Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


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AMR is steeped in false doctrines.

He is a Calvinist.

He perverts the scriptures.

He says Jesus did not die for all. He says we cannot get faith after hearing. He does not believe the warnings in the Bible. He believes God saves unbelievers and those who hate Him.

All people who are now saved were once at enmity with God and unbelievers.

TULIP and Calvinism is wrong, but that does not mean AMR is wrong about everything.

God's Truth

New member
Was anything mentioned about spirits? No.
In other words, you cannot answer the question.
Or, are you one who believes that the soul and the spirit is the same thing? Well, I don't. The bible also notes differences. One of which is that the spirit returns to God who gave it. (paraphrase Ecclesiastes 12:7)
The spirit makes the physical body a living soul.

So, with that verse in mind, there is no dying of spirits.
I can be real patient with all kinds of people. Tell me, why did you say, “Was anything mentioned about spirits? You are a contentious person. There is help for you though, you are going to have to repent and call on Jesus.
Yet! Souls do. Jesus intimated that they can and do: And fear ye not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him, which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28
This scripture is telling us that men can kill the body, but not the soul (the body with its spirit).
I do believe what God says. I am so interested in what God says that I am willing to reach back into antiquity to learn what the phrases and words said then actually mean rather than put a 21st century spin on it.

In the Old Testament times, some things were still a mystery. In the Old Testament times, it was about earthly man, but the New Testament is about what is Spiritual. The New Testament is where the mystery is revealed.

So again, the verses that were in question, Revelation 14:11 and Revelation 20:10, are speaking of a punishment to be endured with an unknown,
With an unknown, what in the world are you trying to say?

By us, what in the world does that mean?

amount of time or duration. Not your 21st century idea of what they mean.
The scriptures say forever and ever.

Ask yourself these questions…ask yourself why Jesus says the fire does not end, the punishment is eternal, and the worm that eats them does not even die. Ask yourself why Jesus says those things if he really meant that it will only feel like forever? Ask yourself why Jesus said it would be better if Judas had never been born. Ask yourself why Jesus did not say Judas would get relief when he dies.


New member
In other words, you cannot answer the question.

The spirit makes the physical body a living soul.

I can be real patient with all kinds of people. Tell me, why did you say, “Was anything mentioned about spirits? You are a contentious person. There is help for you though, you are going to have to repent and call on Jesus.

Maybe I should ask you: Why did you ask "How do spirits die"? And then tell you that you are a contentious person.
This scripture is telling us that men can kill the body, but not the soul (the body with its spirit).

That is one of the things it is saying. It also supports what I said: souls die.
With an unknown, what in the world are you trying to say?

By us, what in the world does that mean?

How come you didn't ask these questions after my original post addressing the same issue?

The whole post concerned the phrase for ever and ever. Check it out.

The scriptures say forever and ever.

In your interpretation you have God torturing people and being less than loving. Your interpretation is faulty for portraying God in such a way. Even in His requiring justice, God is not evil.

Ask yourself these questions…ask yourself why Jesus says the fire does not end, the punishment is eternal, and the worm that eats them does not even die. Ask yourself why Jesus says those things if he really meant that it will only feel like forever? Ask yourself why Jesus said it would be better if Judas had never been born. Ask yourself why Jesus did not say Judas would get relief when he dies.

I already know the reasons and the answers to these questions. If you did also, you would not be portraying God as evil.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You are speaking nonsense. Why are you being contentious? We are not saved until we believe in God and love Him.

What else is there about AMR's beliefs that are not about Calvinism?

Trinitarianism is not unique to Calvinism. The same with salvation by grace through faith apart from works, virgin conception/resurrection of Christ, Bible as the Word of God, etc. Calvinism is mostly a view on soteriology/providence, not the other essential truths held by non-Calvinistic Christians also.


Dear God's Truth,

Levolor, you are wrong. I'm sorry to say that since we are both friends. See Rev. 20:5. Satan, the beast, the antichrist, the false prophet (Jean-Pierre Girard), all will spend the rest of eternity in the lake of fire, and those also whom God chooses, including the 666 persons that were deceived by the antichrist (Uri Geller). I know you don't know how I know this or who is who, but if you want to know for sure, read my book. It's FREE on my website, or costs $14 from Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. FREE is best. I'm not trying to make any money at all from my book. It is just my testimony as I've witnessed from the Lord, angels and the Holy Spirit. Go to:

That is my website. Go there and click on the words 'Book Copy' and then click on SKU-text, and the first page of my book will come up on your screen. Just use your up and down cursor arrows to flip through the pages. It's only 88 pages long. You will find out who I am there also.

May God Urge You To Take The Initiative,

Much Love in Christ,



Girard is the FP? Who is he? Some French guy?

Girard is someone who came having the same powers/abilities as Uri Geller (a Jew), to bend spoons, read minds, with his right hand and mind/forehead. Uri Geller's powers are not just magic. You would never believe me if I told you how I know. Anyway, Girard coming with the same powers/abilities causing Uri's deadly wound to be healed (because they were saying he just did it all with sleight-of-hand). Uri will urge six hundred sixty six other persons to acquire the same powers as he has and that is his number, like the number of a captain's soldiers, or the followers of a leader. Do you understand me?? An angel visited me and told me these things. See, I said you wouldn't believe me. I have had quite a life, to say the very least.

In God's and Jesus' Love,




God's Truth

New member
Trinitarianism is not unique to Calvinism.
The trinity doctrine is false.
The same with salvation by grace through faith apart from works,
Faith alone is dead it cannot save anyone. The works we do not have to do are the ceremonial works, like circumcision.
virgin conception/resurrection of Christ, Bible as the Word of God, etc.
You sound desperate.
Calvinism is mostly a view on soteriology/providence, not the other essential truths held by non-Calvinistic Christians also.
No, Calvinism goes against the Word of God. The Bible says that Jesus died for everyone. The Bible says we are to believe and obey to be saved, and to stay saved. Jesus also warns us, but Calvinists denies that too.

God's Truth

New member
That is one of the things it is saying. It also supports what I said: souls die.

A soul is a body made alive by the spirit. The spirit does not die.

How come you didn't ask these questions after my original post addressing the same issue?

The whole post concerned the phrase for ever and ever. Check it out.
Just answer the questions and stop being even more confusing.
In your interpretation you have God torturing people and being less than loving.
It is not my interpretation. The Bible plainly and clearly says what it does.
Your interpretation is faulty for portraying God in such a way. Even in His requiring justice, God is not evil.
You prove you are evil.
I already know the reasons and the answers to these questions. If you did also, you would not be portraying God as evil.

You are a wicked person. You cannot answer the question only blasphemy God.


New member
The trinity doctrine is false.

Faith alone is dead it cannot save anyone. The works we do not have to do are the ceremonial works, like circumcision.

Hi GT, I didn't know that you believe that the trinity doctrine is false.
I believe that God the Father is God, and also Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, is fully God and also fully man, and I believe that God comes to us in the person of the Holy Spirit, Who is also Fully God.

I also didn't know that you reject the doctrine of Sola Fide, Salvation by Faith alone.

I believe that the Divinity of Christ and salvation by faith in Him apart from works are essential for Christianity. Whether or not God tortures people in Hell is fun to discuss, but these issues are far more important.

I don't know if you respect my opinion or not, but I suggest that you do some research on the Trinity and Sola Fide.

Blessings to you,


Where the fire is not quenched and the worm dies not, is Gehenna. "Everlasting punishment" is a poor translation of κόλασιν αἰώνιον. "The everlasting punishment" meaning their wicked behavior is corrected permanently. In the comparison of the rich man and Lazarus, we see that hell is a temporal place in Heaven. Just because it is temporary, it doesn't mean you should go there.

Furthermore, the narrow gate and wide gate comparison is about entering the Kingdom of God like Enoch. It was temporary thing related to early church and the kingdom of the heavens (lit. elevations).

God's Truth

New member
Hi GT, I didn't know that you believe that the trinity doctrine is false.
I believe that God the Father is God, and also Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, is fully God and also fully man, and I believe that God comes to us in the person of the Holy Spirit, Who is also Fully God.
You just spoke against the trinity doctrine right there. You need to study more what you claim to believe.
I believe that God the Father is God, and Jesus Christ. Trinitarians do NOT believe that. Trinitarians say that God the Father and Jesus Christ are not the same.
I also didn't know that you reject the doctrine of Sola Fide, Salvation by Faith alone.
There is no such thing as faith alone. Faith alone is only mentioned once in the Bible, and it is to tell us what kind of faith NOT to have. Even the demons believe and so something, they shudder. Faith without works is dead it cannot save anyone. The works we do not have to do is the ceremonial works. People misunderstand Paul. Right after Peter says the unstable and ignorant misunderstand Paul---he warns us to obey. See 2 Peter 3:16, and 2 Peter 3:17.
I believe that the Divinity of Christ and salvation by faith in Him apart from works are essential for Christianity. Whether or not God tortures people in Hell is fun to discuss, but these issues are far more important.

I don't know if you respect my opinion or not, but I suggest that you do some research on the Trinity and Sola Fide.

Blessings to you,
God has blessed me greatly.
You need to consider more carefully, what you believe. It is as if someone told you what he or she said was the truth, and you just accepted it, without studying it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Girard is someone who came having the same powers/abilities as Uri Geller (a Jew), to bend spoons, read minds, with his right hand and mind/forehead. Uri Geller's powers are not just magic. You would never believe me if I told you how I know. Anyway, Girard coming with the same powers/abilities causing Uri's deadly wound to be healed (because they were saying he just did it all with sleight-of-hand). Uri will urge six hundred sixty six other persons to acquire the same powers as he has and that is his number, like the number of a captain's soldiers, or the followers of a leader. Do you understand me?? An angel visited me and told me these things. See, I said you wouldn't believe me. I have had quite a life, to say the very least.

In God's and Jesus' Love,




Wow....another bizarre musing from you that lacks credibility and evidence. This is not the Holy Spirit in you, but your flesh or a seducing spirit.

Desert Reign

Girard is someone who came having the same powers/abilities as Uri Geller (a Jew), to bend spoons, read minds, with his right hand and mind/forehead. Uri Geller's powers are not just magic. You would never believe me if I told you how I know. Anyway, Girard coming with the same powers/abilities causing Uri's deadly wound to be healed (because they were saying he just did it all with sleight-of-hand). Uri will urge six hundred sixty six other persons to acquire the same powers as he has and that is his number, like the number of a captain's soldiers, or the followers of a leader. Do you understand me?? An angel visited me and told me these things. See, I said you wouldn't believe me. I have had quite a life, to say the very least.

Uri Geller is an ordinary magician who uses a combination of sleight of hand, misdirection and technology. He's a good one because over the years he has created an aura of mentalism to bolster his reputation. He could do rabbits out of hats or slice a lady in half but of course he doesn't because he wants to retain an image of mystique. I know this because I also am an amateur magician and I know how all this stuff is done. If he had supernatural powers you would be seeing him bending wooden spoons. But more likely if he truly had them, he would keep it to himself.

These things happen to deceive us. There is nothing special in doing a miracle if you have the power to do one. What is special is living in the world by the power of the spirit and doing ordinary things like helping your neighbour with his washing up or his garden when he is unwell and refraining from taking drugs when all your friends are. Or not stealing when you have the chance to. Or being patient for 50 years looking after your disabled daughter.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Just because someone does something does not make them the Antichrist, False Prophet, Two Witnesses, etc.

Cmon, Michael, stand corrected.


New member
If he had supernatural powers you be seeing him bending wooden spoons. But more likely if he truly had them, he would keep it to himself.


These things happen to deceive us. There is nothing special in doing a miracle if you have the power to do one. What is special is living in the world by the power of the spirit and doing ordinary things like helping your neighbour with his washing up or his garden when he is unwell and refraining from taking drugs when all your friends are. Or not stealing when you have the chance to. Or being patient for 50 years looking after your disabled daughter.
Exactly. And, all the while retaining a gentle, kind, joyful, full of fruit countenance that is real and not a facade because it is the power of the spirit working within.


New member
Levolor, you are wrong. I'm sorry to say that since we are both friends.

Not a problem. Every one of us could be totally wrong with what we believe... some admit it and others don't.

As you may know, I maintain (believe) that it won't matter so much what we have believed when we stand in judgement before God as how well we have loved one another that will matter.

Jesus left us one commandment: to love one another as He loves us. He also said: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

The person who wishes to destroy another, in any degree, for believing and thinking differently hasn't yet laid his life down. Even if it is only 'cutting' another down on a forum.

See Rev. 20:5. Satan, the beast, the antichrist, the false prophet (Jean-Pierre Girard), all will spend the rest of eternity in the lake of fire, and those also whom God chooses, including the 666 persons that were deceived by the antichrist (Uri Geller). I know you don't know how I know this or who is who, but if you want to know for sure, read my book. It's FREE on my website, or costs $14 from Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. FREE is best. I'm not trying to make any money at all from my book. It is just my testimony as I've witnessed from the Lord, angels and the Holy Spirit. Go to:

That is my website. Go there and click on the words 'Book Copy' and then click on SKU-text, and the first page of my book will come up on your screen. Just use your up and down cursor arrows to flip through the pages. It's only 88 pages long. You will find out who I am there also.

May God Urge You To Take The Initiative,

Much Love in Christ,


I've been to your site.... it was months ago. I don't spend a lot of time online and became distracted and haven't returned. Please accept my apologies for not finishing.

~Merry Christmas to all~

I love celebrating the birth of the Christ child ~ especially when it's within another!


Eclectic Theosophist
luminous being......

luminous being......

~Merry Christmas to all~

I love celebrating the birth of the Christ child ~ especially when it's within another!

After all, that's what its about,...having the 'Christ' be born within us, the hope of glory (immortalty/eternal life). - such is the seed, light and anointing of divinity within. Furthermore, 'God' is not just 'within' of course, but also 'without' and all-pervading. It is that 'Light' that we celebrate.

A doctrine of ECT does not celebrate such, nor can it.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The message of the Bible is that God is God and we are not. Divinity within, exaltation to gods, progression to gods, etc. is New Age, Hindusim, Mormonism, etc., not biblical, historical, orthodox Christianity (truth).