I will not vote for trump


New member
Not one person on the not an idiot list answered my question:

Who are you "never vote for Trump folks" going to vote for if Trump becomes the Republican nominee?

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
[MENTION=13925]Grosnick Marowbe[/MENTION]
Why not? If you think he's a troll, look in the mirror, pal. You troll more than almost anyone here. Maybe you like to dish it but can't take it? I hope you reconsider your trolling and stalking.

You just have a jealous streak cause you're not quite as smart as Ok doser, Wizard of ooze. He has an IQ the same size as his shoelace and you have the IQ of a slow-witted Amoeba.


New member
Not one person on the not an idiot list answered my question:

Who are you "never vote for Trump folks" going to vote for if Trump becomes the Republican nominee?

Young man, watch who you are calling an idiot.
The first time I ever voted, I voted for Ronald Reagan. In every election since 1984, I voted for the Republican candidate. If Trump gets the nomination, this November will be the first time I ever didn't vote for the "Republican" nominee, and it will be because of Trump. He is not a Republican. He is a Trumplican. He is for Donald Trump and nobody but Donald Trump.


New member
when chrys stands in that booth in november and sees

D: Clinton

R: Trump

staring at him, you know as well as i do what he'll do

I know what I will do.
Sigh loudly and walk away.
Then the next day I will watch the nation go to hell because one of those two will be elected.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I know what I will do.
Sigh loudly and walk away.
Then the next day I will watch the nation go to hell because one of those two will be elected.

today you can start getting your house in order
-to prepare for what is coming
-the idiots think trump will make it all better

Totton Linnet

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I don't doubt that the West gives a biased portrayal of what happens with Russia but I don't think you can say that Putin isn't an aggressor at all, or that he's always on the up and up. Just look at what he's done in Syria, as another example.

Devout as measured by what?

The west is WRONG in trying to overthrow Assad, they supply the rebels and the rebels supply Isis, western policy in the middle east is a total disaster.

Totton Linnet

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Couple that with the legally protected imported population they now have to coexist with -- a population that doesn't simply refuse to coexist but wants to replace all that Britain is with the caliphate -- and they have little hope. It will soon reach the point where bloody armed revolt a la the French Revolution will be the only shot they have, but they'll lose when the E.U. sends all the blue helmets in to clean up. Sad to see the end of Britain coming but they had a choice at the end of WWII to remain capitalistic or go socialistic. They chose poorly.

(some say that putting two generations of their best through the meat grinders of both wars - especially the First - took its toll on the population that resulted, but I'm not fully convinced of that)

Our socialism is just the ordinary working man and is totally democratic. It was the guys who fought in the war, they said we're not going back to what we had before in the 30s where they just chuck everybody out of work [that was a CAPITALIST disaster from America]

You wunnerful capitalists poured money into every other combatant especially Germany through the Marshall plan but wouldn't give our Labour government a dime. They STILL built a National health service free at the point of use. They STILL built a civilised welfare state, in the teeth of adversity.

Labour governments have been good governments

And once again in 2008 it was YOUR capitalist system which crashed and brought prosperity to a shuddering halt.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Man up, Arthur, and tell the unvarnished truth for once.

1. Are you legally allowed to own a firearm and ammunition?

2. Do you legally own a firearm and ammunition?

3. If someone attacks you in your home, do you have the legal right to use that firearm to defend yourself?

Now watch...

We do have the right to self defence...we don't want guns

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
So the only reason America joined the war was to intervene on Britain's behalf? Get a grip GM.

The fact is Wall St [the REAL power in America] was funding Nazi Germany and continued to do so throughout the war. The Bushes, the Schiffs, Henry Ford.

Britain stood alone

FDR knew that if Britain went down then America itself could not be safe.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
If not for the good old U.S.A the world of today would have looked like this:

1) swastikas would be flying everywhere.
2) There'd be armed guards all over the streets carrying machine guns.
3) Instead of "Bobbies" you'd have the Gestapo.
4) You'd have no civil rights.
5) You'd be in concentration camps instead of prisons.
6) Pictures of the "Führer" would be glaring down at you everywhere.
7) You'd have no trials.
8) You'd be in a world of hurt.

The only country that protects the world today is the USA. Without her, you guys wouldn't be sipping tea and eating crumpets.

After the Patriot act that sounds more and more like America today.

And as a matter of historical fact Russia did more to beat the Germans than America

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Do you think Nazi Germany would have just ignored the USA in WWII if it hadn't entered? America did not single handedly win the war Grosnick so put the stars and stripes down and get a clue.

Yes the Americans were doing their level best to stay out on the backs of the Brits and Russia....they like proxy wars the Americans.

They got a shock at the Bulge.....

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Sure, Trump does talk about some real problems. Does anyone really doubt that? The complaint is in how he talks about the issues. And his solutions.

And you saying he wants to end lobby politics is a joke. Hasn't he bragged about being able to get stuff done? Are we to think that he's going to stop a system that he's benefited from? That he wouldn't answer if big money came calling? Trump is speaking against lobbyists because it suits his purposes now. I don't believe it's anything more than that.

Does Trump actually have any principles at all? :idunno:

Well we probably will never know, but I really didn't want to see Clinton in the White house.


The gun ban in the UK is quite extensive. You pretty much cannot own a firearm unless you are in a gun club, and they all have to have extensions on them so that they cannot be normally concealed.

It's not simply 'control', they are outright contraband.