I Support Capital Punishment


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Mr. 5020 said:
As mentioned earlier, there would be severe consequences to letting teachers lead prayers. Not all (most) public school teachers are Christians.
The facts are what they are. Teachers are not allowed to lead prayers or read the Scriptures in public. No wonder the problems in the schools. So many unrighteous laws.
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Agape4Robin said:
You you are an anarchist? :think:
Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God.For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

Were they?


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
Even "Son of Sam" David Berkowitz and Jeffrey Dahmer acknowledged that!
If I recall correctly they both professed Christ, after entering prison. Of course, Dahmer was murdered in prison, and David's still sitting on death row, is he not?

Did you know that if execution was mandatorily swift, Manson would be dead? Apparently, after a few years on death row, capital punishment was doen away with in CA, and so his sentence was overturned, and now he just has life in prison.:doh:

Justin (Wiccan)

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Freak said:
The New Covenant replaced the laws of the Old Covenant, as seen in Hebrews 7-10, so those promises you mentioned would not apply as they are not OT laws. For example: the sabbath was a OT law required of the people of God. In Hebrews 4 we read of Jesus being the sabbath rest not a literal day. The New replaced the Old.

That is not what your scriptures state.

Heb 8:13
In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

It is not the Law that is replaced, but the Covenant as a whole. When Jesus spoke of an "Old Covenant," he was speaking specifically of the Mosaic Covenant--the only one of the four covenants that was conditional. The entire covenant is passed away: not merely the Law, but all of it.

Freak, your beliefs--as stated here and in other threads--are a mish-mash of the traditions of men, not of the Scriptures that you claim to follow. However, I am at this point persuaded that your mind is made up, and that no available information will convince you to give up your opinions for what the Bible actually says. Therefore, I wish you well, and bid you farewell.



The Dark Knight
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But th
Freak said:
Where is your fidelity to the truth? It is you that is claiming the death penalty should be enforced when God's laws are broken. Should they not have at least submitted to the authorties and admitted their guilt and asked for the death penalty?
What good would it do them if the authorities would not execute them?

Better re-read what I actually posted. You're referring to the woman in John 8. I wasn't and you had the nerve to say to me:
Then what are you referring to?

Try to pay attention next time before I simply place you on ignore.
Go ahead. If you can't follow along, and answer me, then run away. Makes no difference to me.

What Christians were charged with blasphemy?
The ones Saul was executing.:duh:

But, I thought you said Jesus was pro-death penalty. Why didn't Jesus call Paul to the death penalty as Jesus would have expected Paul to die for his capital crimes. So what if the government endorsed his killing, should not have Jesus called Paul to willingly submit to the death penalty as he was guilty of a capital crime?
Was he guilty of a capital crime? No! He was following the law, as far as he knew. Since he beleived that he was following the law, why call him to submit to the death penalty? Not to mention the Jews would not have put him to death for it, because they did not consider him guilty of a capital offence. And the Roman authorites apparently didn't either. And my guess is that neither did any other governing authorities.

But I thought, at least in your mind, God's law did? Should not have the people of God submitted to God's law in regards to this? Or no? So, if a nation doesn't embrace God's laws one can be free to break the laws of God?
And who was supposed to put them to death? No government was following God's law, anywhere near these people. Just like the US doesn't execute child molesters. And unless it is in immediate defense of someone a citizen has no authority, from God or the government, to kill one. So no one is executing child molesters. But the government should.

Where is your fidelity to the truth? It is you that is claiming the death penalty should be enforced when God's laws are broken. Should they not have at least submitted to the authorties and admitted their guilt and asked for the death penalty?
Maybe they should have. But that doesn't mean the authorities would have done it.


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Justin (Wiccan) said:
That is not what your scriptures state.
It is not the Law that is replaced,

In fact, believers are NOT even under the supervison of the law. Read the Book of Galatians as Paul was quite clear.

but the Covenant as a whole.

But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises.

When Jesus spoke of an "Old Covenant," he was speaking specifically of the Mosaic Covenant--the only one of the four covenants that was conditional. The entire covenant is passed away: not merely the Law, but all of it.
No, re-read Hebrews 8:6:

But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises.

The New is simply superior to the Old. We haven't abolished the Old's history or principles or narratives. The New has replaced the Old's laws as evident in Hebrews 4, for example (i.e. sabbath keeping).

Therefore, I wish you well, and bid you farewell.

Trust me I'm well as I have eternal life through Jesus.


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lighthouse said:
But th
What good would it do them if the authorities would not execute them?
Again, where is the fidelity to the truth? Isn't God's Laws valid regardless if the government sees them as valid? No?

Then what are you referring to?
John 4. An apology would have been nice.

Was he guilty of a capital crime?
In the eyes of Jesus was he?

Since he beleived that he was following the law, why call him to submit to the death penalty?
Do you not believe that the triune God calls all those who have committed capital crimes to face the death penalty? Yes or no?

Not to mention the Jews would not have put him to death for it, because they did not consider him guilty of a capital offence. And the Roman authorites apparently didn't either. And my guess is that neither did any other governing authorities.
Again, fidelity to the truth...should not have Jesus, based on the Father's laws, called him to the death penalty because of his past capital crimes?

Maybe they should have. But that doesn't mean the authorities would have done it.
Ah! The reason they didn't was because redemption is more important then putting people to death.


New member
The point is very clear--God did not require any of these individuals to the death penalty:

Let’s look at how Jesus and New Covenant believers dealt with those guilty of capital crimes:

•The Samaritan Woman in John 4 was guilty of adultery and yet Jesus restored her and did not call for her to report to the governing authorities to be put to death.
•The Apostle Paul was a murderer and yet when Jesus encountered him He did not command Paul to report to the governing authorities to be put to death.
•The Christians in Corinth (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-11) who were formerly "sexually immoral," "idolaters," "adulterers," "male prostitutes," and "homosexual offenders"--all of which were capital offences in the Old Testament, were not called upon the apostle Paul to report to the governing authorities to be put to death.


The death penalty had been done away with the establishment of the New Covenant. It doesn't matter if their present governments endorsed the death penalty or not, for the fidelity to the truth would have been paramount--and if they were required to submit to the death penalty God would have asked them to submit to it and to call the authorities to take upon action. But God did not require these individuals to the death penalty or to even the governing authorities for the sake of the truth. Reason? The death penalty wasn't the solution!!!


New member
Goodnight Everyone!!

I think I'll move on from this topic as no one has been able to offer any solid biblical objections to the issues I have raised. Oh well, maybe next time...


Freak said:
Goodnight Everyone!!

I think I'll move on from this topic as no one has been able to offer any solid biblical objections to the issues I have raised. Oh well, maybe next time...
sleep tight! :grave:


Has anyone brought up Paul's remarks in Acts 25:10-11? Sounds like he was for the death penalty if he had done anything worthy of it, which he had not.


The Dark Knight
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Freak said:
Again, where is the fidelity to the truth? Isn't God's Laws valid regardless if the government sees them as valid? No?
What should they have done? Should they have killed themselves?

John 4. An apology would have been nice.
So explain what this has to do wiht anything. The governing authorities where she was from did not execute people for adultery. What was she supposed to do? Jesus did not have the civil authority to execute her.

In the eyes of Jesus was he?
No. Because he believed he was followng God's law.

Do you not believe that the triune God calls all those who have committed capital crimes to face the death penalty? Yes or no?
Yes, I do.

Again, fidelity to the truth...should not have Jesus, based on the Father's laws, called him to the death penalty because of his past capital crimes?
What capital crimes?

Ah! The reason they didn't was because redemption is more important then putting people to death.
Ummm... no. The authorites were not followers of God.

You are one of the most idiotic people I have ever had the displeasure of coming across. You can't understand the difference between what the government does, and what it should do.:bang:

Nathon Detroit

lighthouse said:
You can go ahead and ban him again. I'm done with his ignorance.
You gotta pay your dues somehow! :D Battle him for a couple more years and then tell me to ban him.