I will not vote for trump


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Why a Hillary Clinton presidency could end up letting Isis and al-Qaida off the hook


As political leaders across the world swear to engage in total war against Isis in the wake of the massacre in Nice, not enough notice is being taken of the fact that the long-term prospects of the group will be boosted if Hillary Clinton is elected as the next US President.

President Obama and the Pentagon have been giving priority to first weakening and then eliminating Isis, and have been having a fair measure of success. The Iraqi army backed by US-led air strikes have recaptured Fallujah and the self-declared Caliphate has suffered a series of defeats in both Iraq and Syria.

But Hillary Clinton's expected choice as Defence Secretary, Michele Flournoy, has just co-authored a report by the Centre for a New American Security (CNAS) in Washington that recommends that the destruction of Isis should no longer be the overriding objective of the US in Syria, but that equal priority should be given to taking military action against President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian Army.

A new pro-US armed opposition would be built up to fight Assad, Isis, al-Nusra and other al-Qaida clones, a process that the report admits could take years - and "during that time the dangers posed by Isis will remain". This is not a marginal opinion among hawks in Washington, as a recently leaked memo from 51 serving State Department officials argued very much the same thing.

Instead of focusing on fighting one war against Isis and al-Qaida until it is won, the report recommends also taking military action against Assad but without destroying the Syrian state, and this demonstration of US military strength is expected to deter Russia and Iran from further engagement in Syria

The study is reminiscent of the battle plan of a First World War general, full of certainties about how enemies and allies will respond to an attack when in reality their response is unknown.

The report recommends that "the United States should also be willing to increase its use of military coercion and be willing to threaten and execute limited military strikes against the Assad regime in order to protect these actors while signalling to all of the key external actors in Syria, including both its Middle East partners as well as Russia and Iran, that it is willing to get more engaged".

Keep in mind that the civil war in Syria and Iraq involves many confrontations, but the most important struggle is a sectarian one between Shia and Sunni.

Yet the authors of the report are under the impression that the Shia in this part of the Middle East, who see themselves as fighting a battle for their very existence, will pack up and go home because of some "limited" American air strikes

The concept of the CNAS report is eerily similar to the plot of Graham Greene's novel The Quiet American, in which the undercover CIA agent Alden Pyle is seeking to create a pro-American "Third Force" in Vietnam that will be an alternative to communism and colonialism.
Sounds like a bad idea.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Romney...two time loser indeed! I find his commentary very humorous, the man was too much of a pansy weakling to call out Obama for the failure of a leader he is but, has the stones to call out the guy that does have the courage to call out Obama & Hillary for the political Hacks they are. Romney never had what took to lead in the first place...


Well-known member
Dead Man Walking

Charles Burris

With his choice of Pence as his VP nominee I believe Trump just destroyed his maverick campaign and its credibility by selecting a banal party hack undeniably connected to the corrupt GOP “free trade” corporatist, militarist and war mongering establishment. Even “Little Marco” Rubio loves this guy. His Trumpian base of anti-establishment insurgents thoroughly disgusted with politics-as-usual (not the GOP establishment’s staid rank-and-file base of zombies who never cared much for him) will never trust him again, and will stay away from the polls by the millions in November. This was done, no doubt, in a futile attempt to consolidate that #NeverTrump GOP base. This also destroyed any chance of cross-party outreach to Bernie Sanders’ economic populists disgusted with Hillary because of Pence’s “social conservative” views on gay marriage and Planned Parenthood. Trump may as well paint a bulls eye target on his forehead for the deep state who will no doubt try to pull a “John Hinckley” after January 20, 2017 if it didn’t already hand over and assure Hillary’s election. There are still months to go in this bizarre election cycle and the conventions and their ensuing violent riots and civil insurrections have not even been held yet. Let’s all see how this freak show plays out.

patrick jane

Dead Man Walking

Charles Burris

With his choice of Pence as his VP nominee I believe Trump just destroyed his maverick campaign and its credibility by selecting a banal party hack undeniably connected to the corrupt GOP “free trade” corporatist, militarist and war mongering establishment. Even “Little Marco” Rubio loves this guy. His Trumpian base of anti-establishment insurgents thoroughly disgusted with politics-as-usual (not the GOP establishment’s staid rank-and-file base of zombies who never cared much for him) will never trust him again, and will stay away from the polls by the millions in November. This was done, no doubt, in a futile attempt to consolidate that #NeverTrump GOP base. This also destroyed any chance of cross-party outreach to Bernie Sanders’ economic populists disgusted with Hillary because of Pence’s “social conservative” views on gay marriage and Planned Parenthood. Trump may as well paint a bulls eye target on his forehead for the deep state who will no doubt try to pull a “John Hinckley” after January 20, 2017 if it didn’t already hand over and assure Hillary’s election. There are still months to go in this bizarre election cycle and the conventions and their ensuing violent riots and civil insurrections have not even been held yet. Let’s all see how this freak show plays out.
You have a warped overview Dr. Who should Trump have picked?


His choice probably should have been Ron Paul (if he even wanted the job in the first place). Other than that....Pence wasn't a good choice for him.

Ron Paul would have been a good choice I could live with

Why not, they're (Trump and Pence) both pseudo-conservatives.

Does this mean that you boyz will be going back to your Libertarian Party where you belong?

BTW: Ted Cruz and other true conservatives are attempting to get the Republican Party to allow only registered republicans to vote in the primaries. That would mean that Libertarians and democrats wouldn't be able to help decide the Republican Party's nominee.

Bummer huh?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Why not, they're (Trump and Pence) both pseudo-conservatives.

Does this mean that you boyz will be going back to your Libertarian Party where you belong?

BTW: Ted Cruz and other true conservatives are attempting to get the Republican Party to allow only registered republicans to vote in the primaries. That would mean that Libertarians and democrats wouldn't be able to help decide the Republican Party's nominee.

Bummer huh?

The republican party hates conservatives aCW, they loathe the likes of Cruz, that is why they would not back his candidacy from the get go.



1. Pense's response to Trump call for an immigration ban on Muslims

"Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional."
- Governor M. Pence (10:30 AM - 8 Dec 2015)
2. Pence's Expansion of Medicaid in Indiana Contradicts Trump promises to recall Obamacare

"Trump has said he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, including the Medicaid expansion. As Modern Healthcare reports, Pence could now be in the position of calling for repeal of his own Medicaid expansion."
3. LGBT Rights

Trump has said that marriage is between a man and a woman, but according to the New York Times, he has "nurtured long friendships with gay people, employed gay workers in prominent positions, and moved with ease in industries where gays have long exerted influence, like entertainment."

Trump also said in an NBC interview that he opposed North Carolina's ban on individuals using public bathrooms that do not correspond to their biological sex.

In 2015, Pence signed a "religious freedom" bill in Indiana that critics argued would have allowed businesses to refuse service to LGBT people on the basis of religious freedom. After facing backlash, Pence signed an amended version into law.
4. Women's Health - Abortion Rights - Planned Parenthood

In 2007, when Pence was a U.S. representative for Indiana's 6th Congressional District, he sponsored the first bill to defund Planned Parenthood...

Trump, on the other hand, has indicated that he supports Planned Parenthood. In a March news conference in Florida, he said that "millions of women have been helped by Planned Parenthood," adding that he is "a common-sense conservative."

In a March interview on MSNBC, Trump said that women should be punished for having abortions. Pence opposes abortion rights — in Indiana, Pence signed a bill earlier that month banning abortions because of a fetal abnormality. The bill sparked criticism from women who found the law invasive. But Trump's comments went too far for Pence, whose office responded with a statement that he disagrees with Trump.
5.The Trans-Pacific Partnership

In September 2014, Pence tweeted his support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the free trade agreement between the United States, Canada and 10 Asian countries. Pence tweeted that "trade means jobs, but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift adoption of the Trans Pacific Partnership."

Trump has been strongly opposed to the trade deal, a stance that has become one of his most prominent positions. In a June 28 speech on the economy, Trump called TPP "a death blow to American manufacturing."

"Not only will the TPP undermine our economy," Trump said, "but it will undermine our independence. That's what's happened. The TPP creates a new international commission that makes decisions the American people are no longer given the right to veto."

6. Trump’s ethnicity-based attacks on an Indiana-born judge as "Mexican" and a "hater"

Indiana Governor M. Pence: “Every American is entitled to a fair trial and an impartial judge, but of course I think those comments were inappropriate. I don’t think it’s ever appropriate to question the partiality of the judge based on their ethnic background.”

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I know I know, the guy everyone despises...the only guy who actually had a plan on the abortion issue...but then again, when we misplace where we think authority comes from, being despised is normal.

You forgot to mention that Ron Paul is on record as one of 3? Republicans to vote to allow homosexuals to openly serve in the military.

Of course Ron Paul is for legalizing all recreational drugs, if he weren't, he wouldn't be a 'true' Libertarian now would he doc?

BTW: Would you care to defend this bold faced lie (which you obviously copied and pasted from one of your Libertarian websites) ?

"Contrary to what many Americans seem to think, the document we now call "the Constitution" and the Declaration of Independence are not pretty much the same thing or "connected in spirit," or "two sides of the same coin." The two documents were written by two different groups of people at two different times to accomplish two totally different goals."