I will not vote for trump

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
The gun ban in the UK is quite extensive. You pretty much cannot own a firearm unless you are in a gun club, and they all have to have extensions on them so that they cannot be normally concealed.

It's not simply 'control', they are outright contraband.

We don't want guns


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Young man, watch who you are calling an idiot.
The first time I ever voted, I voted for Ronald Reagan. In every election since 1984, I voted for the Republican candidate. If Trump gets the nomination, this November will be the first time I ever didn't vote for the "Republican" nominee, and it will be because of Trump. He is not a Republican. He is a Trumplican. He is for Donald Trump and nobody but Donald Trump.

Who is Hillary for?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Not one person on the not an idiot list answered my question:

Who are you "never vote for Trump folks" going to vote for if Trump becomes the Republican nominee?

most likely no one
-I will be voting for all the other republicans on the ticket


are you going to vote for the republican nov next year?

the primaries is your chance to pick the republican you like

in november you have no choice

you must vote republican

HYPOCRITE!...there is a gold mine of these quotes of Chrys saying this over & over on TOL yet, when it is glaringly obvious that the RINO's have no chance to get their man nominated, and have gamed the convention rules previously to assure that, RINO's cannot get their man in even with dirty tricks people like Chrys are ready to take their ball and go home.:baby: Suck it up Chrys, and vote for the Republican nominee just like you said you would over & over & over...ad nauseam. Or are you just a hypocrite with no credibility?


like marbles on glass

HYPOCRITE!...there is a gold mine of these quotes of Chrys saying this over & over on TOL yet, when it is glaringly obvious that the RINO's have no chance to get their man nominated, and have gamed the convention rules previously to assure that, RINO's cannot get their man in even with dirty tricks people like Chrys are ready to take their ball and go home.:baby: Suck it up Chrys, and vote for the Republican nominee just like you said you would over & over & over...ad nauseam. Or are you just a hypocrite with no credibility?

Speaking of hypocrites:

I would also say if people do not like this nation, it's constitution, it's laws, it's ideals then it is time to seek a new home where the government represents their interests but, understand in this nation my liberty may offend you & the constitution does not afford you the right to not be offended...and that sword cuts both ways, your liberty may offend me, I will just have to deal with that as well.

Why are you recommending for others what you don't do yourself? You've said many times and many ways that you don't like California, yet here you are, reaping the financial benefits of living here.

It seems you want your benefits no matter what principles you have to set aside to receive them.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I will not vote for trump
-I will continue to vote for all other republicans
-I will never vote for a democrat

-the idiots have taken over the republican party
-we will all suffer the consequences
-we all have to do our best to protect ourselves
-no one knows what the future will bring
-it is possible to know who we are voting for
-it is possible to know what is best for our country
-it is possible
-it will have to get worse before it gets better
-be prepared

-this is where you find out
-is not an idiot

You will not vote for Donald Trump and it won't make one damn bit of difference, except that it will help Hillary Clinton win.

You DO NOT live in a Christian society. You live in a totally secular society with an entirely secular government that is more corrupt than not.
Everyone wants to pretend that their vote is some moral action. It isn't. If you want to talk morality, you aught not have the right to vote at all! God never endorsed a democratic form or even a representative form of government where people elect their rulers. Authority to rule is not rightly derived from the consent of the people, its delegated by God Himself. So voting in this election is not a question of Christian morality but one of wisdom. You need to learn how to play things smart and stop getting bulldozed into meaninglessness by conventional wisdom. Your moral duty, if you have one at all in this context, is to cast your vote for the MOST conservative (i.e. just) person who can win and thus bolster the morally preservative effect that the least evil person will have on our society in contrast to the more corrosive effect the worse of two evils would be.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

If you either vote for some a candidate that cannot win or refuse to vote at all, you become Hillary Clinton's friend.

That was proven without possible refutation in both 2004 and 2008! Those who voted for some hopeless third party or independent candidate or stayed home and didn't vote at all, gave Barrack Obama the White House and by extension gave all of us Obama Care and everything else that makes up the disaster the last eight years have been.

You need to wake up and realize where you are and just what sort of sociopolitical situation you're actually in because if a Democrat wins this election, this country, as you've known it, is finished! And it will stay finished probably forever but for at least the rest of your natural life. If you want to live out your days and you want your kids to at least have a chance of living out their days with at least a modicum of freedom, you damn well better do whatever you can do to prevent Hillary Clinton from getting within a mile of the Oval Office. And if that means holding your nose and pulling the lever for Donald Trump or Daffy Duck or whoever is the Republican nominee, so be it!

Resting in Him,
Last edited:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You need to wake up and realize where you are and just what sort of sociopolitical situation you're actually in because if a Democrat wins this election, this country, as you've known it, is finished!

-where have you been?
-is this your first political post?
-can you show me your last one?
-this isn't your first one

when did you stop resting?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
The first time I ever voted, I voted for Ronald Reagan. In every election since 1984, I voted for the Republican candidate. If Trump gets the nomination, this November will be the first time I ever didn't vote for the "Republican" nominee, and it will be because of Trump. He is not a Republican. He is a Trumplican. He is for Donald Trump and nobody but Donald Trump.

IF Trump becomes the Republican nominee he will be a Republican, by definition. That much is undeniable but it doesn't matter because at that point the one thing that will trump (lower case t) every other fact about who Donald Trump is, is the fact that he is NOT a Democrat and is, at the very least, very much less likely to nominate socialists to the Supreme Court.

That's all you really need to know. Once (if) Trump has won the nomination, any vote for anyone else (or staying home and not voting at all) makes you an ally to those who want to destroy this country as founded and who, with the death of Antonin Scalia, will likely succeed if they win this election.

That's the facts of the reality in which you live. Like it or lump it. Your decision has it's effect whether for the better or for the worse.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
-where have you been?
-is this your first political post?
-can you show me your last one?
-this isn't your first one

when did you stop resting?

Do you have a problem with capital letters?

Why is the use of dashes in the place of capital letters superior to the way the English language has been written for centuries?

Is asking me irrelevant questions your idea of a refutation or can I take your asking such questions as your concession of my point?

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Do you have a problem with capital letters?

Why is the use of dashes in the place of capital letters superior to the way the English language has been written for centuries?

it is too much work
-don't you have a problem with work?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
can anyone show me a clete political post before today?
-can you show me where clete has directly answered a question?

There are dozens of them, perhaps hundreds!

It's one of the very few (perhaps the only) issue with which I disagree and have actually debated Bob Enyart on.

And who cares? What if this were the very first political post I had ever made? What difference would that make to the veracity of the argument?

None, at all! That's what difference it would make!

patrick jane

IF Trump becomes the Republican nominee he will be a Republican, by definition. That much is undeniable but it doesn't matter because at that point the one thing that will trump (lower case t) every other fact about who Donald Trump is, is the fact that he is NOT a Democrat and is, at the very least, very much less likely to nominate socialists to the Supreme Court.

That's all you really need to know. Once (if) Trump has won the nomination, any vote for anyone else (or staying home and not voting at all) makes you an ally to those who want to destroy this country as founded and who, with the death of Antonin Scalia, will likely succeed if they win this election.

That's the facts of the reality in which you live. Like it or lump it. Your decision has it's effect whether for the better or for the worse.

Resting in Him,

View attachment 23726

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Who are you "never vote for Trump folks" going to vote for if Trump becomes the Republican nominee?

in chrys' constructed reality, trump will never be the republican nominee even if he does become the republican nominee because he's not a real republican