I will not vote for trump


New member
Hall of Fame
Then you must feel that Hillary is a more palatable option...:nono:

Nope. I think they are both equally bad, just in different ways. I feel America is under judgement for refusing the Lord. This is why we have this "choice" this time. I wont be guilty of being behind either of them.


Well-known member
You forgot to mention that Ron Paul is on record as one of 3? Republicans to vote to allow homosexuals to openly serve in the military.

:yawn: Because currently, homosexuality ISN'T against the law, contrary to how you or I feel about it.

Of course Ron Paul is for legalizing all recreational drugs, if he weren't, he wouldn't be a 'true' Libertarian now would he doc?


BTW: Would you care to defend this bold faced lie ?

I will gladly defend this truth.

:yawn: Gotta love neo conservative liberals like ACW here. Anything else you would like to cry about today ACW?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump Envy



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Nope. I think they are both equally bad, just in different ways. I feel America is under judgement for refusing the Lord. This is why we have this "choice" this time. I wont be guilty of being behind either of them.

We have had this "choice" every time Angel, in every election we are forced to choose between bad & worse. Do you really believe that any president in the last 20 years has been "Godly"? I think not, America's moral decline has been ongoing for a long time now because Americans (the majority) don't recognize God to begin with, the Lord told us that hearts of men would grow cold so, I guess my expectations for American society are low anyway, the only solace in all of this mess is that we know how the story ends ultimately.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post

You forgot to mention that Ron Paul is on record as one of 3? Republicans to vote to allow homosexuals to openly serve in the military.

Because currently, homosexuality ISN'T against the law, contrary to how you or I feel about it.

Neither is abortion...

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

BTW: Would you care to defend this bold faced lie ? (that the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are not similar in any way).

I will gladly defend this truth.

Gotta love neo conservative liberals like ACW here. Anything else you would like to cry about today ACW?

Yes, would you please send me a link to the article where you got that statement? You can either send it in a PM or link it here.


like marbles on glass
Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
“The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.

If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.”


New member
You have a warped overview Dr. Who should Trump have picked?

Channeling Yoda is not your smoothest quality; but Dr. Who would have probably been a more appropriate VP choice for Trump. And there probably should be a comma between overview and Dr. in your sentence.

And now, being a lifetime Hoosier I know that with his 40% approval rating in Indiana Pence and the Indiana Republicans foresaw his loss in the upcoming gubernatorial race, and that would have been devastating for an incumbent Republican governor in Indiana (of all places). He was looking for a job when Trump came along, and the state's Republican leadership was thankful that they will be saved from such embarrassment even though their replacement will most surely lose to the Democratic nominee John Gregg in November.

I just find it humorous that Trump settled for such a "loser" (to use his vernacular), although his other options were similarly questionable. C'mon, Gingrich and Christie?! It seems that Mr. Trump's decision making is just as questionable as his crude delivery and lack of knowledge of current events or history. Maybe he should try getting his information from a different television channel next time.

Anyhow, in Indiana we always knew that Pence had his eye on the oval office. He probably sees this as his quickest path to get there since it will probably be some conservative wingnut with an AR-15 that drops his boss in the first 90 days. Who knows, he might just be reading this now.

So what has this nation become? Nowhere was it written that we were to become a 2-party system. Yet we have allowed power-hungry people the opportunity to tell us that this is so. And now we are so accustomed to mediocrity that we are willing to settle for those two parties feeding us the two most despised candidates in history in one election cycle. There is no lesser of two evils; there are just two evils. The Democrats ordaining one; and the Republicans, unable to ordain another, throwing out any illusion of principle to clamor around the antithesis of what they claimed to believe in, and this just to "win" at any cost, like it was some football game and not the future of a nation. Some will settle for a clown like Trump only because we have already bought the lines of salesmen and sociopaths so many times before.

patrick jane

Channeling Yoda is not your smoothest quality; but Dr. Who would have probably been a more appropriate VP choice for Trump. And there probably should be a comma between overview and Dr. in your sentence.

Pure drivel. The sentence should have read - "you have a warped overview doctor. Who should Trump have picked?" - You see, I used Dr. - so there was a period between Dr. and Who. You just can't read, that's all. You can't write either. :carryon:

patrick jane

Now now, Anna, she put a lot of hard work into "borrowing" that speech.

Hilarious! Let the tweeting begin ..........................

Mrs. Trump used common words and expressed concepts that are universal. Michelle Obama does not own those words and concepts, the whole thing is a farce. You would have to have serious mental issues to tweet about it.


Mrs. Trump used common words and expressed concepts that are universal. Michelle Obama does not own those words and concepts, the whole thing is a farce. You would have to have serious mental issues to tweet about it.

One does not have to "own" words in order for another to be guilty of plagiarism Einstein.

Plagiarism: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.


Hall of Fame


How is mocking someone with a disability hilarious? Answer ... it's not. The very fact that he would publicly mock someone with a physical or mental disability speaks volumes about his character ... or more precisely, lack of.

And the people who blindly support him.

Remember that Trump bragged that he could murder someone and his loyal followers still wouldn't abandon him.

I know that you're anti Trump because you're pro Clinton.

I on the other hand just want the truth about this degenerate to come out.