Couple that with the legally protected imported population they now have to coexist with -- a population that doesn't simply refuse to coexist but wants to replace all that Britain is with the caliphate -- and they have little hope. It will soon reach the point where bloody armed revolt a la the French Revolution will be the only shot they have, but they'll lose when the E.U. sends all the blue helmets in to clean up. Sad to see the end of Britain coming but they had a choice at the end of WWII to remain capitalistic or go socialistic. They chose poorly.
(some say that putting two generations of their best through the meat grinders of both wars - especially the First - took its toll on the population that resulted, but I'm not fully convinced of that)
Our socialism is just the ordinary working man and is totally democratic. It was the guys who fought in the war, they said we're not going back to what we had before in the 30s where they just chuck everybody out of work [that was a CAPITALIST disaster from America]
You wunnerful capitalists poured money into every other combatant especially Germany through the Marshall plan but wouldn't give our Labour government a dime. They STILL built a National health service free at the point of use. They STILL built a civilised welfare state, in the teeth of adversity.
Labour governments have been good governments
And once again in 2008 it was YOUR capitalist system which crashed and brought prosperity to a shuddering halt.