Indiana Woman Fired for Refusing to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses Files Suit


New member
Hall of Fame
I wonder if Summers boycotts companies that support same-sex marriage.

If she thinks that issuing a license is a violation of the practice of her religion, why would she want to be associated with a place that accepts it?


Indiana Woman Fired for Refusing to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses Files Suit

Secular same-sex ‘marriage’ has been deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court, but churches can exercise their religious freedoms when it comes to recognizing or conducting such unions.

That autonomy, however, does not extend to federal, state or local government employees who have sworn to uphold the American Constitution and the laws pertaining to the nation, the state or the local jurisdiction.

One's right to a marriage licence, or access to a host of other government functions, should depend on the laws of the land and not the personal beliefs of the individual employee, on the other side of the counter, handing out the forms.

It is intolerable to give individual government employees the option of granting/withholding marriage licences based on their private opinions concerning an applicant's race, religious and/or political beliefs - so why should sexual orientation be any different?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You are basically just sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "la la la I'm not listening".
Evolutionists hate having their irrational nonsense pointed out.

When you say "nope" are you saying that to the idea that you cry foul when muslims say their religion supersedes yours? Are you saying you do have more evidence to back up your religion than muslims have to support theirs? If so, present your evidence.

How abouts we stick to the topic. :up:


Well-known member
Not really, most people already know that God prohibits gay relations from scripture - not hard to prove at all.

Her JOB is to carry out the function she was hired to do, if she cannot do that then she should be fired. It is not her job to add to the criteria set forth by the government she is simply and solely there to carry out the government's policies.


New member
Hall of Fame
Not really, most people already know that God prohibits gay relations from scripture - not hard to prove at all.

The question isn't God's stance on gay marriage, it is if issuing licenses is a practice of her religion. Do you think she considers issuing a license to a heterosexual couple as practicing her religion?


Indiana Woman Fired for Refusing to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses Files Suit

What if this woman was Islamic and decided that her religious beliefs would not allow her to provide marriage licences to Christians?

Are the Christians in her jurisdiction now expected to quietly forgo their constitutional right to be married because of the religious convictions of one clerk?

Conservatives in this forum would instantly pounce on such an incident and "milk it" for all that its worth!


New member
Hall of Fame
Her JOB is to carry out the function she was hired to do, if she cannot do that then she should be fired.

She wasnt hired to cater to gay marriage, she was hired before that change and she has a right to religious accommodation.

It is not her job to add to the criteria set forth by the government she is simply and solely there to carry out the government's policies.

No, its their job to make sure her rights are protected under accomodation which she can prove already, read the eeoc guidelines.

Dont like them? too bad.


New member
Hall of Fame
The question isn't God's stance on gay marriage, it is if issuing licenses is a practice of her religion. Do you think she considers issuing a license to a heterosexual couple as practicing her religion?

yes, since God declares marriage between a man and a woman, there is no conflict there.


Well-known member
She wasnt hired to cater to gay marriage, she was hired before that change and she has a right to religious accommodation.

No, its their job to make sure her rights are protected under accomodation which she can prove already, read the eeoc guidelines.

Dont like them? too bad.

That is not the way Government works. You do not live in a theocracy, you live in a type of democracy which means that I, as a public servant, do not get to put my religious beliefs between you and what you are entitled to. Would you be happy if a Buddhist public servant declared that no one in their jurisdiction might eat meat because it offended their religious faith?


New member
Hall of Fame
That is not the way Government works. You do not live in a theocracy, you live in a type of democracy which means that I, as a public servant, do not get to put my religious beliefs between you and what you are entitled to.

Please read what freedom of religion guaranteed by the constitution means and then read from the EEOC workplace guidelines about it that ive already posted, then comment. What you "want" doesnt determine what it says and means.


Well-known member
All public servants have restrictions placed on their rights as citizens where those rights intersect with the responsibilities of their office. As an example, a Public Servant, in a Western style democracy, does not get to publicly embarrass their Minister. They may privately express any opinion they like but when acting FOR the minister they do not have the same rights.

Her religious rights do not get to 'trump' the rights of the public wishing to avail themselves of the governmental service she is there to provide.


New member
Hall of Fame
All public servants have restrictions placed on their rights as citizens where those rights intersect with the responsibilities of their office. As an example, a Public Servant, in a Western style democracy, does not get to publicly embarrass their Minister. They may privately express any opinion they like but when acting FOR the minister they do not have the same rights.

This is false.

Her religious rights do not get to 'trump' the rights of the public wishing to avail themselves of the governmental service she is there to provide.

yes, she has a right to reasonable accomodation, i see you still havent read the law on it. Get back to me when you actually read the law on it.


Well-known member
Let me be blunt. She does not. If she had been a Muslim arguing that because she believes Christians to be polytheists and because her religion says she must have nothing to do with polytheists she will not issue marriage licenses to them the screams from you and your fellow travellers would have woken people sleeping on Mars.


Well-known member
yes, since God declares marriage between a man and a woman, there is no conflict there.

So if the woman in Indiana actually granted the homosexuals a marriage license, would she actually believe they were to be validly married?

My guess is she wouldn't recognize them as truly married even after their license is granted to them, and they go through with whatever ceremony they're going to have.

So if, according to this woman's beliefs, her actions are helping these two homosexuals go from a state of "not validly married" to a state of "still not validly married," why does she object?


New member
Hall of Fame
So if the woman in Indiana actually granted the homosexuals a marriage license, would she actually believe they were to be validly married?

My guess is she wouldn't recognize them as truly married even after their license is granted to them, and they go through with whatever ceremony they're going to have.

So if, according to this woman's beliefs, her actions are helping these two homosexuals go from a state of "not validly married" to a state of "still not validly married," why does she object?

Romans 1:32 Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

Issuing a license to do such signifies approval

Ephesians 5:11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them;


New member
Hall of Fame
Let me be blunt. She does not. If she had been a Muslim arguing that because she believes Christians to be polytheists and because her religion says she must have nothing to do with polytheists she will not issue marriage licenses to them the screams from you and your fellow travellers would have woken people sleeping on Mars.

Hypocrisy's never gotten in the way of a Christian moralizing.


Well-known member
Let me be blunt. She does not. If she had been a Muslim arguing that because she believes Christians to be polytheists and because her religion says she must have nothing to do with polytheists she will not issue marriage licenses to them the screams from you and your fellow travellers would have woken people sleeping on Mars.

Is it a Muslim belief that Christians shouldn't marry?


New member
Hall of Fame
yes, since God declares marriage between a man and a woman, there is no conflict there.

I didn't ask if there is a conflict. I asked if you think she thinks she's doing a religious practice by giving a heterosexual couple a license. Is she practicing Christianity in doing so? Performing the ceremony, sure, but giving out a license? :idunno:

Say there is a Christian who is against alcohol and they work at a restaurant serving tables. Do you think it's a reasonable accommodation for them to be able to avoid serving any tables where the customers order alcohol?