Is the Holy Spirit Female?

Tigger 2

Active member
Bright Raven wrote:
John 14:16-17 King James Version (KJV)

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

The use of 'him' is a proper translation here because its antecedent is the masculine paraclete ('Comforter') not 'spirit.' But when the pronoun refers back to 'holy spirit' which is neuter in NT Greek (look it up!!), then the pronoun must be neuter ('auto'-'it,' 'itself').

For example, John 14:17, NAB (1991), properly uses 'it' ('auto') because the antecedent is the neuter 'spirit':

"the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows IT ('auto'). But you know IT ('auto'), because it remains with you, and will be in you."

Most Bibles mistranslate 'auto' in this verse as 'him' because of tradition rather than truth.


New member
The Holy Spirit is referred to by Christ Himself...
John 16:12-14:
12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.

Tigger 2

Active member
Bright Raven wrote:

John 14:16-17 King James Version (KJV)

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

Sorry but I got my scriptures mixed up in post #61. Here is what it should have been:

John 14:17, NAB (1991), properly uses 'it' ('auto') because the antecedent is the neuter 'spirit':

"the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows IT ('auto'). But you know IT ('auto'), because it remains with you, and will be in you."

Most Bibles mistranslate 'auto' in this verse as 'him' because of tradition rather than truth.

As for John 16:12-14, the use of 'him' is a proper translation here because its antecedent is the masculine paraclete ('Comforter') not 'spirit.' But when the pronoun actually refers back to 'holy spirit' which is neuter in NT Greek (look it up!!), then the pronoun must be neuter ('auto'-'it,' 'itself').

Tigger 2

Active member
We should all understand that in NT Greek (as well as many other languages)the gender of a pronoun must match that of its antecedent! So even if the antecedent is written quite a bit earlier, it sometimes can be recognized by seeing which noun agrees with it in gender, number, etc.

John 16:7, 12-14 is an example. 'Paraclete' (singular, masculine), or 'Comforter' in English, is the antecedent of 'him.'


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No need to assume, the Bible clearly says that God the Father has Hands, Feet, Arms a Head and more: We are made in His image and the image of the HS. Gen 1: 'Let us make people in our image'

and you are a dumbbell. God said let us make man in our image. God was referring to an ability, not a form. God does not have a bodily conformation. Only Jesus, on earth, had a human body


Well-known member
and you are a dumbbell. God said let us make man in our image. God was referring to an ability, not a form. God does not have a bodily conformation. Only Jesus, on earth, had a human body

How dare you call me a dumbbell, I have never been so insulted in all my life. :p


Eclectic Theosophist
Honoring the Holy Spirit........

Honoring the Holy Spirit........

Sorry but I got my scriptures mixed up in post #61. Here is what it should have been:

John 14:17, NAB (1991), properly uses 'it' ('auto') because the antecedent is the neuter 'spirit':

"the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows IT ('auto'). But you know IT ('auto'), because it remains with you, and will be in you."

Most Bibles mistranslate 'auto' in this verse as 'him' because of tradition rather than truth.

As for John 16:12-14, the use of 'him' is a proper translation here because its antecedent is the masculine paraclete ('Comforter') not 'spirit.' But when the pronoun actually refers back to 'holy spirit' which is neuter in NT Greek (look it up!!), then the pronoun must be neuter ('auto'-'it,' 'itself').

Hello Tigger 2 and all following,

First of all, my original commmentary here holds in recognizing that 'God' is both 'male' and 'female' in qualities, attributes and character, relationally speaking, and is appropriately in that 'context' our 'Father-Mother-God', since the very nature of God is the SOURCE of man, who as MALE and FEMALE is the expression of God
. This clear representation as Gods image and likeness cannot be denied, unless one would deny 'God', which is what many so called religious people are doing, by failing to honor God by their religious conditioning and/or ignorance, rather than to honor God as both 'Father' and 'Mother'.

I appreciate your recognition of the obvious, in the original languages, as it became the tradition to 'assume' the Spirit as masculine (he), while the greek word for 'spirit' in the NT is neuter gender. Therefore at best, the Spirit may be referred to as 'it' in some cases, while the 'he' is a preposition added by tradition, conventionally speaking. (here we get into another debate over whether the Spirit is 'personal' or not, another subject). However,...most if not all cases of the term 'spirit' (ruach) in the hebrew scritpures are of the feminine nuance, as well as the aramaic text, and it is CLEAR that the wisdom and shekinah of 'God' are indeed portrayed in the feminine gender. Since the image and likeness of 'God' includes the perfect revelation and synergy of BOTH 'male' and 'female', it should be no surprise or indignation that our 'God' is a 'father' and a 'mother' to us, since God mothers us by the Spirit, and that same Spirit mothered our Lord Jesus. - this is a truth, and if one would deny it, they deny a love for divine wisdom and truth, and deny the Spirit itself, who is revealed in the hebrew language as FEMININE.

The Holy Spirit: The Feminine Aspect of the Godhead

View attachment 26073


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
our 'Father-Mother-God', since the very nature of God is the SOURCE of man, who as MALE and FEMALE is the expression of God[/U]. This clear representation as Gods image and likeness cannot be denied, unless one would deny 'God', which is what many so called religious people are doing, by failing to honor God by their religious conditioning and/or ignorance, rather than to honor God as both 'Father' and 'Mother'.

I appreciate your recognition of the obvious, in the original languages, as it became the tradition to 'assume' the Spirit as masculine (he), while the greek word for 'spirit' in the NT is neuter gender. Therefore at best, the Spirit may be referred to as 'it' in some cases, while the 'he' is a preposition added by tradition, conventionally speaking. (here we get into another debate over whether the Spirit is 'personal' or not, another subject). However,...most if not all cases of the term 'spirit' (ruach) in the hebrew scritpures are of the feminine nuance, as well as the aramaic text, and it is CLEAR that the wisdom and shekinah of 'God' are indeed portrayed in the feminine gender. Since the image and likeness of 'God' includes the perfect revelation and synergy of BOTH 'male' and 'female', it should be no surprise or indignation that our 'God' is a 'father' and a 'mother' to us, since God mothers us by the Spirit, and that same Spirit mothered our Lord Jesus. - this is a truth, and if one would deny it, they deny a love for divine wisdom and truth, and deny the Spirit itself, who is revealed in the hebrew language as FEMININE.

The Holy Spirit: The Feminine Aspect of the Godhead

Why do you continue to do this? Christianity is not worshiping powerful body gods, as pagans have in past times.


Eclectic Theosophist
Meta-physical understanding of terms and values.......

Meta-physical understanding of terms and values.......

Why do you continue to do this? Christianity is not worshiping powerful body gods, as pagans have in past times.

Hello Kat :)

You would do well to note and understand my dissertation as being an exposition on Deity and 'gender'. 'Gender' is not limited to a physical form or representation, as I honor our religious tradition and culture (we discussing the judeo-christian one in this context) as honoring the feminine. The Holy Spirit, Sophia (Wisdom) and the Shekinah are rendered in the 'feminine', AND as I have clearly shown, the very nature, qualities, attributes of Deity AS revealed in Man as 'MALE' and 'FEMALE' are self-evident, both literally and figuratively. These are basic universal metaphysical truths concerning 'Spirit'(God) and 'gender' ('masculine' and 'feminine').


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hello Kat :)

You would do well to note and understand my dissertation as being an exposition on Deity and 'gender'. 'Gender' is not limited to a physical form or representation, as I honor our religious tradition and culture (we discussing the judeo-christian one in this context) as honoring the feminine. The Holy Spirit, Sophia (Wisdom) and the Shekinah are rendered in the 'feminine', AND as I have clearly shown, the very nature, qualities, attributes of Deity AS revealed in Man as 'MALE' and '
:sibbie: Sherman does not like the 'gender' placing on God.

:listen: gender is a big pain in the a** when discussing theology because it always reduces God to human traits. It is like, nowhere, hicksville.


Eclectic Theosophist
:sibbie: Sherman does not like the 'gender' placing on God.

:listen: gender is a big pain in the a** when discussing theology because it always reduces God to human traits. It is like, nowhere, hicksville.

And this is Knight's forum :) - she already banned me for some of my former commentary merely RECOGNIZING that 'God' is the source of gender, and the FACT that Man being 'male' and 'female' POINTS to 'God' as being both. 'God' being INFINITE is of course beyond gender, but in this 'context' we honor 'God' and that which is born OUT FROM GOD. - that would be God's full glory revealed as MAN. And what is man? - man (adamah) is comprised of both genders. We see 2 genders REPRESENTING their source, who is 'God'.

Moreover, I find it again a lack of understanding and undue fear to 'assume' that this recognition somehow limits 'God' or confines him to human form, terms or personality traits. It does not. If anything it fosters a greater insight and appreciation of Deity, and inspires a fonder love for 'God' as Mother. - the earthly commandment to honor both father and mother is but a mere earthly sentiment of a higher spiritual love, as everything on earth, of material form is the expression of some higher spiritual truth or reality. Again this is basic metaphysics. If one does not wish to expand his consciousness to include this greater context of God's nature and character, especially as it is revealed by man's own nature, gender and relational truth contexts, that is his choice.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And this is Knight's forum :) - she already banned me for some of my former commentary merely RECOGNIZING that 'God' is the source of gender, and the FACT that Man being 'male' and 'female' POINTS to 'God' as being both. 'God' being INFINITE is of course beyond gender, but in this 'context' we honor 'God' and that which is born OUT FROM GOD. - that would be God's full glory revealed as MAN. And what is man? - man (adamah) is comprised of both genders. We see 2 genders REPRESENTING their source, who is 'God'.

Moreover, I find it again a lack of understanding and undue fear to 'assume' that this recognition somehow limits 'God' or confines him to human form, terms or personality traits. It does not. If anything it fosters a greater insight and appreciation of Deity, and inspires a fonder love for 'God' as Mother. - the earthly commandment to honor both father and mother is but a mere earthly sentiment of a higher spiritual love, as everything on earth, of material form is the expression of some higher spiritual truth or reality. Again this is basic metaphysics. If one does not wish to expand his consciousness to include this greater context of God's nature and character, especially as it is revealed by man's own nature, gender and relational truth contexts, that is his choice.

whatever freelight. I did not report you and hardly ever do that. i personally think the topic is trivial and boring:yawn:


Eclectic Theosophist
whatever freelight. I did not report you and hardly ever do that. i personally think the topic is trivial and boring:yawn:

Thank you dear, I said, Its a matter of understanding, and some of us bring a different or perhaps expanded view and consideration to the topic at hand. Like Jesus said,...some matters can be accepted or rejected, or moreover they are to be received by only those who are able to receive such. He furthermore taught the deeper esoteric revelations of his teaching parables to his 'inner circle', leaving the exoteric teaching to the masses to ponder over.

Do note that it was the Spirit of God coming upon Mary that brought about the generation of Jesus.

20 But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.

This is why some apocryphal texts speak of the Holy Spirit being the mother of Jesus. It is only logical given the facts of nature and the laws of procreation, that a trinity of Father, Mother and Son (children) a sound and comprehensive concept-frame representing the way life works,...the association of personality and gender as a total or holistic model of creation. There is the creative power of Spirit which includes the Father and Mother and its offspring. This is wholly natural, logical and rational. I dont see a problem here.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
:chew: So, the story goes on.........................................................................................wake me up when the show is over.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
What a mess. IF you had even a remedial understanding of Hebrew, you would already know why supporting this from your interlinear is absurd.

And then there's the huge gap in understanding gender as it pertains to ancient cultures in creation stories.

And the failure to understand the Mind-Spirit-Word metaphor of the Godhead.

I mean, it's not an easy topic at all, but you are even farther from the truth of the matter than the church, and they have all but thrown up their hands and declared it a "mystery."

As pertains to Jesus, Mary is the mother, and fills the female role. Duh. At a macroscopic level, humanity fills the female role, while God fills the male role.

Ponder for a minute why the root word of "material" is the same as "mother." That might lead you to the answer.


Well-known member
What a mess. IF you had even a remedial understanding of Hebrew, you would already know why supporting this from your interlinear is absurd.

And then there's the huge gap in understanding gender as it pertains to ancient cultures in creation stories.

And the failure to understand the Mind-Spirit-Word metaphor of the Godhead.

I mean, it's not an easy topic at all, but you are even farther from the truth of the matter than the church, and they have all but thrown up their hands and declared it a "mystery."

As pertains to Jesus, Mary is the mother, and fills the female role. Duh. At a macroscopic level, humanity fills the female role, while God fills the male role.

Ponder for a minute why the root word of "material" is the same as "mother." That might lead you to the answer.

You sound like your beating around the bush. Where is this 'proof' you're vaguely alluding too. The OP has the proof for you to read in the Hebrew and its translation, here is just one of them, can you show everyone where it does not say 'she' and why?:

Job 33:4


אֵ ל

עָ שָׂ תְ נִ י
SHE made me

וְ נִ שְׁ מַ ת
and breath of

שַׁ דַּ י
Who Suffices

תְּ חַ יֵּנִ י
SHE is keeping alive me