Before or after all the appeals and it hits the supreme court? (this is going to take a while)
How bout:
Whatever the standing is on Cyber Monday of each year with only one subscription, tied to the current winner being in play.
Before or after all the appeals and it hits the supreme court? (this is going to take a while)
How bout:
Whatever the standing is on Cyber Monday of each year with only one subscription, tied to the current winner being in play.
Before or after all the appeals and it hits the supreme court? (this is going to take a while)
Just feed her to the lions (Jn 15:20–23). :idunno:
How about just a gentleman's bet since this will most likely be going on a while?
How bout:
Whatever the standing is on Cyber Monday of each year with only one subscription, tied to the current winner, being in play.
So on Cyber Monday if she's won but being appealed then you win.
If she's lost but is appealing I win.
No matter how many times it switches back and forth during the year the bet is tied to the status on Cyber Monday.
Perhaps we should engage an arbiter to split hairs for instance if she's won but there's a stay.
I suggest Town Heretic.
It's not OK to be gay.
We never would have guessed you position otherwise.
It's not OK to be a homo.
Ok. Suppose you have a muslim who believes only muslims should be allowed to marry. Can they refuse to issue a christian a marriage license? Or do they need to check their religion at the door? Or how about a mormon who believes only mormons should be allowed to get married? How about a christian who believes second marriages should be illegal?Indiana Woman Fired for Refusing to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses Files Suit
This is excellent and what should be happening - make them fire you, rather than quit, then file suit for religious discrimination. One should not have to check their religious beliefs at the door.
Religious accommodation has been upheld and needs to keep being upheld. Do not just quit, stand up for your rights.
Reasonable accomodations
Ok. Suppose you have a muslim who believes only muslims should be allowed to marry. Can they refuse to issue a christian a marriage license? Or do they need to check their religion at the door? Or how about a mormon who believes only mormons should be allowed to get married? How about a christian who believes second marriages should be illegal?
As a government representative you can't use your religion to discriminate against tax payers.
I agree. I know that's not a popular comparison, but it's certainly relevant.
I don't see how the will of Shiva is relevant to law.Not relevant at all, perversion is chosen, skin color isnt.
God is correct, man isnt.
That's why shouldn't allow christians to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples.I believe in scrupulous separation of Church and State. This is a foundation protection for all of us.
Ok. Suppose you have a muslim who believes only muslims should be allowed to marry. Can they refuse to issue a christian a marriage license? Or do they need to check their religion at the door? Or how about a mormon who believes only mormons should be allowed to get married? How about a christian who believes second marriages should be illegal?
As a government representative you can't use your religion to discriminate against tax payers.
And that's usually the kicker in these cases. Christians go into them with blinders on, thinking it's only about their religion, their job, and gay couples.
Reality however is that if we allow the followers of one religion to deny public services because of their beliefs, we have to allow the same for believers of other religions.
It's like when Christian groups hand out fliers and other materials in public schools. When they're doing it, it's "freedom of religion" and "freedom of speech", but as soon as another group wants the same privileges, suddenly they're "trying to indoctrinate our children".
Funny how that works.
That's why shouldn't allow christians to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples.