If pot should be banned.. so should alcohol.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I worked in the operating room. I want colleagues who perform at their best on behalf of the patient. In the O.R. we worked as a team. A pothead is not at his/her optimum ability to respond to whatever might happen.

Nor is a beerhead, a wino, or a boozer. Same policy applies.


Hall of Fame
No drug has done more harm in this world than alcohol has and continues to inflict. Yet, there are many self-proclaimed Christians who proudly declare that they engage in beer drinking on a daily basis.

As well as cigarettes and their link to SIDS.

Nick, do you even know what SIDS is? According to your negative rep, you don't.

If pot should be... July 20th, 2015 08:12 AM Nick M repent....SIDS is murder


As someone who supports smoking and justifies it, perhaps you need to "repent".


From the article:

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden, unexplained, unexpected death of an infant in the first year of life. SIDS is the leading cause of death in otherwise healthy infants.6 Secondhand smoke increases the risk for SIDS.2,4

Smoking by women during pregnancy increases the risk for SIDS.2,4,7
Infants who are exposed to secondhand smoke after birth are also at greater risk for SIDS.2,4
Chemicals in secondhand smoke appear to affect the brain in ways that interfere with its regulation of infants' breathing.2,4
Infants who die from SIDS have higher concentrations of nicotine in their lungs and higher levels of cotinine (a biological marker for secondhand smoke exposure) than infants who die from other causes.2,4

Parents can help protect their babies from SIDS by taking the following three actions:8

Do not smoke when pregnant.
Do not smoke in the home or around the baby.
Put the baby down to sleep on its back.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Neg rep for evil and stupidity. It takes a real low life to try and link smoking a Camel with murder. Not to endorse lighting off a Camel. :plain:

This coming from a guy who thinks that second hand smoke is absolutely harmless? You really are one complete bloody moron.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Nick, do you even know what SIDS is? According to your negative rep, you don't.

If pot should be... July 20th, 2015 08:12 AM Nick M repent....SIDS is murder


As someone who supports smoking and justifies it, perhaps you need to "repent".


From the article:

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden, unexplained, unexpected death of an infant in the first year of life. SIDS is the leading cause of death in otherwise healthy infants.6 Secondhand smoke increases the risk for SIDS.2,4

Smoking by women during pregnancy increases the risk for SIDS.2,4,7
Infants who are exposed to secondhand smoke after birth are also at greater risk for SIDS.2,4
Chemicals in secondhand smoke appear to affect the brain in ways that interfere with its regulation of infants' breathing.2,4
Infants who die from SIDS have higher concentrations of nicotine in their lungs and higher levels of cotinine (a biological marker for secondhand smoke exposure) than infants who die from other causes.2,4

Parents can help protect their babies from SIDS by taking the following three actions:8

Do not smoke when pregnant.
Do not smoke in the home or around the baby.
Put the baby down to sleep on its back.

Of course he doesn't know, the guys an absolute idiot. Calling him thick would be too much of a compliment...


Of course he doesn't know, the guys an absolute idiot. Calling him thick would be too much of a compliment...

This coming from someone who has admitted that he's a cigarette smoker.

(Give the much hated Dr. Paul Cameron credit for exposing the dangers of 2nd hand smoke...banning homosexuals from giving blood, etc.)

Back to recreational drug use. Are you a pot smoker/recreational drug user as well as a cigarette smoker Art?



New member
Here's a crazy idea. If someone wants to have unhealthy habits, the state has no business in it. The state doesn't help anyone quit a habit. This is up to the individual along with family, friends, church, etc. I'm more interested in getting results for drug users than blindly supporting some statist ideology. The drug war, like pride, only hurts. It never helps. The drug war is a money making scheme. Only a true statist could support it.


Here's a crazy idea. If someone wants to have unhealthy habits, the state has no business in it...

Going back to the purpose of civil government:

Romans 13:4

Regarding unhealthy habits: That covers quite an array of behaviors:

Abortion, incest, homosexuality, all recreational drug use, necrophilia, bestiality, suicide, etc. etc. etc.

Yes, that was a crazy idea, but I've heard it from Libertarians (i.e. anarchists) like you many times before Dan.


New member
Going back to the purpose of civil government:

Romans 13:4

Regarding unhealthy habits: That covers quite an array of behaviors:

Abortion, incest, homosexuality, all recreational drug use, necrophilia, bestiality, suicide, etc. etc. etc.

Yes, that was a crazy idea, but I've heard it from Libertarians (i.e. anarchists) like you many times before Dan.

You ignore the point that the drug war is NOT HELPING anyone except the prison industrial complex. I've heard this statist ideology from fascists like you many times. The fascists dont care if their policies help or hurt as long as it advances fascism. If you want a catholic dictator, go to Vatican city. Good luck with those homos in the Vatican outlawing sodomy, though.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This coming from someone who has admitted that he's a cigarette smoker.

(Give the much hated Dr. Paul Cameron credit for exposing the dangers of 2nd hand smoke...banning homosexuals from giving blood, etc.)

Back to recreational drug use. Are you a pot smoker/recreational drug user as well as a cigarette smoker Art?


Yes, I have indeed admitted that I smoke cigarettes. I hope to quit in the foreseeable and unlike that monumental berk Nick M I'm not ignorant as to the health issues of such a habit or those exposed to second hand smoke or smoking during pregnancy. I'm not a pot smoker no although I've smoked it in the past. I don't do drugs of any sort on a "recreational" level nowadays. Sorry to no doubt disappoint...


Yes, I have indeed admitted that I smoke cigarettes. I hope to quit in the foreseeable and unlike that monumental berk Nick M I'm not ignorant as to the health issues...

If you continue to smoke cigarettes, knowing full well what the health issues are, you are ignorant (or maybe just self destructive).


You ignore the point that the drug war is NOT HELPING anyone except the prison industrial complex. I've heard this statist ideology from fascists like you many times. The fascists dont care if their policies help or hurt as long as it advances fascism. If you want a catholic dictator, go to Vatican city. Good luck with those homos in the Vatican outlawing sodomy, though.

I can tell that your use of recreational drugs has had an adverse effect not only on your reasoning, but temper as well.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you continue to smoke cigarettes, knowing full well what the health issues are, you are ignorant (or maybe just self destructive).

Are you acknowledging that smoking cigarettes is far from a healthy habit? Would you outlaw it? I'm well aware of how unhealthy it is which is why I aim to quit and I'll freely admit I was an idiot to take up the habit in the first place with a naïve outlook that I wouldn't become addicted those years back. You're ignorant if you think that it's a habit that people can suddenly just shrug off but then you've never really been that bothered about cigarettes have you?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you continue to smoke cigarettes, knowing full well what the health issues are, you are ignorant (or maybe just self destructive).

Are you acknowledging that smoking cigarettes is far from a healthy habit?

Smoking dope is even unhealthier. I'd read where smoking a joint is the equivalent to smoking 5 cigarettes

now the count is up to 20.

Would you outlaw it?

It's not a mind altering drug, so no.

I'm well aware of how unhealthy it is which is why I aim to quit and I'll freely admit I was an idiot...

I acknowledged that you are an idiot long ago before I knew that you were a cigarette smoker Art, so I'm not putting the blame on the tobacco companies for your mental state.

to take up the habit in the first place with a naïve outlook that I wouldn't become addicted those years back. You're ignorant if you think that it's a habit that people can suddenly just shrug off but then you've never really been that bothered about cigarettes have you?

People have free will and can choose behaviors which they engage in. Obviously you don't want to quit very badly.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Smoking dope is even unhealthier. I'd read where smoking a joint is the equivalent to smoking 5 cigarettes

now the count is up to 20.

I'm not arguing that smoking cannabis is healthy. I'm asking whether you acknowledge that smoking cigarettes isn't.

It's not a mind altering drug, so no.

That's your yardstick? It doesn't matter that it causes all manner of disease and ill health, as long as it isn't 'mind altering'?

I acknowledged that you are an idiot long ago before I knew that you were a cigarette smoker Art, so I'm not putting the blame on the tobacco companies for your mental state.

Wow, that was almost witty for you Connie...

People have free will and can choose behaviors which they engage in. Obviously you don't want to quit very badly.

You mean apart from the ones you'd have illegal right? Do you smoke?


New member
Are you acknowledging that smoking cigarettes is far from a healthy habit? Would you outlaw it? I'm well aware of how unhealthy it is which is why I aim to quit and I'll freely admit I was an idiot to take up the habit in the first place with a naïve outlook that I wouldn't become addicted those years back. You're ignorant if you think that it's a habit that people can suddenly just shrug off but then you've never really been that bothered about cigarettes have you?

I was a two pack a day smoker back in college.
After contracting both viral pneumonia and a very nasty bacterial pneumonia it became apparent that I was killing myself. So, I gritted my teeth and quit ...one nic fit at a time.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Waiting for one way the drug war has helped anyone.

Again: People who need help get it,

People "getting help" has nothing to do with the drug war.

and many people respect laws, i.e. they don't use drugs because it's illegal.

"Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound" (Romans 5:20). Conversely, nations that have decriminalized drugs have actually seen declining rates of drug use (e.g., Portugal).

Did I mention that you're evil for pushing this death culture?

Ignorance and stupidity are evils.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you continue to smoke cigarettes, knowing full well what the health issues are, you are ignorant (or maybe just self destructive).

Smoking dope is even unhealthier. I'd read where smoking a joint is the equivalent to smoking 5 cigarettes

now the count is up to 20.

While it is indeed true that marijuana smoke contains more tar, etc. (joints don't have filters), studies have been done comparing the rates of respiratory and other smoking-related diseases between those who smoke marijuana exclusively and those who smoke tobacco exclusively. Here are a couple of references:



As you can see, rates of smoking related diseases are much lower among marijuana smokers.

It's not a mind altering drug, so no.

Ever been around somebody who's trying to quit? Trust me, their minds are altered.

People have free will and can choose behaviors which they engage in.

Do they now?


I'm a recovering addict of alcohol and weed and a few other things. I have a weakness for addiction to pleasurable practices. I'm in the 10-15% of humans who can't use any drugs.

It has been the wisdom of those who came before us to ban drugs because the weak are the ones whose lives are destroyed.

It seems society is willing to live with the loss of a percentage of people so it can enjoy the freedoms.

Today and every day this year, on average 211 people will die form alcoholism in America, 28 will die from drunk drivers.

The Native American population has been decimated by alcoholism and drug addiction. The numbers are astonishing! Something like 90% of Native Americans have substance abuse problems from the white mans vices.

Maybe everything should be legal and eventually society will just stop doing it like people would naturally stop eating bad sushi?

I give up, I don't know what the answer is, we are in such dire trouble in America.


I'm a recovering addict of alcohol and weed and a few other things. I have a weakness for addiction to pleasurable practices. I'm in the 10-15% of humans who can't use any drugs.

It has been the wisdom of those who came before us to ban drugs because the weak are the ones whose lives are destroyed.

Legislation is written to ban harmful behavior. Drug legislation wasn't just written for the 10-15%, it was written for all of society.

It seems society is willing to live with the loss of a percentage of people so it can enjoy the freedoms.

As you know from personal experience, being hooked on booze and drugs is a far cry from being free.

Today and every day this year, on average 211 people will die form alcoholism in America, 28 will die from drunk drivers.

The Native American population has been decimated by alcoholism and drug addiction. The numbers are astonishing! Something like 90% of Native Americans have substance abuse problems from the white mans vices.

Maybe everything should be legal and eventually society will just stop doing it like people would naturally stop eating bad sushi?

I give up, I don't know what the answer is, we are in such dire trouble in America.

Why not share your life's experiences with others and tell them how destructive alcohol abuse and drug use are?