
It means "young lioness."
Lol - God bless her - obviously, she lived up to its' meaning :chuckle:
You also, at times, end up in interesting conversations with people, as a result.
One old woman in a curio shop who I asked that question of some years ago, turned out to have met the late great Escape Artist Extraordinaire: Harry Houdini.
Next thing I knew; she pulled out all these great pictures of him at a birthday party her well to do parents had made possible for her.
Lamentably, I heard some years later, she was murdered during a robbery in her store...
I'm ever grateful I'd been curious about her name's origin enough to have paused and asked her, that day...