I Support Capital Punishment


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
You gotta pay your dues somehow! :D Battle him for a couple more years and then tell me to ban him.
I'll just start quoting Bob, and let Freak get himself banned.:eek:

Nathon Detroit

lighthouse said:
I'll just start quoting Bob, and let Freak get himself banned.:eek:
Come on dude... you gotta earn your stripes! Us old vets have been down this dark and dusty road a million times. You can't give up yet, your not even out of the driveway!


Knight said:
Come on dude... you gotta earn your stripes! Us old vets have been down this dark and dusty road a million times. You can't give up yet, your not even out of the driveway!

...and it's a short driveway!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Come on dude... you gotta earn your stripes! Us old vets have been down this dark and dusty road a million times. You can't give up yet, your not even out of the driveway!
What, just because I realized the futility af orguing agianst someone who denies what's in fron of his face, quicker than you did?

You hate me because I'm smarter than you?



lighthouse said:
What, just because I realized the futility af orguing agianst someone who denies what's in fron of his face, quicker than you did?

You hate me because I'm smarter than you?


It doesn't take anyone long to realize the futility of arguing with Freak. It's kind of a sport, that's why we keep doing it. It's good for grins, too. :D


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
wholearmor said:
It doesn't take anyone long to realize the futility of arguing with Freak. It's kind of a sport, that's why we keep doing it. It's good for grins, too. :D
I'm too much like Sozo to put up with it.;)

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Abortion, Terri Shiavo, euthanasia, etc.
Lie-berals always seek to kill the innocent and the defenseless.
Capital punishment of a convicted criminal? Why, that's IMMORAL!


Freak said:
The death penalty had been done away with the establishment of the New Covenant. It doesn't matter if their present governments endorsed the death penalty or not, for the fidelity to the truth would have been paramount--and if they were required to submit to the death penalty God would have asked them to submit to it and to call the authorities to take upon action. But God did not require these individuals to the death penalty or to even the governing authorities for the sake of the truth. Reason? The death penalty wasn't the solution!!!

If God has a problem with the death penalty, don't you think He has the power to change the hearts of legislators and force them to abolish it? Or is God not powerful enough to do that?

Like I said earlier in a post that you completely ignored [no surprise there], I have no problem punishing criminals and executing murderers. I will happily relinquish my position the day that God decides to eliminate crime. Until then, it is within the power and obligation of the government to punish criminals and that includes executing the worst of them. Not only do I support execution for murder, but I also think it should be used in every case of child molestation.

Hey Michael Jackson.....:dead:
Last edited:


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
BillyBob said:
If God has a problem with the death penalty, don't you think He has the power to change the hearts of legislators and force them to abolish it? Or is God not powerful enough to do that?

Like I said earlier in a post that you completely ignored [no surprise there], I have no problem punishing criminals and executing murderers. I will happily relinquish my position the day the God decides to eliminate crime. Until then, it is within the power and obligation of the government to punish criminals and that includes executing the worst of them. Not only do I support execution for murder, but I also think it should be used in every case of child molestation.

Hey Michael Jackson.....:dead:
Where is Mike. Oh yeah, he's over here in the incinerator!

the Sibbie

New member
Freak said:
Use the authority "to bring punishment on the wrongdoer" (v. 4). Not difficult, Sibbie.
What I meant is that doesn't give specifics on what the punishment should be. Without considering God's justice system, goverments are free to use any punishment they wish, whether it is just or not.

The Roman soldiers were given the "authority" (the sword is the symbolism used) by the Roman government to use force, including the use of the sword, in order to exert the Roman government's authority over those that lived within the control of Rome.

As I stated earlier, the Roman soldier was the equivalent of the modern day law enforcement officer. They did not make judgements concerning the activation of the death penalty. The officers in our day, do not make judgements about death penalities either. They simply serve and protect, to maintain order
Perhaps the soldiers as individuals didn't carry the sword for executing, but I'm pretty sure the Roman goverment as a whole did have the death penalty. Yet, they didn't necessarily use it in a just manner in every case.

Let's for the sake of argument, say the "sword' isn't symbolic. In the time that the book of Romans was written the sword was carried by the Roman soldiers. The Roman soldier was charged with protecting the citizens of Rome not to carry out a death penalties on the streets with "swords."
So they didn't necessarily execute people with swords (in certain cases they may have, though), but they used crucifixion (in which the sword was also used to verify death.)

God does gives us guidance. Much could be said on this. In the Scriptures, for example, stealing is considered a evil.
Yes and the punishment for stealing is clearly laid out in Exodus.
Exodus 22:4 - If the theft is certainly found alive in his hand, whether it is an ox or donkey or sheep, he shall restore double.

Exodus 22:7 - "If a man delivers to his neighbor money or articles to keep, and it is stolen out of the man's house, if the thief is found, he shall pay double.

Since this is included in the laws of the Old Covenant, do you think this type of punishment is obsolete for our dispensation today?

Let’s look at how Jesus and New Covenant believers dealt with those guilty of capital crimes:

•The Samaritan Woman in John 4 was guilty of adultery and yet Jesus restored her and did not call for her to report to the governing authorities to be put to death.
Are you talking about the Samaritan woman who was a fornicator or the adulteress in John 8?
•The Apostle Paul was a murderer and yet when Jesus encountered him He did not command Paul to report to the governing authorities to be put to death.
•The Christians in Corinth (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-11) who were formerly "sexually immoral," "idolaters," "adulterers," "male prostitutes," and "homosexual offenders"--all of which were capital offences in the Old Testament, were not called upon the apostle Paul to report to the governing authorities to be put to death.
So why do you advocate that murderers be thrown in prison when Paul wasn't imprisioned?

Sibbie, please tell me-- were the believers in 1st Century Corinth unjust by not calling those who were guilty of capital crimes to the death penalty??
Are you asking:
  • Were they unjust for not executing those criminals?
  • Were they unjust for not turning the criminals over to the goverment?
  • Were they unjust for not petitioning to the government to make a law declaring the death penalty for capital crimes?


Friend of Jesus
It seems yall are missing the point.Answer this, Are we given the authority to take life as we see fit?


Blessed beyond measure
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Jabez said:
It seems yall are missing the point.Answer this, Are we given the authority to take life as we see fit?

Which "ya'll" is missing the point?


Jabez said:
It seems yall are missing the point.Answer this, Are we given the authority to take life as we see fit?
Answer me this....what punishment is fitting for those who take a life in murder or acts of violence such as rape or child molestation?
If the victims are to recieve justice? What form should it take?


Friend of Jesus
First the question that needs to be answered is. Are we given authority to take life as we see fit?