If pot should be banned.. so should alcohol.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Smoking dope is even unhealthier. I'd read where smoking a joint is the equivalent to smoking 5 cigarettes

now the count is up to 20.

I'm not arguing that smoking cannabis is healthy. I'm asking whether you acknowledge that smoking cigarettes isn't.

Why not contribute to the thread for once and talk about how unhealthy dope smoking is?

And yes, due to the amount of deaths from long term* tobacco use and diseases due to it's use, it's pretty obvious that tobacco use can be unhealthy.

* To my knowledge no one ever contracted lung disease from one cigarette.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It's not a mind altering drug, so no.

That's your yardstick? It doesn't matter that it causes all manner of disease and ill health, as long as it isn't 'mind altering'?

As with everything else, the Bible is the rule book that I use (i.e. yardstick). There are all kinds of things that cause disease and ill health (heart disease from unhealthy eating habits for one), that can be dealt with through education without making a law against it.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
People have free will and can choose behaviors which they engage in. Obviously you don't want to quit very badly.

You mean apart from the ones you'd have illegal right?

Society has made various behaviors illegal because of the harm that it brings to the individual, to his or her family, their community and nation as a whole.

Do you smoke?

Unlike you Art, I'm not an idiot.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why not contribute to the thread for once and talk about how unhealthy dope smoking is?

In constant unmoderated usage it certainly is, then the same could be said for alcohol.

And yes, due to the amount of deaths from long term* tobacco use and diseases due to it's use, it's pretty obvious that tobacco use can be unhealthy.

* To my knowledge no one ever contracted lung disease from one cigarette.

It's pretty obvious that tobacco use is unhealthy, not "can" be. Name one single benefit that cigarettes have.

As with everything else, the Bible is the rule book that I use (i.e. yardstick). There are all kinds of things that cause disease and ill health (heart disease from unhealthy eating habits for one), that can be dealt with through education without making a law against it.

Food is necessary to live so it's only education on healthier eating habits that would help on that score. Cigarettes have no positive feature or health benefits whatsoever, yet you're quite happy for people to indulge in a habit that kills thousands every year? That affect the families of those subjected to second hand smoke and babies in the womb?

Society has made various behaviors illegal because of the harm that it brings to the individual, to his or her family, their community and nation as a whole.

What do you think cigarettes do exactly?

Unlike you Art, I'm not an idiot.

Oh, yes you are. Your idiocy just manifests itself in different ways is all...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why not contribute to the thread for once and talk about how unhealthy dope smoking is?

In constant unmoderated usage it certainly is, then the same could be said for alcohol.

It sounds like you're pro dope, make your case why it should be legalized.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
And yes, due to the amount of deaths from long term* tobacco use and diseases due to it's use, it's pretty obvious that tobacco use can be unhealthy.

* To my knowledge no one ever contracted lung disease from one cigarette.

It's pretty obvious that tobacco use is unhealthy, not "can" be. Name one single benefit that cigarettes have.

As I recall both head TOL moderator Knight and your good buddy Nick M. are cigar smokers, why don't you inquire if they have health problems from their tobacco use? Your...ahem...guy friend Wizard of Oz smokes cigarettes at..."weddings", ask him if it's effected his health (then ask him how much pot he smokes a week).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As with everything else, the Bible is the rule book that I use (i.e. yardstick). There are all kinds of things that cause disease and ill health (heart disease from unhealthy eating habits for one), that can be dealt with through education without making a law against it.

Food is necessary to live so it's only education on healthier eating habits that would help on that score. Cigarettes have no positive feature or health benefits whatsoever, yet you're quite happy for people to indulge in a habit that kills thousands every year? That affect the families of those subjected to second hand smoke and babies in the womb?

I'm not a nanny stater like you Art. Since tobacco use is not inherently immoral like mind altering recreational drug use is, there is no reason for legislation against it's use. Again, educating the public about it's harmful effects works best, along with incentives for people to quit (higher insurance rates for those who use tobacco).

I can send you information from various sources if you're interested in quitting (I'll throw in some info on alcohol rehab centers as well).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Society has made various behaviors illegal because of the harm that it brings to the individual, to his or her family, their community and nation as a whole.

What do you think cigarettes do exactly?

I should have mentioned as well that morals play a huge role in legislation.

(Now that the chain smoking hypocrite has had his say about tobacco use, I wonder if he would like to talk about the thread's topic: marijuana use?).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It sounds like you're pro dope, make your case why it should be legalized.

I'm merely pointing out the similarities between excessive pot use and alcohol, along with the hypocrisy of those unwilling to see the same. I don't smoke the stuff so I don't have a particular dog in this "fight" one way or the other.

As I recall both head TOL moderator Knight and your good buddy Nick M. are cigar smokers, why don't you inquire if they have health problems from their tobacco use? Your...ahem...guy friend Wizard of Oz smokes cigarettes at..."weddings", ask him if it's effected his health (then ask him how much pot he smokes a week).

We're not talking about Knight, Nick M or Wiz so either come out of the closet already or take your projecting homosexual innuendo someplace else. You were asked to provide an answer so be original for once and do so:

Name one single benefit that cigarettes have.

I'm not a nanny stater like you Art. Since tobacco use is not inherently immoral like mind altering recreational drug use is, there is no reason for legislation against it's use. Again, educating the public about it's harmful effects works best, along with incentives for people to quit (higher insurance rates for those who use tobacco).

I can send you information from various sources if you're interested in quitting (I'll throw in some info on alcohol rehab centers as well).

I'm not a 'nanny stater' either Connie as I don't want loons like you dictating what adults can get up to in private relations for a start. Furthermore, had you ever smoked you'd know that your first cigarettes aren't far removed from smoking a joint. If your yardstick for 'immorality' is simply whether a substance causes a 'head change' then you're whacko, well okay, more whacko then...

I should have mentioned as well that morals play a huge role in legislation.

(Now that the chain smoking hypocrite has had his say about tobacco use, I wonder if he would like to talk about the thread's topic: marijuana use?).

So it's moral to keep a drug legal even though it causes nothing but harm to the participant and those surrounding including children? 'Interesting' set of "standards" as ever there Connie. The hypocrisy is all yours dipstick.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It sounds like you're pro dope, make your case why it should be legalized.

I'm merely pointing out the similarities between excessive pot use and alcohol, along with the hypocrisy of those unwilling to see the same.

It's been pointed out that marijuana use in and of itself is harmful, while responsible alcohol consumption has many benefits. If we need to review the mind altering effects pot use has or that smoking 1 joint is the equivalent to smoking 20 cigarettes, I'll gladly do so.

I don't smoke the stuff so I don't have a particular dog in this "fight" one way or the other.

(i.e. yet another thread that Art Brain is being a troll in).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As I recall both head TOL moderator Knight and your good buddy Nick M. are cigar smokers, why don't you inquire if they have health problems from their tobacco use? Your...ahem...guy friend Wizard of Oz smokes cigarettes at..."weddings", ask him if it's effected his health (then ask him how much pot he smokes a week).

We're not talking about Knight, Nick M or Wiz so either come out of the closet already or take your projecting homosexual innuendo someplace else. You were asked to provide an answer so be original for once and do so:

Actually we are. In your previous post you stated

It's pretty obvious that tobacco use is unhealthy, not "can" be...

You've made a blanket statement that tobacco use is unhealthy, now back it up by asking tobacco users if they have tobacco related illnesses.

Name one single benefit that cigarettes have.

It keeps your drama queen yapper shut while you're inhaling and exhaling.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm not a nanny stater like you Art. Since tobacco use is not inherently immoral like mind altering recreational drug use is, there is no reason for legislation against it's use. Again, educating the public about it's harmful effects works best, along with incentives for people to quit (higher insurance rates for those who use tobacco).

I can send you information from various sources if you're interested in quitting (I'll throw in some info on alcohol rehab centers as well).

I'm not a 'nanny stater' either Connie as I don't want loons like you dictating what adults can get up to in private relations for a start. Furthermore, had you ever smoked you'd know that your first cigarettes aren't far removed from smoking a joint. If your yardstick for 'immorality' is simply whether a substance causes a 'head change' then you're whacko, well okay, more whacko then...

I was being facetious, you're an anarchist who compares things like sexual deviancy to tobacco use.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I should have mentioned as well that morals play a huge role in legislation.

(Now that the chain smoking hypocrite has had his say about tobacco use, I wonder if he would like to talk about the thread's topic: marijuana use?).

So it's moral to keep a drug legal even though it causes nothing but harm to the participant and those surrounding including children? 'Interesting' set of "standards" as ever there Connie. The hypocrisy is all yours dipstick.

Once you establish that everyone that partakes in tobacco use harms him or herself and everyone around them, then I'll work with you on your criminalization of tobacco crusade.

After that we can work on getting rid of junk food, as it is responsible for heart disease and millions of deaths each year and definitely isn't

Food [that] is necessary to live...


Regarding the criminalization of tobacco products:

How about we start in the community that you claim that you're not a part of?

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in the United States continues to be disproportionately impacted by smoking. The LGBT community is among the populations most severely impacted by tobacco use. The most recent study suggests the LGBT community smokes at a rate almost 50% to 200% higher than the general population.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're a living testimony as to why t[marijuana] shouldn't be [legal].

Why? Because I'm a healthier, happier man that the average American than believes in letting you choose your own path?

I won't go into the immoral things that you stand for, instead I'll ask this:

You have to stay high to be happy?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell us why you cut back on your marijuana consumption awhile back.

Cost mostly.

How much was your addiction costing you a month?

You said "cost mostly", what were the other reasons?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's been pointed out that marijuana use in and of itself is harmful, while responsible alcohol consumption has many benefits. If we need to review the mind altering effects pot use has or that smoking 1 joint is the equivalent to smoking 20 cigarettes, I'll gladly do so.

Pot isn't an addictive substance in and of itself so there's not the same risk of addiction as there is with cigarettes. Most people have smoked a few spliffs in their lives without any ill effects even if paragons of virtue like yourself have lived a squeaky clean lifestyle...

(i.e. yet another thread that Art Brain is being a troll in).

Oh quit whining. The amount of times you've been banned for trolling behaviour you've no room to talk even if I were (which I'm not).

Actually we are. In your previous post you stated

You've made a blanket statement that tobacco use is unhealthy, now back it up by asking tobacco users if they have tobacco related illnesses.

Are you seriously this thick? Honestly? You think there's any health organization that would extoll any positive health attribute to the consumption of tobacco products or something? Go ahead and point me to one if you can, I'll wait...

In the meantime I can tell you that two people I know have been told they need to quit smoking otherwise their lung capacity will deteriorate to the point where they'll likely be hospitalized for pneumonia if they don't. One of them very recently had plurasy and the other already suffers with COPD.

It keeps your drama queen yapper shut while you're inhaling and exhaling.

Another brilliant and projecting bit of deflection there Connie. Now, an answer to the point? Here it is again for you:

Name one single benefit of smoking cigarettes.

I was being facetious, you're an anarchist who compares things like sexual deviancy to tobacco use.

I have to say I'm impressed you know how to spell facetious let alone have any idea of what it means. The point and your double standard remains. You want to regulate what adults should be able to do in their sexual lives but don't give a damn about anything that isn't part of your pet closeted obsession.

Once you establish that everyone that partakes in tobacco use harms him or herself and everyone around them, then I'll work with you on your criminalization of tobacco crusade

Unless you're as gormless as Nick M, which to be fair you are, you'll know fine well that tobacco is one of the major causes of heart/lung disease and harmful to those exposed to it. You're either downright braindead to dispute that or you're desperate to downplay it, maybe even both.

Regarding the criminalization of tobacco products:

How about we start in the community that you claim that you're not a part of?

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in the United States continues to be disproportionately impacted by smoking. The LGBT community is among the populations most severely impacted by tobacco use. The most recent study suggests the LGBT community smokes at a rate almost 50% to 200% higher than the general population.

I claim not to be part of it because I'm not. Unlike yourself and your obsessive fixation with gay men I neither have the inclination to trawl the net for all sorts of graphic images of semi to virtually naked blokes or just "happen" to be in town when an annual pride parade is going on oh closeted one. I see you're only interested in smoking stats where it comes to your said same obsession although it hardly constitutes proof in itself anyway, not that you care one way or the other.


New member
Again: People who need help get it, and many people respect laws, i.e. they don't use drugs because it's illegal.

Did I mention that you're evil for pushing this death culture?

Saying pot should be legal is not pushing a death culture any more than saying guns should be legal is pushing a violence culture.

CW, when you say stuff like this you sound like a liberal. If marijuana was eliminated from the face of the earth it would not end the death culture. Man will synthesis drugs. They already do. Should we make Sudafed illegal since it can be used to make meth? As long as people hate God there will be a "death culture". Sin does not reside in a plant. It resides in the heart of man. You have to agree.


New member
I won't go into the immoral things that you stand for, instead I'll ask this:

You have to stay high to be happy?


How much was your addiction costing you a month?

You said "cost mostly", what were the other reasons?

It wasn't an addiction. About $30 bucks a month for 2 people.

We decided to use that money for a more dangerous and toxic mind altering drug.... television.


Saying pot should be legal is not pushing a death culture any more than saying guns should be legal is pushing a violence culture.

Your lame analogies are those of a drug user (irrational). Recreational drug use is a death culture that keeps people enslaved to sin, , the ownership of guns keeps people free from tyranny.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I won't go into the immoral things that you stand for, instead I'll ask this:

You have to stay high to be happy?

You're just happier when you're hiiiiiiigh?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How much was your addiction costing you a month?

You said "cost mostly", what were the other reasons?

It wasn't an addiction. About $30 bucks a month for 2 people.

I believe it goes like this:

"I'm not addicted, I can quit anytime that I want to, I just don't want to."

We decided to use that money for a more dangerous and toxic mind altering drug.... television.

Speaking of television: I was watching Dan Rather's interview of Fleetwood Mac's Lindsey Buckingham this afternoon. Rather asked Buckingham about the band's drug use back in it's early days and amongst other things he talked about how it wasn't needed to be artistic and that it takes away valuable time from family.

There have been some honest recovering drug addicts in this thread and some not so honest ones. I have respect for those that have been through hell and don't want others to experience what they've been through. Those who want others to suffer what they've been through are just losers: always have been, always will be.



New member
aCultureWarrior, one question.
If some one opened a bottle of wine with the goal of drinking enough to feel the relaxing effects and they accomplished this goal would you call that a sin?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Speaking of television: I was watching Dan Rather's interview of Fleetwood Mac's Lindsey Buckingham this afternoon. Rather asked Buckingham about the band's drug use back in it's early days and amongst other things he talked about how it wasn't needed to be artistic and that it takes away valuable time from family.

You're not implying that Lindsey is against decriminalization/legalization of said drugs, are you?

Speaking of Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks "still smokes a bit of weed":

Nicks never considered herself an alcoholic, and she still smokes a bit of weed, albeit as a creativity aid. "When I'm writing, I will allow myself to smoke a little bit of pot," she says. "It's my one little thing that I can do. I use it as a tool, and I'm very careful, you know?"​

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/n...lling-stones-new-issue-20150114#ixzz3glwSIU9x


New member
aCultureWarrior, one question.
If some one opened a bottle of wine with the goal of drinking enough to feel the relaxing effects and they accomplished this goal would you call that a sin?

Yes, he thinks relaxing effects are "a mind altering" state. :hammer:


Have you stoners heard about this site?


From what I've seen it's from a very liberal perspective so I don't know if they're really helping people or not (in the legalization of marijuana video Pat O'Brien talked about investing in marijuana companies).

I guess their brains are so fried from drug and alcohol abuse that they can no longer see the big picture.