If pot should be banned.. so should alcohol.


New member
A glass of wine a day does not cause harm. A joint a day does.

How about one piece of a brownie with a small amount of THC once a week?

People need to understand that THC intake can be controlled just like alcohol.

CW.. are you scared of my question?


How about one piece of a brownie with a small amount of THC once a week?

People need to understand that THC intake can be controlled just like alcohol.

CW.. are you scared of my question?

No Johnnie, I'm not scared of your question, but I do see a morally confused person who is trying to justify his own sinful behavior.

I'll answer your question with a question:

aCultureWarrior, one question.
If some one opened a bottle of wine with the goal of drinking enough to feel the relaxing effects and they accomplished this goal would you call that a sin?

How about the heroin or meth user that shot up just enough smack or smoked just enough meth to get them to their desired mental state, would that be sinful behavior?

How about the glue sniffer?


Well-known member
I posted the following letter to pastor Bob Enyart in the BEL forum but did not get any responses that satisfied me. I have also emailed pastor Bob and sent a message through facebook but got no response. I even called his show only to get Doug McBurney who was filling in. Unfortunately because of my bad cell connection we were unable to converse for very long. Since legalizing pot is a current political topic I thought I would try here.

Dear Pastor Bob,
I would like to lay out the reasons I disagree with your stance against legalizing pot. Most of my disagreements stem from the false distinctions you make between pot and alcohol. In order to save time I will keep this brief.

1. Your statement concerning how pot is only used to get high is silly. Just as one can drink alcohol and feel the affects but not be drunk one can also use pot feel the affects and not be high. In fact, I have smoked pot before and felt nothing. If you do not have a problem with someone drinking wine to relax and help them fall asleep you should not have a problem with someone using pot for the same reason. If someone walks into a liquor store and buys a pint of 100 proof vodka I think it is safe to conclude that they intend to get drunk. Should we prohibit such beverages?

2. You have spent a good deal of time pointing out the negative health effects of pot. But most of the studies you site deal with people who have frequent and prolonged use. If you apply these same standards and look at the negative effects of frequent and prolonged alcohol consumption you would net similar results. (Including brain damage.)

3. What is the purpose of highlighting any pot related crime? Why don't you do this with alcohol related crime? Also, I am sure you would agree that if someone commits a crime while high, drunk, or sober they should be punished equally. Do you believe banning pot would be a good strategy to lower crime rates? I have hear you teach that laws should not be designed to make it so that people CAN'T commit crimes but instead they should be designed so that people WON'T commit crimes.

4. You have been warning people of the dangers of legalism for years but you are being legalistic on this matter. God said "Don't get high". You are saying "don't partake or even touch."

5. When you point out the stigma society has concerning pot users/potheads you ignore the stigma some people have concerning those who drink alcohol. A lot of the stigma about pot is a result of it being illegal. I am sure the stigma against alcohol was much greater during prohibition. Also, in today's society, bible believers like us are seen as ignorant buffoons. Would this be a good justification for banning Bibles? Prohibition laws should not depend on the stereotypes of a society.

Liberals have lots of reasons why they think pot should be legal. Their reasons are mostly stupid. The war on drugs has been futile so far. But even if we were able to get a strangle hold on the drug supply I am sure people would, because they already do, synthesis other drugs. We would be tilting at windmills.

Why should it be banned? They are not related.

What is your logic?

Where is your evidence?


New member
No Johnnie, I'm not scared of your question, but I do see a morally confused person who is trying to justify his own sinful behavior.

I'll answer your question with a question:

How about the heroin or meth user that shot up just enough smack or smoked just enough meth to get them to their desired mental state, would that be sinful behavior?

How about the glue sniffer?

If it is possible to control the dosage of these drugs so that a person could feel the effects but not be impaired to point that would be considered high, then yes, these drugs could be taken without sinning. But I have no experience with any of those drugs. However, I know they give heroin to trauma patients in hospitals all the time.

There you go. I'm consistent because my logic is sound. That's how you answer a question your not scared of.

Now go ahead and call me a pot head or druggie. That seems to be your only recourse. I am beginning to guess your age to be about 14.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No Johnnie, I'm not scared of your question, but I do see a morally confused person who is trying to justify his own sinful behavior.

I'll answer your question with a question:

How about the heroin or meth user that shot up just enough smack or smoked just enough meth to get them to their desired mental state, would that be sinful behavior?

How about the glue sniffer?

If it is possible to control the dosage of these drugs so that a person could feel the effects but not be impaired to point that would be considered high, then yes, these drugs could be taken without sinning. But I have no experience with any of those drugs. However, I know they give heroin to trauma patients in hospitals all the time.

You've changed the subject from recreational drugs to medicinal drugs, administered by medical professionals. You do realize that there is a huge difference between the two don't you?

There you go. I'm consistent because my logic is sound. That's how you answer a question your not scared of.

Now go ahead and call me a pot head or druggie. That seems to be your only recourse. I am beginning to guess your age to be about 14.

You're someone who is looking to conservatives to give you the go ahead to ruin your life by using recreational drugs, trying to convince them that you and others can be responsible druggies. Sorry John, but you won't get that approval from people like Bob Enyart nor me.

You'll reap what you sow and either become a drug addict, lying in a gutter someday defecating and urinating all over yourself, choking on your own vomit, or a loved one will have that misfortune because of your secular humanist attitude towards this very serious subject. I've seen it a million times John and you're no different.


New member
You've changed the subject from recreational drugs to medicinal drugs, administered by medical professionals. You do realize that there is a huge difference between the two don't you?

I'm not changing the subject. I'm saying that making any of these substances illegal lacks wisdom and does nothing to solve any problems. If you take away someones current means to destroy themselves they will just find another.

Also, I am not sure I understand the logic of saying that a substance should be illegal unless a doctor gives permission. If you believe that partaking of substance X is a sin why would you be ok with a doctor giving someone permission to sin? In this scenario we would have to set up all kinds of guidelines for when it would be ok for a doctor to prescribe certain drugs and when it would not be ok. Would we have to ban prescriptions of pot for anxiety because that seems like recreation use but allow it for seizure suppression? We would need rule after rule after rule to maintain what we think is lawful. This is legalism of the highest order.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You've changed the subject from recreational drugs to medicinal drugs, administered by medical professionals. You do realize that there is a huge difference between the two don't you?

I'm not changing the subject. I'm saying that making any of these substances illegal lacks wisdom and does nothing to solve any problems. If you take away someones current means to destroy themselves they will just find another.

I can't stop you from destroying yourself Johnny, but I'll do my best through righteous laws and cultural mores' to keep you and other morally confused people from doing so (it's that "Love thy neighbor as you'd love yourself" thing, something that you obviously can't relate to).

Also, I am not sure I understand the logic of saying that a substance should be illegal unless a doctor gives permission.

You had mentioned heroin being used in a hospital setting (you meant morphine) and I acknowledged that for medical purposes narcotics can be beneficial when administered by a medical professional.

If you believe that partaking of substance X is a sin why would you be ok with a doctor giving someone permission to sin? In this scenario we would have to set up all kinds of guidelines for when it would be ok for a doctor to prescribe certain drugs and when it would not be ok. Would we have to ban prescriptions of pot for anxiety because that seems like recreation use but allow it for seizure suppression?

There are plenty of FDA approved drugs out there for practically any ailment that don't involve putting the harmful smoke that comes with marijuana into your lungs and system. Again, you've moved the goalpost from recreational use to medicinal purposes (using narcotics for legitimate purposes is totally different than for recreational purposes).

We would need rule after rule after rule to maintain what we think is lawful. This is legalism of the highest order.

Poor thing, it's just not fair that your state doesn't legally allow you to get hiiiiigh is it Johnny? Be patient, the purveyors of evil will be coming to your state soon enough to get everybody where they want them:

legally stoned.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You've changed the subject from recreational drugs to medicinal drugs, administered by medical professionals. You do realize that there is a huge difference between the two don't you?

What is the difference? Why is it that when some one uses a drug that you think should be illegal it is called "getting high" but if a doctor gives permission it is called "medicating"?

You had mentioned heroin being used in a hospital setting (you meant morphine) and I acknowledged that for medical purposes narcotics can be beneficial when administered by a medical professional.

No, I meant Diamorphine. It's heroine.

There are plenty of FDA approved drugs out there for practically any ailment that don't involve putting the harmful smoke that comes with marijuana into your lungs and system. Again, you've moved the goalpost from recreational use to medicinal purposes (using narcotics for legitimate purposes is totally different than for recreational purposes).

Yes, one of those drugs is marijuana. It can be ingested in brownies. No smoke.

Poor thing, it's just not fair that your state doesn't legally allow you to get hiiiiigh is it Johnny? Be patient, the purveyors of evil will be coming to your state soon enough to get everybody where they want them: legally stoned.

I don't need pot to get high. I can get high on alcohol. (you can use the word drunk if it makes you feel better) Cw, before you post something negative about pot ask youself, "Can the same negative thing be said about alcohol?" It would save us a lot of time.


I found this article interesting. Sandra Bland of course is the black female in Texas who resisted arrest and ended up committing suicide in jail. Bland, who appears to be a heavy dope user, had made a previous suicide attempt.

"An initial toxicology report for Sandra Bland, who died in a Texas jail cell three days after her arrest during a traffic stop, raises the possibility that she may have used marijuana while in custody, two experts said.

The amount of THC, one of the active components of marijuana, in Bland's system was 18 micrograms per liter, according to the report released Monday. That's more than three times the legal limit for drivers in Colorado and Washington, states that permit the recreational use of marijuana.

"I don't think it's possible to rule out the possibility of use while in jail," said University of Florida toxicology professor Bruce Goldberger, who reviewed the report for The Associated Press. Bland was impaired by marijuana at the time of her death, Goldberger said.

Bland, a black 28-year-old from suburban Chicago, was found dead in the Waller County jail on July 13. Authorities have said Bland hanged herself with a garbage bag, a finding that her family disputes. She was in custody after a traffic stop for failing to use a turn signal escalated into a physical confrontation with a white state trooper.

Robert Johnson, chief toxicologist at the Tarrant County medical examiner's office in Fort Worth, Texas, told the AP that a THC level as high as Bland's suggests she "either had access to the drug in jail or she was a consistent user of the drug and her body had accumulated THC to the point that it was slowly releasing it over time."

But, Johnson added, "I have never seen a report in the literature or from any other source of residual THC that high three days after someone stops using the drug."

Goldberger, who is also the president of the American Board of Forensic Toxicology, said Bland had a "remarkably high concentration" of THC for someone who had been in jail for three days.

He noted that while chronic users who stop using the drug will have higher concentrations than non- chronic users, "the concentrations do not persist at this level, at least in my opinion." He defined chronic as someone who uses cannabis daily, sometimes repeatedly.

Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis declined to comment Monday on the toxicology report, saying final findings were still being prepared.

However, one of his prosecutors, Warren Diepraam, said last week that he wouldn't rule out the drug being smuggled into the jail.

"It may be relevant as to her state of mind to determine what happened on the street," Diepraam said. "It may be relevant to her state of mind to determine how or why she committed suicide."

Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/experts-report-shows-sandra-bland-pot-jail-32725397

Chronic Marijuana Use May Increase The Risk Of Anxiety And Depression

With medical marijuana legalized in fourteen states and approaching legalization in many others, studying the effects of chronic use is more relevant than ever. A recent study, released this month in PNAS, suggests that marijuana abuse may inhibit reponse to the reward chemical dopamine, and brings to light what may be an increased risk for depression and anxiety associated with chronic abuse of the drug.

Like I say: recreational drug is is nothing but a culture of death, marijuana included.


New member
CW, I never said pot was harmless. So that last post must be for someone else. And since you keep repeating your same arguments I must assume you have exhausted any logic you have. How do I challenge Bob Enyart to a Battle Royale?


Marijuana should not be considered dangerous or even unsafe to the individual. Anyone who has lived a shred of life in what I've seen and known my entire life would never vote against it.

I've seen alcohol destroy marriages and lives, which is legal. I have never seen this even one time with marijuana.
It being illegal was due to a very ignorant state of society in the early 1900's- who had cocaine in their soda. Sort of illustrates it for you..


CW, I never said pot was harmless. So that last post must be for someone else. And since you keep repeating your same arguments I must assume you have exhausted any logic you have.

There is seriously something wrong with someone who can't see the difference between doctor prescribed medication and recreational drug use:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You've changed the subject from recreational drugs to medicinal drugs, administered by medical professionals. You do realize that there is a huge difference between the two don't you?

What is the difference? Why is it that when some one uses a drug that you think should be illegal it is called "getting high" but if a doctor gives permission it is called "medicating"?

How do I challenge Bob Enyart to a Battle Royale?

He'd eat you alive.


Marijuana should not be considered dangerous or even unsafe to the individual. Anyone who has lived a shred of life in what I've seen and known my entire life would never vote against it.

I've seen alcohol destroy marriages and lives, which is legal. I have never seen this even one time with marijuana.It being illegal was due to a very ignorant state of society in the early 1900's- who had cocaine in their soda. Sort of illustrates it for you..

You've seen it now:

Sandra Bland: born February 7, 1987, died July 13, 2015



Have I? I'm not sure, she died in a jail cell, either by suicide or by murder from an officer, maybe?

She didn't die from marijuana, that is for sure.

Heavy dope smoking most likely contributed to Bland's depression which lead to her suicide (she had attempted it once before).

How much dope you do smoke a day?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Heavy dope smoking most likely contributed to Bland's depression which lead to her suicide (she had attempted it once before).

We don’t know enough about Bland’s pattern of cannabis consumption to say whether she qualified as a regular user. Furthermore, it’s not clear whether even a regular user would test as high as she did after three days of abstinence, which has led to speculation that she consumed cannabis behind bars. Waller County Sheriff R. Glenn Smith said a thorough inspection of her cell, including the plumbing, found no evidence of that.

Even if Bland managed to get high in jail without leaving a trace, the relevance of that detail is not obvious, since suicide is not a commonly observed side effect of cannabis consumption.​


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Heavy dope smoking most likely contributed to Bland's depression which lead to her suicide (she had attempted it once before).

We don’t know enough about Bland’s pattern of cannabis consumption to say whether she qualified as a regular user. Furthermore, it’s not clear whether even a regular user would test as high as she did after three days of abstinence, which has led to speculation that she consumed cannabis behind bars. Waller County Sheriff R. Glenn Smith said a thorough inspection of her cell, including the plumbing, found no evidence of that.​

Trust me, if Sandra Bland needed to get high in jail, she was a regular user on the outside. If she didn't get high in jail, she had so much dope in her system that she obviously was a dope addict.

Even if Bland managed to get high in jail without leaving a trace, the relevance of that detail is not obvious, since suicide is not a commonly observed side effect of cannabis consumption.

She suffered from depression and had attempted suicide before. Dope smoking accompanies depression

and untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide.

What is it that you drug pushing Libertarians say?

"There will be casualties along the path to freedom."​

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Dope smoking accompanies depression

Alcohol increases impulsivity and decreases inhibition. It increases negative self-image and decreases self-esteem; deepens depression and social isolation; and rises with the amount and length of time alcohol is consumed. Alcohol use fosters either/or and all or nothing thinking, and a lower concern for the future consequences of one’s actions. Many suicide attempts occur during binge drinking.

Among those who are alcohol dependent, 18% complete suicide. Alcohol plays a major role in suicides among elders and veterans. In suicides associated with alcohol misuse men account for 80% of the victims, women for 20%. Alcohol use is also often a factor in suicidal behavior among male teens.​

What is it that you drug pushing Libertarians say?

"There will be casualties along the path to freedom."

The decades-old drug war is littered with casualties, yet drugs are as plentiful now as they would be if they were decriminalized.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Dope smoking accompanies depression

Alcohol increases impulsivity and decreases inhibition. It increases negative self-image and decreases self-esteem; deepens depression and social isolation; and rises with the amount and length of time alcohol is consumed. Alcohol use fosters either/or and all or nothing thinking, and a lower concern for the future consequences of one’s actions. Many suicide attempts occur during binge drinking.

Among those who are alcohol dependent, 18% complete suicide. Alcohol plays a major role in suicides among elders and veterans. In suicides associated with alcohol misuse men account for 80% of the victims, women for 20%. Alcohol use is also often a factor in suicidal behavior among male teens.

Thank you for showing the dangerous effects of alcohol abuse. (Yeah, let's legalize drugs for a irresponsible society that can't even manage their booze).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What is it that you drug pushing Libertarians say?

"There will be casualties along the path to freedom."

The decades-old drug war is littered with casualties, yet drugs are as plentiful now as they would be if they were decriminalized.

The United States is notorious when it comes to fighting wars with no intention of winning them.

In closing: There is no convincing a drug addict that his "god" isn't good for him or society. You're living proof.​