Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond a child getting are still being spanked?...

and not just on this

That childhood punishment however is might still be sore...which explains a lot...

ya know clefty, if you don't want the same in return, maybe you should lay off the snarky lol's and snide inferences

besides, it makes you look like you eat paste

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Bible might not need as many words as you...but it certainly does describe love...and a command we love others (enemies included) He loved us...

Feel free to read for yourself His examples of that love...

i seem to remember a whip made of cords ... :think:


New member
i seem to remember a whip made of cords ... :think:

Sure...tough love...nobody was killed in the cleansing...Sadly temples remain unclean...

And you mean to scourge? Physical pain right?

But I was just told the torment in eternal hell is not physical...nor did the scourging or temple last forever...back on topic

Oh and what is eaten to litter posts with silly emojis? Your foot?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Sure...tough love...nobody was killed in the cleansing...Sadly temples remain unclean...

And you mean to scourge? Physical pain right?

But I was just told the torment in eternal hell is not physical...nor did the scourging or temple last forever...back on topic

Oh and what is eaten to litter posts with silly emojis? Your foot?

i understand that it's difficult to understand

PPS has done the best job I've seen in a long time to explain it - why don't you read through his posts and see if it doesn't become more clear?

and if you read through his posts and discover that it becomes less clear, i think we're all just going to have to accept the fact that you're not going to get it


Well-known member
Right...die...not remain being tormented for sin will be more
That's diametrically opposed to what Scripture teaches.

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.


Active member
ok doser,
Your reply from post #7942: re: " return to belief in God (which is where i think this started), i could consciously choose to reject God[.] I consciously choose not to"

Consciously choosing to reject a supreme being is not the same as consciously choosing to believe that one doesn't exist.

So right now, while you are reading this, can you consciously choose to believe - be convinced - that a supreme being doesn't exist?


TOL Subscriber
The Bible might not need as many words as you...but it certainly does describe love...and a command we love others (enemies included) He loved us...

Feel free to read for yourself His examples of that love...

It would be much better if you’d actually adhere to the authentic word meanings instead of subjective assessments and determinations based on eisegetic presuppositions of alleged “examples” that you falsely presume are love according to your own diluted definition/s rather than the actual Greek words that are translated into English.

“Describing” is your subjective determinations. “Defining” is what I did. The latter is the only one of the two that is accutate, but of course you can’t ever face being wrong and being corrected; not even by the divinely inspired text. This leaves you in a horrible position: a god to yourself. Sad.


TOL Subscriber
ok doser,
Your reply from post #7942: re: " return to belief in God (which is where i think this started), i could consciously choose to reject God[.] I consciously choose not to"

Consciously choosing to reject a supreme being is not the same as consciously choosing to believe that one doesn't exist.

So right now, while you are reading this, can you consciously choose to believe - be convinced - that a supreme being doesn't exist?

This is a horrific and non-sensical question directly from extremely corrupted epistemics. It would have to be reframed to the point that it isn’t even this question. This query demonstrates a complete ignorance of epistemology and a number of other things. It’s not even possible to give a rational response because it’s such a wrong question. Sigh.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
ok doser,
Your reply from post #7942: re: " return to belief in God (which is where i think this started), i could consciously choose to reject God[.] I consciously choose not to"

Consciously choosing to reject a supreme being is not the same as consciously choosing to believe that one doesn't exist.

So right now, while you are reading this, can you consciously choose to believe - be convinced - that a supreme being doesn't exist?

"So right now, while you are reading this, can you consciously choose to believe - be convinced - that a supreme being doesn't exist?"

no, not right now, while i am reading this

i could, right now, choose to start the process that would lead to being convinced that a supreme being doesn't exist

it would necessarily involve self-inflicted brain damage

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This is a horrific and non-sensical question directly from extremely corrupted epistemics. It would have to be reframed to the point that it isn’t even this question. This query demonstrates a complete ignorance of epistemology and a number of other things. It’s not even possible to give a rational response because it’s such a wrong question. Sigh.

my rational response necessarily involves self-inflicted irrationality :thumb:


New member
That's diametrically opposed to what Scripture teaches.

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Cast in burn forever...and like sin...will be no more...


New member
Mat 25:46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

the duration of the punishment or reward is determined by the word in front of it "eternal"

Is it?

A man executed as punishment is eternally in the process of being executed? Or is the resulting consequence of his punishment eternal...

This is what is meant by the wages of sin is death...eternal

Dead know nothing...eternally

Shall destroyed...the consequence is a finality...eternallly...and not an on going process of being punished in a punishing...


New member
It would be much better if you’d actually adhere to the authentic word meanings instead of subjective assessments and determinations based on eisegetic presuppositions of alleged “examples” that you falsely presume are love according to your own diluted definition/s rather than the actual Greek words that are translated into English.

“Describing” is your subjective determinations. “Defining” is what I did. The latter is the only one of the two that is accutate, but of course you can’t ever face being wrong and being corrected; not even by the divinely inspired text. This leaves you in a horrible position: a god to yourself. Sad.

What is sad is you fall for that famous lie...”you shall not surely die”

However man is NEVER immortal...there is only One Who is...

Man instead was created to live forever but dependent on the tree of life...without it there is no life sustained...physical or spiritual or whatever other state of existence you wringe out of your pagan laced verbage...

Those not with Him...ARE NO tha sin which separated them from Him...GONE

they have NO ACCESS to the tree of life...thus

If there remains those tormented in a hell...then there remains sin...


New member
You can deny Scripture all you want, it won't remove the print from Bibles all over the world.

Fear the One Who can destroy both body and soul...

Destroy...not sustain to torment...

He ALONE is immortal...the ones in heaven are NOT immortal but eat from the tree of life...

but yours would have those in hell immortal too...


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Cast in burn forever...and like sin...will be no more...

To die means to be separated.

Physically dying is to be separated from one's body, and everyone they know.

Spiritually dying is to be separated from God.

It NEVER means "cessation of existence."

Clefty, was the girl in Matthew 9:24 actually dead, or was she just asleep?


TOL Subscriber
What is sad is you fall for that famous lie...”you shall not surely die”

What’s sad is that you quote that phrase regarding eating of the Tree of Life, and have no idea what death means in Hebrew OR Greek (instead pursuing English conceptualizations of annihilation).

However man is NEVER immortal...there is only One Who is...

Says the guy who has NO idea what Hebrew and Greek words mean, but regurgitates subjective nothingness in conflict with Hebrew and Greek word meanings.

Man instead was created to live forever but dependent on the tree of life...without it there is no life sustained...physical or spiritual or whatever other state of existence you wringe out of your pagan laced verbage...

And now the pagan is calling others pagan. Typical heretic shenanigans.

Those not with Him...ARE NO tha sin which separated them from Him...GONE

Thanatos (death) NEVER means annihilation, eradication, or elimination, et al. NEVER.

they have NO ACCESS to the tree of life...thus

And if you knew what thanatos (death) was and means, you’d know what die means.

If there remains those tormented in a hell...then there remains sin...

You have no idea what hamartia (sin) is, so your continued flailing is duly noted.


Active member
ok doser,
re: "i could, right now, choose to start the process that would lead to being convinced that a supreme being doesn't exist"

How would you know when you were convinced?

On 2nd thought, never mind. I was initially responding to Arthur Brain about his comment regarding beliefs and just realized I'm guilty of starting a different topic from the OP.