Of course, because of the imbalance wrought by the privileges you've taken for granted.
Not exactly an imbalance. There are genuine differences between people, and obviously there are norms among groups that would 'naturally' favor the interests of those groups. It isn't always about privileged or neglect by any intention.
James Earl James called something of this: racialism where every rock turns up a racist or a racial issue where none is intended.
Is that racist? :nono: That is jumping on a narrative with little but emoting posture. "Innocent without guilty proof" is the baseline that seldom gets exercised. Some things are self-fulfilling. That said, I absolutely acquiesce problematics. I wasn't bullied by blacks, because I was white (I didn't know why they bullied me and 'black/white' would have been a simpleton explanation with my child-understanding). I was bullied because those kids didn't know anything else. I saw one of those guys doing well as a salesman a few years ago. I was both glad for him, and conflicted as to how mean and abusive he had been to me as a child. In contrast, there are a few of those kids who are dead now, some put to death on death row, some because of dangerous choices.
I didn't realize I could contact the local KKK (not sure we had that in the NW) or Aryan chapter to solve the problem. I just went home bloody a few times.
The picture is much more complicated than just skin color and so threads like this merely accentuate the problem without enough critical thought behind words. I do agree, Amendments are good, but these must always favor all people with no particular group (color, creed, religion, or preoccupation) advantaged over another. It means, regardless of who is the majority of any of the preceding particulars, that while any particular group can and should be favored in their particular circles, the larger group should learn grace extended, by way of good and right deference and invitation.
There is a need (not just a want) for the largest group to need to listen to and accomodate those with whom they may not 'naturally' hang out with. It is why we have labor unions as well, but the whole purpose and need is for us to be decent to one another, and even take a slight once or twice (like I have to when I'm ignored and looked over at any particular gathering where I'm more of an outsider looking in). It is okay for us to 1) be minorities without feeling slighted or ignored (we are, but rightly so a good number of times) and knowing where that's wrong. IOW, we can push too far for 'wants' and even some imagined 'rights' that aren't really rights, just us feeling small.
Message: I just don't want you feeling any purposeful alienation. I've many good friends who are not my color and/or not at the same station in life, and/or not the same faith. I care about them and yes, I may not invite them to all my functions and I'd not want them to feel slighted nor obligated to enjoin any particular interest I'd invite you to (i.e. church) and I don't feel slighted at your decline.