Indiana Woman Fired for Refusing to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses Files Suit


New member
She wasnt hired to cater to gay marriage, she was hired before that change and she has a right to religious accommodation.

No, its their job to make sure her rights are protected under accomodation which she can prove already, read the eeoc guidelines.

Dont like them? too bad.

she has every right to be a bigot and hate whatever minority she pleases. She doesn't have the right to discriminate however


New member
I didn't ask if there is a conflict. I asked if you think she thinks she's doing a religious practice by giving a heterosexual couple a license.
You are asking the wrong question.
A religious practice is some rite done by members of a religion, such as going to confession.
Is she practicing Christianity in doing so?
That is the correct question.
She is practicing Christianity.

Christianity is not some set of rites that are approved by non-Christians.
Christianity is a way of life and affects every action and decision made by a person, including whether to give approval to same-gender sexual acts through issuing a 'same-sex "marriage" license'.

The Free Exercise Clause reserves the right of American citizens to accept any religious belief and engage in religious rituals. The wording in the free-exercise clauses of state constitutions that religious “[o]pinion, expression of opinion, and practice were all expressly protected” by the Free Exercise Clause.[1] The clause protects not just religious beliefs but actions made on behalf of those beliefs. More importantly, the wording of state constitutions suggest that “free exercise envisions religiously compelled exemptions from at least some generally applicable laws.”[2] The Free Exercise Clause not only protects religious belief and expression; it also seems to allow for violation of laws, as long as that violation is made for religious reasons. In the terms of economc theory, the Free Exercise Clause promotes a free religious market by precluding taxation of religious activities by minority sects.[3]

Cornell University Law School - The Free Exercise Clause


Well-known member
Indiana Woman Fired for Refusing to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses Files Suit

This is excellent and what should be happening - make them fire you, rather than quit, then file suit for religious discrimination. One should not have to check their religious beliefs at the door.

Religious accommodation has been upheld and needs to keep being upheld. Do not just quit, stand up for your rights.

It was correct to fire her. If she did not wish to do the job, she could quit.


New member
Hall of Fame
I didn't ask if there is a conflict. I asked if you think she thinks she's doing a religious practice by giving a heterosexual couple a license. Is she practicing Christianity in doing so? Performing the ceremony, sure, but giving out a license? :idunno:

Say there is a Christian who is against alcohol and they work at a restaurant serving tables. Do you think it's a reasonable accommodation for them to be able to avoid serving any tables where the customers order alcohol?

Only if the place didn't serve it when they started to work there. I wouldnt think someone who thinks alcohol is a sin, would be working in a place that serves it.