Sure. Setting out evidence would illustrate the latter. Listening to your "analysis" would constitute the former.
there is no evidence for 'white privilege', there us however plenty of evidence that there are more white people who succeed than blacks- which you call 'privilege'.
It has nothing to with skin color if many black people nonetheless are succeeding just the same- the liberal brain can't seem to distinguish between 'poor society' and 'black society'

Discrimination happens all the time. Race baiting happens all the time. Minorities being singled out for abuse and treatment related to their race happens all the time. Not long ago a Dairy Queen closed down after the manager went on an N-bomb tirade with a mother who had a problem with a botched drive thru order. The police came. He used the same language to them about her. Then he tried to back peddle and corporate shot him down.
A white person having their career ruined for going on a racist tirade is not an example of black oppression :chuckle:
The black person was troublesome to the people there and the manager got swallowed whole by the PC police. I don't need to look it up because I can pretty much guarantee that's what happened- these things don't happen too differently from one to the next.
It's about minorities having to deal with any number or assumptions and problems that aren't on your plate, simply because you're white.
Like not getting shot down by another black person, or being raised by a welfare queen.
Sorry, but I've lived in the inner suburbs for a good portion of my life, and see the one's who succeed and the ones who end up in prison. Blaming it on race is lame.