I will not vote for trump


New member
Tom Hoefling is running. :jump: Pr 8:36

I went to the link, and Tom Hoefling appears to be a good man. There's a lot about the Constitution Party that I agree with, but parts of their platform would cause big and unfair problems. Example: ending Social Security after people have paid into it for their entire working lives. I could see some sort of plan to phase out Social Security for young workers - privatizing it. Regardless, the money paid in to Social Security belongs to the person who paid in that money.


Realizing that rehashing a cause that has already achieved it's goal is simply subtle misandry- is not 'irrational' or 'misogynist'.

If you disagree, however, it is BECAUSE you are an irrational misandrist- or in Town's case a man who embraces his chains :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Realizing that rehashing a cause that has already achieved it's goal is simply subtle misandry- is not 'irrational' or 'misogynist'.
You've already amply demonstrated your ability to declare. My curiosity is entirely vested in the next leg, argument, and whether or not you have any.

If you disagree, however, it is BECAUSE you are an irrational misandrist-
Not necessarily, but I can see how it would help.

or in Town's case a man who embraces his chains :rolleyes:
You can call a rock a cheese, but you're going to break your teeth if you try to chew it.



like marbles on glass
You've already amply demonstrated your ability to declare. My curiosity is entirely vested in the next leg, argument, and whether or not you have any.

Not necessarily, but I can see how it would help.

You can call a rock a cheese, but you're going to break your teeth if you try to chew it.


You'll have to cut him a little slack. He can't talk and gaze at himself in the mirror at the same time.


You've already amply demonstrated your ability to declare. My curiosity is entirely vested in the next leg, argument, and whether or not you have any.

Not necessarily, but I can see how it would help.

You can call a rock a cheese, but you're going to break your teeth if you try to chew it.


The fact that Annabanana is spam thanking all your posts is all that needs to be shown as evidence for this facade you all call a liberalism. It's gibbering unoriginal rhetoric and patting shoulders, with no justification or basis in reality :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The fact that Annabanana is spam thanking all your posts
She's actually thanked me twice. I'm fairly sure that I've written at least twice that many posts. :plain:

is all that needs to be shown as evidence for this facade you all call a liberalism.
I've also never called my position a "liberalism".
It's gibbering unoriginal rhetoric and patting shoulders, with no justification or basis in reality
I wonder what your putting half the time into consideration, actual rebuttal, and reason that you invest in this sort of self-pandering might produce.

:think: God willing, something akin to an argument.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I wonder how many people who have striven against Trump will actually support him if he wins the nomination...I can understand hacks like Sessions and Christie and Carson selling/bartering the vestigial remnants of their character for positions to be named later, but the rank and file they fooled into believing they were ideologically divided from Trump...I wonder if they'll have more principle, especially absent the carrot.

I suspect they will.


like marbles on glass
She's actually thanked me twice. I'm fairly sure that I've written at least twice that many posts. :plain:

Have I? Have you? :eek:

I'm currently involved in a love/hate relationship with the thanks button and not at all sure if the relationship will survive the turbulence. Time will tell. :chuckle:


like marbles on glass
I wonder how many people who have striven against Trump will actually support him if he wins the nomination...I can understand hacks like Sessions and Christie and Carson selling/bartering the vestigial remnants of their character for positions to be named later, but the rank and file they fooled into believing they were ideologically divided from Trump...I wonder if they'll have more principle, especially absent the carrot.

I suspect they will.

Christie has to live with the humiliation of Trump telling him to get on his plane and go home. If Christie has enough of his shredded self-respect to pull together after that - enough to stand next to Trump again - I can only assume it's because he'd gladly sell his soul twice for political gain.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Have I? Have you? :eek:
I've posted more today than I have in quite a while.

I'm currently involved in a love/hate relationship with the thanks button and not at all sure if the relationship will survive the turbulence. Time will tell. :chuckle:
Well, if my total is any proof you're not going to be confused with Balzac any time soon, but I know the feeling. I like the freedom of not having to worry about who I thanked last. :D

I've been presenting Psalmist with a few. I think it's sad that LH is somehow loaded with thanks and Psalmist isn't even on the board. :nono:

Oh, and I'm not voting Trump, though I am a registered Republican (oddly, no one has ever asked) and I tend to vote conservatively, especially where the judiciary is concerned. I mean I support rationalist conservatives, not the boiling kettle variety.


*Thanks button* replaced with *cordial reply*

It's too bad I said something, otherwise she'd be on her eighth thanks :chuckle:


New member
She's actually thanked me twice. I'm fairly sure that I've written at least twice that many posts. :plain:

I've also never called my position a "liberalism".

I wonder what your putting half the time into consideration, actual rebuttal, and reason that you invest in this sort of self-pandering might produce.

:think: God willing, something akin to an argument.

You have written twice as many posts as you have been thanked by her and her best feminist bud here? Within this thread? Today? With regard to crucible and the subject of misandry/ misogyny? I would like proof of that.


like marbles on glass
I've posted more today than I have in quite a while.

Same, but I've also been plowing through the 424 pages I have to finish reading by the end of the evening. :)

Well, if my total is any proof you're not going to be confused with Balzac any time soon, but I know the feeling. I like the freedom of not having to worry about who I thanked last. :D

Eh. I guess I'm going to have to concede defeat on this one. I didn't like the thanks button at all in the beginning, but it's beginning to grow on me. It takes me awhile to come around to a new idea sometimes... that part of being conservative still lingers. :chuckle:

Oh, and I'm not voting Trump, though I am a registered Republican (oddly, no one has ever asked) and I tend to vote conservatively, especially where the judiciary is concerned. I mean I support rationalist conservatives, not the boiling kettle variety.

You're a Republican? I had no idea. I may move to the left of you yet. :chuckle:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You will not vote for Donald Trump and it won't make one damn bit of difference, except that it will help Hillary Clinton win.

You DO NOT live in a Christian society. You live in a totally secular society with an entirely secular government that is more corrupt than not.
Everyone wants to pretend that their vote is some moral action. It isn't. If you want to talk morality, you aught not have the right to vote at all! God never endorsed a democratic form or even a representative form of government where people elect their rulers. Authority to rule is not rightly derived from the consent of the people, its delegated by God Himself. So voting in this election is not a question of Christian morality but one of wisdom. You need to learn how to play things smart and stop getting bulldozed into meaninglessness by conventional wisdom. Your moral duty, if you have one at all in this context, is to cast your vote for the MOST conservative (i.e. just) person who can win and thus bolster the morally preservative effect that the least evil person will have on our society in contrast to the more corrosive effect the worse of two evils would be.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

If you either vote for some a candidate that cannot win or refuse to vote at all, you become Hillary Clinton's friend.

That was proven without possible refutation in both 2004 and 2008! Those who voted for some hopeless third party or independent candidate or stayed home and didn't vote at all, gave Barrack Obama the White House and by extension gave all of us Obama Care and everything else that makes up the disaster the last eight years have been.

You need to wake up and realize where you are and just what sort of sociopolitical situation you're actually in because if a Democrat wins this election, this country, as you've known it, is finished! And it will stay finished probably forever but for at least the rest of your natural life. If you want to live out your days and you want your kids to at least have a chance of living out their days with at least a modicum of freedom, you damn well better do whatever you can do to prevent Hillary Clinton from getting within a mile of the Oval Office. And if that means holding your nose and pulling the lever for Donald Trump or Daffy Duck or whoever is the Republican nominee, so be it!

Resting in Him,

Here! Here! well said Clete...