Theology Club: Is MAD doctrine correct?


KJV is not the most accurate, most readable English Bible. It is poetic and a great work.

I was trying to lighten the mood. Although the KJV is my final authority if two disagree or one omits a verse. I study with many versions but the one that I will not be without is the KJV.


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One must be better than another.

In any given Bible, there may be strong, good, better, weak, wrong translations on any given word or verse. This is why we compare more than one version. Some versions are stronger on the Deity of Christ in some places than KJV (selectively ignored by KJVO types). Other times, KJV seems stronger in a verse, but that does not mean it is defensible (e.g. I Jn. 5:7 Johannine Comma).

For various reasons, I would use ESV or HCSB over KJV. I would use KJV over 'The Message'. etc.


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Your problem is, you won't believe any of them.

I believe all of them, but none are infallible, including KJV. There is no significant variance in what major, credible, conservative, evangelical Bibles teach.

If I did not believe them, I would not defend and proclaim biblical truth, theology, etc. like I do. Your comment is vapid.

I don't believe your wrong views that are misinterpretations of the Bible. This does not mean I don't believe the Bible, including KJV.:argue:


TOL Subscriber
They don't all say the same thing so it's impossible to believe all of them.

How do you know? You only read ONE English translation.

One can only determine a bible's worth, by studying the original languages to properly evaluate how any version remains true to the original intent of God's choice of inspired words.


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They don't all say the same thing so it's impossible to believe all of them.

There is no significant belief or practice affected by the variants among the Greek manuscripts. KJVO nit picks about Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Christ, etc., but it is obvious from all the verses in all the versions that they are talking about the same person. Not saying something in the exact same wording does not mean the meaning is different.

Each translation issue can be examined on its own merits. If the word fasting is missing in one verse, but found in another verse, then there is no conspiracy to remove fasting from the Bible. It is a MSS evidence issue, but KJVO fools make it a conspiracy issue.


TOL Subscriber
There is no significant belief or practice affected by the variants among the Greek manuscripts. KJVO nit picks about Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Christ, etc., but it is obvious from all the verses in all the versions that they are talking about the same person. Not saying something in the exact same wording does not mean the meaning is different.

Each translation issue can be examined on its own merits. If the word fasting is missing in one verse, but found in another verse, then there is no conspiracy to remove fasting from the Bible. It is a MSS evidence issue, but KJVO fools make it a conspiracy issue.

It is worse than that . . . they use their scriptural fetish as an excuse to avoid study Christianity as a whole, including the wonderful riches of the original languages from which all good bibles were composed.

Their view is spiritually ignorant, and intellectually lazy.

They possess no hunger nor thirst to learn more of the word of God and its revelation of righteousness.

They are content to pretend being big fish in non-church, dark-water, Waffle House-ponds, rather than actually joining the historical Christian ocean of spiritual community and sharing in the marvelous light of knowledge of Jesus Christ amongst His enlightened brethren.


TOL Subscriber
How do you know? You only read ONE English translation.
I haven't always been a KJBible believer.

One can only determine a bible's worth, by studying the original languages to properly evaluate how any version remains true to the original intent of God's choice of inspired words.
vs. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV