I Support Capital Punishment


Formerly Shimei!
Freak said:
The New Covenant calls all of mankind to be just. So, the governments of the world need to be just in doling out punishment.

As I mentioned before, the term “sword” refers to police powers or to those who enforce taxation; it could be a designation for the civil guards or a symbol of judicial authority.The authorization of the death penalty today rests upon a biblical word whose meaning is in dispute among believers world-wide. The first thing to notice, Sibbie, here is that the death penalty is not explicitly mentioned in the 13th chapter.

Then why didn't Jesus Christ call for the the Samaritan Woman, in John 4, whom was guilty of adultery, to face the authorities? Jesus restored her and did not call for her to report to the governing authorities to be put to death. Do you know why?

It appears you haven't read carefully any of my posts. I stated quite clearly that the New Covenant clearly calls the moral sins of the Old, sins in the New. For example: you brought up stealing. Stealing is considered a sin in the New Covenant.

He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.

Anger, for example, was considered a sin in the Old and the New.

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.

The punishment is dfferent however under the New Covenant. For example-we do not ask for those who break the sabbath to submit to a death penalty.

No, re-read my first post. :dizzy:

I advocate a biblical approach--"He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer." I believe punishment should be in order for those whom are "wrongdoers."

You believe the Old Covenant's laws, in regards, to the death penalty, is valid for today. Then why didn't the apostle Paul, tell the "sexually immoral," "idolaters," "adulterers," "male prostitutes," and "homosexual offenders"--all of which were capital offences in the Old Testament, to petition the government to make a law declaring the death penalty for capital crimes or least be righteous and to be willing to submit to the death penalty. Does fidelity to the truth mean anything to you?

Freak, seriously, where do you get your Bible teaching? Are you learning this stuff in church, or are you just coming up with these teachings on your own?

And the question about the apostle Paul, are you seriously bringing up that argument again? What has Turbo and several others on this board said time and time again? Can you repeat it back to us? I am just wondering if you have any grasp of what has been posted before, even if you disagree with it.

Now please post something about the new covenant and please avoid answering any of my questions. Thanks!


I'm willing to bet that the ones who are against the death penalty have not been a victim of any of the heinous crimes we talked about here. :rolleyes:
Capital punishment is not about vengence........it's about justice! :thumb:


New member
Agape4Robin said:
I'm willing to bet that the ones who are against the death penalty have not been a victim of any of the heinous crimes we talked about here.
Yes, I have.

Capital punishment is not about vengence........it's about justice!
I believe there is a better way to justice then the death penalty--redemptive justice that leads to life. Simple! :thumb:


New member
Shimei said:
Freak, seriously, where do you get your Bible teaching?
From the Scriptures. Rightly dividing the Word of God. Understanding the Old & New Covenants and their relationship with one another. Something you have yet to do.


Well-known member
Freak said:
:noway: From the Scriptures. Rightly dividing the Word of God. Understanding the Old & New Covenants and their relationship with one another. Something you have yet to do.

Um, you have yet to understand the Old and New Covenants buddy. I would even venture to say 90% of churches and christians today are in your same boat.


How do you know when you are winning an argument against Freak?

When he consistently avoids responding to your posts!



Formerly Shimei!
Freak said:
:noway: From the Scriptures. Rightly dividing the Word of God. Understanding the Old & New Covenants and their relationship with one another. Something you have yet to do.

Good cut and paste. Now how about responding to my post and just not one select sentence....

Rightly dividing the Word? Wow, if only you knew about that Freak.


Well-known member
You know Freak, God forbid this ever happening, but if your wife and unborn were killed by an invader to your home and they caught the guy who did it, if you didn't demand the death penalty cause maybe you hope in one day he will become saved is one of the most sickening things I could imagine for your life.


Friend of Jesus
drbrumley said:
You know Freak, God forbid this ever happening, but if your wife and unborn were killed by an invader to your home and they caught the guy who did it, if you didn't demand the death penalty cause maybe you hope in one day he will become saved is one of the most sickening things I could imagine for your life.
It takes a big humble man not to demand the death penalty,Its way too easy to go for the death penalty.I have killed people in war time have you BB?Didnt think so cause if you did you wouldnt want those nightmares,beleive you me.


New member
Jabez said:
It takes a big humble man not to demand the death penalty,Its way too easy to go for the death penalty.I have killed people in war time have you BB?Didnt think so cause if you did you wouldnt want those nightmares,beleive you me.
It's easy for all these people to talk about putting people to death but if it came down to it they would be the first ones running out the doors. I'd rather deal with sinners/criminals the way Jesus and Paul did--the way of redemptive justice. I'd rather leave the issues of life and death to Holy God.


Well-known member
Jabez said:
It takes a big humble man not to demand the death penalty,Its way too easy to go for the death penalty.I have killed people in war time have you BB?Didnt think so cause if you did you wouldnt want those nightmares,beleive you me.

It's to easy? Your kidding me right? Life and death is a serious matter. Freak says no death penalty. The reprocussions of his suggestion is a society who has NO VALUE of human life. Freak is the one who advocates a lawless society by putting them in prision. I wonder how many times a murderer has been caught and and has NO FEAR of anything cause all the government will do is put them in prison for the rest of thier lives.


Well-known member
Freak said:
It's easy for all these people to talk about putting people to death but if it came down to it they would be the first ones running out the doors. I'd rather deal with sinners/criminals the way Jesus and Paul did--the way of redemptive justice. I'd rather leave the issues of life and death to Holy God.

You are so misguided Freak, it is sad to witness.


Formerly Shimei!
drbrumley said:
It's to easy? Your kidding me right? Life and death is a serious matter. Freak says no death penalty. The reprocussions of his suggestion is a society who has NO VALUE of human life. Freak is the one who advocates a lawless society by putting them in prision. I wonder how many times a murderer has been caught and and has NO FEAR of anything cause all the government will do is put them in prison for the rest of thier lives.

The Bible says we should put men in prison. Remember that one verse? Uhh.....


Friend of Jesus
drbrumley said:
It's to easy? Your kidding me right? Life and death is a serious matter. Freak says no death penalty. The reprocussions of his suggestion is a society who has NO VALUE of human life. Freak is the one who advocates a lawless society by putting them in prision. I wonder how many times a murderer has been caught and and has NO FEAR of anything cause all the government will do is put them in prison for the rest of thier lives.

I dont see what your saying and ive read the whole thread..


Freak said:
Yes, I have.

I believe there is a better way to justice then the death penalty--redemptive justice that leads to life. Simple! :thumb:
And so what if your not so friendly neighborhood murderer doesn't give one crap about redemptive forgiveness?
You're self rightgeous blathering is misguided!


Well-known member
I mis spoke when I said the state puts murderers in prison for the rest of thier lives. I meant they can get out in 20 years on good behaviour


Friend of Jesus
drbrumley said:
Of course not.

Looks like we cant get any further with this and thats ok.Weve stated our positions neither is swayed.I can say i see your point of veiw.


Well-known member
Jabez said:
Looks like we cant get any further with this and thats ok.Weve stated our positions neither is swayed.I can say i see your point of veiw.

Ok, so there is something that has molded your opinion. And something has molded mine. What is it Jabez that molds your opinion? I dont advocate killing just to kill. Thats wrong and God condemns such. But WHERE if you can point it out to me where God indeed says let murderers receive life in prison?