(On our right to petition and ask)
You appear to be the only one who thinks it isn't for everyone.
(our leaders)
Any leader, Jewish, Baptist, white, black, even left handed.

(questions about problems that concern us.)
Any group, though the particular group is immaterial to the point and, sadly, seemingly the only point you care about.
(So a reporter did that and you cried exclusivity of right)
He implied it, as Judaism is inherently a religion that calls for the exclusive prominence of Jews.
Your bigotry implied it. He tried to ask what the government was going to do about a rise in violence aimed at Jews. There's nothing exclusive in it, no attempt to imply any other group or person has less right to it.
(before giving everyone a window into your sickness in a way that's hard to ignore)
It's in the language they speak, they ultimately use people for their gain with no favors in return.
Thanks Trad, but I already see you.
(And tying it with a ribbon...a sad, stained ribbon.)
Just in case you ever wondered why so many people don't like them
No, I understand and I've even spoken here to the driving force of bigotry. People who are taught to prize a particular ignorance as virtue, running downhill to establish their own worth, those who can't be reasoned from a thing that never had its roots in reason.