I Support Capital Punishment


New member
Agape4Robin said:
Ok...I get that. :thumb:

But most states in the U.S. have death penalty laws. God says he placed our government over us and we must obey the law.
Re-read my first post. Food for thought: What if the government puts into place a unrighteous law (i.e. abortion laws), would you still support it?


Freak said:

Re-read my first post. Food for thought: What if the government puts into place a unrighteous law (i.e. abortion laws), would you still support it?
I don't perform abortions, nor do I encourage them....this does not apply to me.
But if I did....then I would be protected under the law, however, if I commit a murder, the law does not support my actions and I will be punished according to the law of the state in which I committed the crime.

But the fact that I am a christian means that I am under God's dispensation of grace. It is the gift of God that I have accepted and applied to my life. The blood of Christ covers me.
But not so for everyone!


New member
Agape4Robin said:
I don't perform abortions, nor do I encourage them....this does not apply to me.

But you just said:

"God says he placed our government over us and we must obey the law."

Do you support the present abortion laws that your government has put in place? Should women have the right to kill their babies?

I'm a hardcore pro-lifer and you?

Robin, there are some laws that we must not obey for variety of reasons.

Perhaps you need to go back and revise your statement.

And before we get too off track please a take a jab at my first post and deal with the objections, please. Thanks.


Friend of Jesus
BillyBob said:
I'm not as interested in what your interpretation of the Bible is as I am in US and State Law.

Capital Punishment is currently the law of the land whether you like it or not. If you think it is wrong, consult your local Congressman.

Personally, I think Capital Punishment should be used more frequently and with little delay between sentencing and execution.

I feel ya BB, ive said many times we should bring back public hangings and such.Then i think is this what we are to become?I understand there are laws and when broken must be paid,i couldnt put myself in the postion to pull the trigger.Only time i would do harm is in the act.Thats to say i walk in on my daughter being raped,i feel i have the right to take that life to protect my daughter.I know how i feel,then i ask myself is this how God feels?I cant say yes, without uncertainy.


Freak said:
But you just said:

"God says he placed our government over us and we must obey the law."

Do you support the present abortion laws that your government has put in place? Should women have thr right to kill their babies?

Robin, there are some laws that we must not obey for variety of reasons.

Perhaps you need to go back and revise your statement.
Well, according to the law, they do. I don't have to agree with it, and I don't, but I am not going to kill abortion doctors because I disagree with it.

I don't need to revise my statement......I stand by it.


New member
Agape4Robin said:
Well, according to the law, they do. I don't have to agree with it, and I don't, but I am not going to kill abortion doctors because I disagree with it.
Who said anything about killing abortion doctors? :bang:

You said: "God says he placed our government over us and we must obey the law."

And I'm telling you there are many unrighteous or wrong laws in place that need to be either changed/or rejected (i.e. abortion, same sex unions). There are even laws against "prayer in school.' Do you obey that law because "God says he placed our government over us and we must obey the law."

I don't need to revise my statement......I stand by it.


Freak said:
Who said anything about killing abortion doctors? :bang:

You said: "God says he placed our government over us and we must obey the law."

And I'm telling you there are many unrighteous or wrong laws in place that need to be either changed/or rejected (i.e. abortion, same sex unions). There are even laws against "prayer in school.' Do you obey that law because "God says he placed our government over us and we must obey the law."


Let me see if I got this straight...... you are against the death penalty because you think it's wrong. :think:

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Freak said:
There are two covenants--the old and new.

That is incorrect--not so much an error, but an ambiguity.

The four covenants in the OT that I can think of right off are:
* The Noahic Covenant: where God promises to never again destroy all life with a flood. (Gen 9)
* The Abrahamic Covenant: where God promises Abraham that he will be the father of many nations. (Gen 12)
* The Mosaic Covenant: where God conditionally promises Canaan to the Israelites, provided they obey His laws. (Ex 19 ... the actual law follows starting in Ch. 20)
* The Davidic Covenant: where God promises David the throne. (2 Sam 7)

"But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises.
For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another."

But which covenant are you referring to? I would assume that you are referring to the Mosaic covenant, but let me get your answer so we don't have any ambiguities.



Justin (Wiccan) said:
That is incorrect--not so much an error, but an ambiguity.

The four covenants in the OT that I can think of right off are:
* The Noahic Covenant: where God promises to never again destroy all life with a flood. (Gen 9)
* The Abrahamic Covenant: where God promises Abraham that he will be the father of many nations. (Gen 12)
* The Mosaic Covenant: where God conditionally promises Canaan to the Israelites, provided they obey His laws. (Ex 19 ... the actual law follows starting in Ch. 20)
* The Davidic Covenant: where God promises David the throne. (2 Sam 7)

But which covenant are you referring to? I would assume that you are referring to the Mosaic covenant, but let me get your answer so we don't have any ambiguities.

That's it!!!!! :BRAVO:
That's what I was referring to!
Thanks Justin! :thumb:

Mr. 5020

New member
Freak said:
And I'm telling you there are many unrighteous or wrong laws in place that need to be either changed/or rejected (i.e. abortion, same sex unions). There are even laws against "prayer in school.' Do you obey that law because "God says he placed our government over us and we must obey the law."

There are no laws against "prayer in school." There are laws against teacher-led public prayer in schools, though, and there is a huge difference. If a teacher ever told a student that he could not pray in school, I hope that student makes contact with the ACLJ very quickly.


Mr. 5020 said:
There are no laws against "prayer in school." There are laws against teacher-led public prayer in schools, though, and there is a huge difference. If a teacher ever told a student that he could not pray in school, I hope that student makes contact with the ACLJ very quickly.
:freak: Booyah!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Freak said:
Why didn't Jesus? I thought you believed Jesus was for putting criminals to death? Did not God (Jesus) consider adultery a capital crime? Why didn't He put her to death?
Try to pay attention, this time... please.

1] It was against the law of the land for citizens [of which Jesus was one] to put anyone to death for any reason. The Roman government did not allow it. And the Mosaic law didn;t even allow it. It was always up to the government to execute those guilty of capital crimes. And the Roman law did not consider adultery to be a capital crime, if it considered it to be a crime at all.
2] The Mosaic law stipulated that both parties caught in adultery were to be brought, together, to be executed, anyway. They only brought the woman. They were breaking the Mosaic law, themselves. Which is most likely what Jesus pointed out in His writing on the ground. So, if Jesus had said she should be executed, then He would have been breaking both the Mosaic, and Roman laws. He broke neither.

So that makes it right? Did not God (Jesus) consider murder a capital crime? Why didn't He put him to death?
1] It was not legally considered murder! Get that through your thick head! The Christians were charged with blasphemy, and found guilty, so they were put to death.
2] Jesus confronted Saul and Saul repented! He stopped putting Christians to death! He was cleared, by God, because He repented! And since he had only killed legally, the government had no reaon to put him to death for what he did.

Exactly my point.
No it isn't. The point of what Paul wrote was that these people would not suffer eternal seperation from God, because they had been made clean of their sins, by Him. It says nothing about whether or not they should suffer the civil penalties, if there were civil penalties. If a man murders someone, then gets saved, he will not go to hell for his murder, but he should still suffer the civil penalty of death. Of course, in America this isn't very likely. So, instead, we get overpopulated prisons and murderers, rapists and child molesters getting out of prison, only to murder, rape and molest again. And recidivism rates are up. If the law did the job it should do, then recidivism wouldn't be an issue.

Good job!!
I shouldn't be surprised that you can't see how blind you are.

That didn't answer my question.

The Christians in Corinth (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-11) who were formerly "sexually immoral," "idolaters," "adulterers," "male prostitutes," and "homosexual offenders"--all of which were capital offences in the Old Testament, were not called upon the apostle Paul to report to the governing authorities to be put to death. Why didn't Paul, whom you believed, supported the death penalty, call these offenders to the death penalty.
Yes it did. Are you really that stupid? Greek law did not stipulate that these offences were capital offences. In fact, they weren't even considered offences by the Greek authorities. So who would Paul have reported them to? And when did Paul every say he didn't think the law should put such people to death, for their offences. The least you can argue is that those who turn from their ways should be free of capital punishment, but a real man would take his punishment, even moreso if he has come to Christ, because he would understand his guilt even more clearly.


The least you can argue is that those who turn from their ways should be free of capital punishment, but a real man would take his punishment, even moreso if he has come to Christ, because he would understand his guilt even more clearly.
Even "Son of Sam" David Berkowitz and Jeffrey Dahmer acknowledged that!

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Freak said:
:BRAVO: You got it!!

Oh, you like the thought of teacher-led prayers in school? Shall I start the students with prayers to the Great Goddess, or shall we simply call the Quarters and be done with it?



New member
Justin (Wiccan) said:
But which covenant are you referring to? I would assume that you are referring to the Mosaic covenant, but let me get your answer so we don't have any ambiguities.

Jesus mentioned a "Old Covenant" and a "New Covenant." The Old Covenant would include all the following: The Noahic Covenant, the Abrahamic Covenan, the Mosaic Covenant, and the Davidic Covenant.


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
How in the world are you twisting that around to make yourself seem right?
first you stated:

"There are no laws against "prayer in school."

In response to me saying there was.

Then you acknowledged:

"There are laws against teacher-led public prayer in schools,"


Mr. 5020

New member
Freak said:
first you stated:

"There are no laws against "prayer in school."

In response to me saying there was.

Then you acknowledged:

"There are laws against teacher-led public prayer in schools,"

Perhaps I made the mistake of assuming that your skull contained brain cells within itself. Let me clarify:

There are no laws stating that one cannot pray in school. There are only laws stating that teachers cannot lead public prayers.

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Freak said:
Jesus mentioned a "Old Covenant" and a "New Covenant." The Old Covenant would include all the following: The Noahic Covenant, the Abrahamic Covenan, the Mosaic Covenant, and the Davidic Covenant.

Heb 8:7-9
7For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.
8For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:
9Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.

So let me get this straight ... since the New Covenant replaced the Old, can we assume ....
* that God's promise to not destroy the earth by flood is no longer valid?
* That Abraham's descendants are no longer blessed?
* That the Law is no longer in effect?
* That the line of David are no longer kings?
