Well-known member
Hi to all and Acts 8:40 reads , And Philip was found in Azotus , passing through he was preaching the GOSPEL (IN ) all the cities until he came to into Caesarea !!

In verse 27 an ETHIOPIAN reading from Isaiah and Philip explained who Isaiah was talking about !!

In verse 35 Philip preached the GOSPEL to him , JESUS !!

We see the same in Acts 5:42 , " and preaching the GOSPEL , Jesus the Christ !!

So , this Gospel included WATER BAPTISM as verse 36 says !!

And verse 37 If you believe from the whole heart it is permitted to be Water baptized and the Ethiopian , I believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God !!

It says that He believed and than was WATER BAPTIZED and went his way Rejoicing !!

So , the Gospel was the Son of God , BELIEF and WATER BAPTISM !!

Looks like 2 gospels to me !!


Or by Grace today , beginning with Paul in Acts 9:6 and 1 Tim 1:16 a PATTERN for today !!

dan p


Well-known member
DanP for the last time,
the Gospel is the historic event of Christ. That is what justifies us from sin. It is not the steps people take on partial/imperfect information about what to respond to that message. God is just as happy with tears of joy as with a certain kind of baptism. Heb. 6:1-2.


Well-known member
DanP for the last time,
the Gospel is the historic event of Christ. That is what justifies us from sin. It is not the steps people take on partial/imperfect information about what to respond to that message. God is just as happy with tears of joy as with a certain kind of baptism. Heb. 6:1-2.

Hi , and again , GLAD to ex[lain to a grammar specialist Heb 6:1 !!


and means to leave Repentance from dead works and MOVE FORWARD to perfection and MATURITY , so why not move on to MATURITY !!

The PASSIVE VOICE say , and help from God , can help you let go !!

dan p
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Well-known member
There is only one Gospel because there is only One God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Hi and then is Rom 5:14 one gospel , that Death reigned from Adam until Moses , so how were those in between saved ??

And how are Calvanist like you saved ??

dan p


TOL Subscriber
Hi and then is Rom 5:14 one gospel , that Death reigned from Adam until Moses , so how were those in between saved ??

There is a line of believers from Seth to Noah, and from Noah to Abraham that scripture says were saved by God's grace which gave them faith to believe in the Covenant promise God gave Eve of a Saviour in the garden. See Genesis 3:15

All men at all time, were saved the same way . . through grace and trust in God's promises.

And how are Calvanist like you saved ??

dan p

I was saved by grace through faith, just like all the other saints. I was given faith to trust in the righteousness of Jesus Christ and I was granted repentance from sin by God.

There is only one God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and all Covenant promises center upon Him . . O.T. and N.T.


Well-known member
There is a line of believers from Seth to Noah, and from Noah to Abraham that scripture says were saved by God's grace which gave them faith to believe in the Covenant promise God gave Eve of a Saviour in the garden. See Genesis 3:15

All men at all time, were saved the same way . . through grace and trust in God's promises.

I was saved by grace through faith, just like all the other saints. I was given faith to trust in the righteousness of Jesus Christ and I was granted repentance from sin by God.

There is only one God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and all Covenant promises center upon Him . . O.T. and N.T.

Hi and here I thought that you were a Calvinist and are quoting Eph 2:8 , and where does Paul speak of LIMITED ATONEMENT ??

dan p


New member
Hi to all and Acts 8:40 reads , And Philip was found in Azotus , passing through he was preaching the GOSPEL (IN ) all the cities until he came to into Caesarea !!

In verse 27 an ETHIOPIAN reading from Isaiah and Philip explained who Isaiah was talking about !!

In verse 35 Philip preached the GOSPEL to him , JESUS !!

We see the same in Acts 5:42 , " and preaching the GOSPEL , Jesus the Christ !!

So , this Gospel included WATER BAPTISM as verse 36 says !!

And verse 37 If you believe from the whole heart it is permitted to be Water baptized and the Ethiopian , I believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God !!

It says that He believed and than was WATER BAPTIZED and went his way Rejoicing !!

So , the Gospel was the Son of God , BELIEF and WATER BAPTISM !!

Looks like 2 gospels to me !!


Or by Grace today , beginning with Paul in Acts 9:6 and 1 Tim 1:16 a PATTERN for today !!

dan p

dan , those who received grace obey Jesus and get water baptized . It is only ONE gospel but there are events in the one gospel.

1. believe.
2. Get baptized as everyone in the NT did except the thief on the cross.
3. take the Lord's supper.
4. Follow and trust and believe Jesus all are part and parcel of the one and only gospel.


Well-known member
I guess there was no old covenant and new covenant, since there can only be one because there is only One GOD and Savior, Jesus Christ.
What a mess!

Not a mess; it is finally organized as it should be, not as Judaism and its step-child D'ism does. Part of the message of the NT (which you would see if you would study the 2500) is that the Christocentricity proclaimed by the NT is retroactive; it is saying it is 'back there' as well. Abraham saw Christ's day. Abraham did not see the promised land nor its better city even though he lived in a tent in Judea, Heb 11:9-10. None of them saw any of the promises fulfilled because they were actually about Christ, v 15, 16, 39-40. As you may know, 'being made perfect' is Hebrews way of expressing justification from sins (10:14).

Hebrews knew all the time that only the remnant had faith; they did not shrink back, 10:39. So like Rom 11s first paragraph, the distinction was always to be made.

There were also several places in the OT where Gentiles who had faith were seen as having just as much faith as anyone in Israel. This put the race/biology basis in doubt all the way back. Jesus, James, Hebrews give the examples.

The reason Hebrews 'moves on' from Judaism's angels, priests and covenant is that all of them were 'an illustration' 9:9. Or a mere copy/shadow. 8:5-6.

It's too bad that you are spending so much time posting and not reading. You need to read 10x as much as you post.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
As you may know, 'being made perfect' is Hebrews way of expressing justification from sins (10:14).

Heb 5
8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

IP believes Christ was a sinner, folks.
Is there no end to the things he will make up out of thin air?


Well-known member
dan , those who received grace obey Jesus and get water baptized . It is only ONE gospel but there are events in the one gospel.

1. believe.
2. Get baptized as everyone in the NT did except the thief on the cross.
3. take the Lord's supper.
4. Follow and trust and believe Jesus all are part and parcel of the one and only gospel.

Hi and where does it say ONLY ONE GOSPEL with a verse ??

So , what does CHARIS / GRACE mean ??

dan p


Well-known member
I Cor 15: 1-4.

Or Rom 3:21-26.

the important thing is that you do not list a human response to the news (the good news). You are bickering over human responses. The news is that God paid a visit to the planet, took on our sin as a human and God at the same time, suffered, completed atonement and was raised in honor of his accomplishment. He is now the enthroned Lord of the universe as envisioned by David and is to be honored as such.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I Cor 15: 1-4.

Or Rom 3:21-26.

the important thing is that you do not list a human response to the news (the good news). You are bickering over human responses. The news is that God paid a visit to the planet, took on our sin as a human and God at the same time, suffered, completed atonement and was raised in honor of his accomplishment. He is now the enthroned Lord of the universe as envisioned by David and is to be honored as such.

One gospelism is made up.
One saviour, once cross, one atonement, yes. One gospel, nope.

Become a Bible believer, put away the commentaries.


Well-known member
dan , those who received grace obey Jesus and get water baptized . It is only ONE gospel but there are events in the one gospel.

1. believe.
2. Get baptized as everyone in the NT did except the thief on the cross.
3. take the Lord's supper.
4. Follow and trust and believe Jesus all are part and parcel of the one and only gospel.

Hi and I did at one time believe in WATER BAPTISM , and went along , as I could not really understand it , like many also do today !

We see that Water Baptism was given to Israel in Matt 3:3-8 and some HAD to prove that they were really Repented , in verse 8 and you believe that WATER BAPTISM saves , even when it is pointed out that is is a Jewish order and Heb 9:10 where there were various BAPTISMS !!

Why do you accept water baptism and , THEN reject animal sacrifice , the Sabbath and not go to the Temple to worship and do you have a PRIEST ??

dan p